(Confirmed to be working with Wine on linux until I can get native support working) Source code is split up into TACZ and VPB repositories TACZ: https://github.com/Corrinedev/ContentToolsTACZsrc VPB: https://github.com/Corrinedev/ContentToolsVPBsrc
Content tools is an tool for TacZ and VPB content pack creators to automate some of the more tedious tasks of content pack creation and to eliminate human error
Currently it automates
- Folders (VPB AND TACZ)
- Sub-Folders (VPB AND TACZ)
- Gun index and display files (TACZ)
- Example en_us lang and pack.json files (VPB AND TACZ)
- Example gun data files (VPB AND TACZ)
- Example data templates (VPB)
- Gun sound Folders (TACZ)
Planned in the future is the ability to automate data files, with a GUI to choose damage, rpm, bolt or semi auto, allowed attachments, etc (Donations are accepted at PayPal, [email protected], just mention that its a donation, thanks a ton if you do!) (The source code is not up to date because I didn't bother connecting it to intellij)