The pure shell script (sh) that implements the Tetris game following the Tetris Guideline (2009).
The aim is to understand more about shell script and Tetris algorithms.
Tetris Guideline. Tetris Wiki. accessed at 2020-05-23.
This script is based on dkorolev/bash-tetris.
Thank you!
I've implemented the following
- Hold Queue
- Next Queue
- Random Generation with Bag System
- Score System
- Variable Goal System
- T-Spin / Mini T-Spin
- Back-to-Back Bonus
- Extended Placement / Infinite Placement / Classic Lock Down
- Super / Classic Rotation System
- Changing the Starting Level
- Ghost Piece
# Download (v3.0.0)
chmod +x shtris
Show Help
$ ./shtris -h
Usage: shtris [options]
-d, --debug debug mode
-l, --level <LEVEL> game level (default=1). range from 1 to 15
--rotation <MODE> use 'Super' or 'Classic' rotation system
MODE can be 'super'(default) or 'classic'
--lockdown <RULE> Three rulesets —Infinite Placement, Extended, and Classic—
dictate the conditions for Lock Down.
RULE can be 'extended'(default), 'infinite', 'classic'
--seed <SEED> random seed to determine the order of Tetriminos.
range from 1 to 4294967295.
--no-color don't display colors
--no-beep disable beep
--hide-help don't show help on start
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --version output version infromation and exit
Enjoy :-)
Environment | Support |
Linux sh | o |
FreeBSD sh | o |
BusyBox sh | o |
Solaris sh | o (Almost works) |
IOE <Github: @ContentsViewer>