Adds support for Spec2's schema
and select
to Spec1.
compute/spec1-select {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}
Looking for schema/select rationale? Go here.
This library simply exists as a stopgap until Spec2 is released.
Now that we know the approach Spec2 is taking with required and optional keys, it feels so wrong to declare required keys up front with Spec1's s/keys
An alternative approach is to declare all of your Spec's using only :opt
and :opt-un
This sort of works.
Often functions require nested keys to be required in order to run correctly.
With Spec1, there is no way to make these keys explicitly required when they are nested.
This will make generative tests fail due to the missing keys.
You could write custom generators to generate the required keys each function needs, regardless of nesting.
This feels quite tedious, and we can do better.
Additionally, when transacting to a database, we often need to ensure a particular arbitrarily nested set of keys are required.
If you followed the :opt
method, the only way to do this would be to write custom predicates to check for these arbitrarily nested keys.
This works but does not give great error messages. Again, we can do better.
Most of the code is copied directly from Spec2.
We'll copy the example code written in Spec2's wiki. Note the alias ssel
for compute.spec1-select
All of these examples are available in the env/example.clj
(require '[compute.spec1-select :as ssel])
(s/def ::street string?)
(s/def ::city string?)
(s/def ::state string?) ;; simplified
(s/def ::zip int?) ;; simplified
(s/def ::addr (ssel/schema [::street ::city ::state ::zip]))
(s/def ::id int?)
(s/def ::first string?)
(s/def ::last string?)
(s/def ::user (ssel/schema [::id ::first ::last ::addr]))
(s/def ::company string?)
(s/def ::suite string?)
(s/def ::company-addr (ssel/union ::addr [::company ::suite]))
(gen/sample (s/gen ::user) 5)
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip -1, :city "A"}, :last "", :first ""}
#:example{:addr #:example{:city "Br", :street ""}}
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip 0, :street "p"}, :first "56", :id -1}
Not supported yet... Might be easy to add?
(s/def ::movie-times-user (ssel/select ::user [::id ::addr {::addr [::zip]}]))
(gen/sample (s/gen ::movie-times-user) 5)
(#:example{:addr #:example{:zip -1, :state "", :city ""}, :first "", :id -1}
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip -1, :state "", :city "L", :street "f"}, :last "", :first "", :id 0}
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip 1}, :id 0}
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip -1, :state "cO3", :city "", :street "5"}, :last "", :first "Y", :id 0}
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip 0, :city "lC9", :street "i"}, :id 0})
(s/def ::place-order
(ssel/select ::user [::first ::last ::addr
{::addr [::street ::city ::state ::zip]}]))
(s/explain ::place-order {::first "Alex" ::last "Miller" ::addr {::state "IL"}})
#:example{:state "IL"} - failed: (contains? % :user/street) in: [:user/addr] at: [:user/addr] spec: :user/addr
#:example{:state "IL"} - failed: (contains? % :user/city) in: [:user/addr] at: [:user/addr] spec: :user/addr
#:example{:state "IL"} - failed: (contains? % :user/zip) in: [:user/addr] at: [:user/addr] spec: :user/addr
(gen/sample (s/gen ::place-order) 3)
(#:example{:addr #:example{:zip 0, :state "", :city "", :street ""}, :last "", :first ""}
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip -1, :state "e", :city "", :street ""}, :last "", :first "Z", :id -1}
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip -1, :state "R", :city "8", :street "G8"}, :last "X", :first "", :id 0})
(gen/sample (s/gen (ssel/select ::user ['*])) 3)
(#:example{:addr #:example{:zip 0, :state "", :city "", :street ""}, :last "", :first "", :id 0}
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip 0, :state "", :street "2"}, :last "", :first "0", :id -1}
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip -2}, :last "Qm", :first "", :id -2})
(gen/sample (s/gen (ssel/select ::user ['* {::addr ['*]}])) 3)
(#:example{:addr #:example{:zip 0, :state "", :city "", :street ""}, :last "", :first "", :id 0}
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip 0, :state "S", :city "", :street "i"}, :last "", :first "5", :id -1}
#:example{:addr #:example{:zip 1, :state "ni", :city "1l", :street ""}, :last "C4", :first "fT", :id 1})
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 2.0 or (at your option) any later version.