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Reading Schedule! PFPL

Leo Zovic edited this page Oct 2, 2015 · 8 revisions

We're starting Robert Harper's Practical Foundations for Programming Languages.

Useful things can be found here.

We'll meet every Friday night at Bento Miso at 6:30pm unless otherwise specified. Come and join us!

If you can't attend in person but would like to read along, we have a Slack channel where we can discuss solutions to problems without spoiling them for future readers, and a google group where you can ask help from a wider audience. Our Slack is quite lively, so that's a great place to ask questions, achieve confusion, and help other readers.

September 25th
The introduction of work
Sections 4.3 and 4.4. Do sections 2 and 3 from hw00.pdf (via the slack channel). Also, do any two homework problems from the CMU grad course. Also, try to understand the statement of the two homework problems in ch 4.

September 18th
Sections 4.1 and 4.2. There's a lot of notation here -- let's all work together in the Slack channel to try to understand all the symbols before the meeting, so we can talk about semantics instead of syntax. :)

September 11th
Introductions, logistics, scheduling, motivation, &c.
Section 1.1. The idea here is that programs (code) are really tree-shaped; in the next section we'll develop techniques to reason about tree-shaped objects. Don't worry if you don't understand everything yet!

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