This wrapper script was written to formalize/standardize the NICD antibody NGS data processing pipeline
This script depends on:
python3.6 or later (
python libraries:
docopt (conda install docopt)
pandas (conda install pandas)
vsearch (
SONAR scripts for annotating nAb lineages (available from xxx)
This script requires a strict naming format:
STUDYPID_visit_wpi_chain_primername using
"_" as a delimeter
do not include "-" in your file name.
These will be converted to "_" and may cause the sctipts to break
eg: CAP255_4180_080wpi_heavy_C5
Where study = CAP
PID = 255 (Zero padded to three digits - ie: 008 not 8)
visit = 4180
wpi = 080wpi (Zero padded to three digits - ie: 080wpi not 80wpi)
chain = heavy
primername = C5
Sample names must match the names in the settings file exactly, for the first 5 fields (by "_" separation)
ie: CAP255_4180_080wpi_heavy_C5_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq
The settings file file must contain these headings: (A template for the settings file is available in this repo)
If you have two mAb sequences that you want to run a sample against on Sonar P2, include an entry for each mAb, as shown in the settings template
create a project folder (usually named after the participant: CAP255 or CAP008... etc.)
inside this folder, create a folder called 0_new_data
- copy your .zip archive containing the Illumina paired end files into this folder
- also accepts .gz compressed files or .fastq files, but these will just be gzip'd, so rather keep them as .gz files
- prepare your settings.csv file, indicating which steps to run on which samples
- if running additional samples, set previous samples to '0' in the three run_step columns
- copy your .zip archive containing the Illumina paired end files into this folder
create a fasta file with your with all the mAb sequencse you will need for sonar P2
NOTE: the names of the sequences must contain fields:
* PID (CAP008), * Primer_name (2 character code for primer), * chain (either 'heavy', 'lambda' or 'kappa', * and either * 'cdr3' or * 'fullmab'
>CAP255_C5_heavy_fullmab AGTGAGTGAGAGTGAGTGAG... >CAP255_C5_heavy_cdr3 AGTGAGTGAG >CAP255_G3_heavy_fullmab AGTGAGTGAGAGTGAGTGAG... >CAP255_G3_heavy_cdr3 AGTGAGTGAG >CAP255_C5_lambda_fullmab AGTGAGTGAGAGTGAGTGAG... >CAP255_C5_lambda_cdr3 AGTGAGTGAG >CAP255_G3_lambda_fullmab AGTGAGTGAGAGTGAGTGAG... >CAP255_G3_lambda_cdr3 AGTGAGTGAG
* use `screen` as the run times will be long and you don't want to crash your run when you log out
If you need to install screen (it should be on linux by default)
`sudo apt install screen` or sudo yum install screen
`screen -S <job_name>`
where <job_name> is something that identifies you and the run
eg: colin_CAP255
This will start the screen session
Now run:
`python3.6 /path/to/script/ -p <project_path> -s <settings_file> -f <fasta_file>`
This will start the pipeline.
To disconnect from the session (means you can switch your PC off and go home and the pipline will continue running)
type: `Ctrl A` and then `d` to detach from the session
To get a list of screen jobs
screen ls
To re-attach to the screen session
screen -r <screen_session_name>
- check the log file in the project folder to see details of the processes that were run
- check your output files
- do your analysis
- makes the required folders
- moves all fastq.gz files to the target folders
- removes existing output if it is present (merged fastq, fasta and dereplicated fasta files)
- runs gzip on all fastq files if they are not already gzip'd to save space
- runs PEAR an all raw files to merge forward and reverse reads, with quality and length filters
- converts all merged files from fastq to fasta
- removes unmerged files to save space
- runs gzip on all merged files to save space
- dereplicates all merged.fasta files
- Checks if sonar P1 output folders exits and removes them if present
- runs sonar P1 on all dereplicated files from step 1
- checks if output files are present in sonar P2 target directory, removes them if found
- copies sonar P1 output to the sonar P2 target folders
- runs sonar P2 an all sonar P1 folders
- once using the full known Ab sequence
- once using the cdr3 region only