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An educational museum to learn about our global climate problem.

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Exploring Climate Change Solutions in Unity

An Interactive Museum for the En-ROADS Simulator

This project provides an interactive museum and an adapting virtual environment to learn about the En-ROADS Simulator. The different topics featured in the simulator can be explored in different rooms, where the information is presented in terms of interactive panels. The simulator in terms of a browser window is integrated into the panels. In one simulator, adjusting the sliders results in changes of the environment surrounding the museum (sea, lake, city, trees, ...).

In order to work with the code, you need the embedded browser provided by zenfulcrum project. At the moment, the projects relies on this Unity plugin to integrate the En-ROADS simulator into the scene. To request the temperature values used for the environmental changes, a REST-API is used as an electron-app. To work with the code, you need the built electron-app in the Unity project folder Assets/StreamingAssets. Both projects were developed on Windows systems.

Available Versions and Demo Videos

There are two desktop versions available for Windows (unfortunately not for MacOS, but it should be possible to run both versions under Windows simulations like Wine):

  • the large Climate Museum with a whole museum to learn about the En-ROADS Simulator sliders, the Simulator itself and a virtual environment which adapts to your changes in the Simulator.

    Have a look at short demo videos about the museum and the Simulator room with adapting environment (also available as mp4 here in the repository).

  • the smaller Climate Environment to get an impression of the En-ROADS Simulator and an adapting environment (without the museum).

    Have a look at a short demo video (also available as mp4 here in the repository).

Installation Guide

The following installation steps are the same for both versions:

  1. Just download and extract the zip archive.

    You can download the ClimateEnvironment binaries here.

    You can download the ClimateMuseum binaries here.

  2. Run the ClimateMuseum.exe in the extracted zip archive to start the project.

  3. At the first start one or two windows will pop up: Please allow the execution of the program and the access for the electron-app.exe. We need it to communicate with the REST-API of the En-ROADS Simulator so that the environment can adapt properly.

  4. You have to start the museum for a second time before these settings are adopted and you can experience the Simulator's changes in the virtual environment.

Enjoy the museum and the environment!

Desktop Version

This version relies on mouse and keyboard for navigation. The project uses a mixed input setup, the embedded browser relies on Unity's classic input manager, while locomotion is realized with the input system 1.0. Keep in mind to obtain the embedded browser plugin if you want to develop with this code. Technically, the project should work on most platforms, however, when using MacOS, you might have to re-configure gatekeeper to accept unsigned code (the binaries of the embedded browser). The section Documentation provides an overview and explanations of the scripts used in the Desktop Version.

VR Version

The VR version relies on SteamVR. In order to work with the code, you need SteamVR as well as the embedded browser. Locomotion is realized by means of the teleportation functionality provided by the SteamVR interaction system. Again, the project should work on most platforms, as long as SteamVR and the embedded browser work. The section Additional scripts for the VR version in the documentation provides an overview and explanations of the scripts used in the VR Version.

Bugs and Issues

This is not a complete list...

  • only English and German at the moment
  • some of the new scripts regarding the language selection have not been added to the documentation below yet



  1. General information about functions in Unity® scripts

  2. Scripts managing the panels (in Assets - Scripts - PanelScripts)

    1.1 HideOnClick

    1.2 PanelRenderer

    1.3 OnEnableScript

    1.4 CorrelationOnEnable

    1.5 CorrectContentPosition

    1.6 SimulationRenderer

    1.7 URLLanguageCheck

    1.8 LoadingCircle

    1.9 DestroyScriptsAndResetPanel (only for debugging)

    1.10 MoveOnClick

  3. Scripts managing the player (in Assets - Scripts - PlayerScripts)

    2.1 UserMovement

    2.2 Teleport

    2.3 TeleportCheck

    2.4 MovePlayerToOptimalPosition

  4. Scripts managing the interactive table (in Assets - Scripts - TableScripts)

    3.1 ShowPathAndFrame

    3.2 BezierVisualizer

    3.3 BezierCurve

    3.4 ActivateCorrelationFrame

    3.5 CorrelationDictionary

  5. Scripts managing the menu (in Assets - Scripts - MenuScripts)

    4.1 ShowMenu

    4.2 MenuManager

    4.3 LanguageManager

    4.4 LanguageController

  6. Scripts managing the extraction of texts from the simulator website and the import of images, materials and textures (in Assets - Editor)

    5.1 ObjectForJson

    5.2 EditorWebRequest

    5.3 MaterialProcessorWorking

  7. Additional scripts for the VR version

    6.1 Additional scripts managing the panels

    6.1.1 ToggleVRSupport

    6.1.2 ToggleVRSupportHelper

    6.1.3 ButtonVRSupport

    6.1.4 ChangeTexts

    6.2 Important scripts for the interaction between VR and browser

    6.2.1 VRControllerInputProxy

    6.2.2 VRBrowserHand

    6.2.3 PointerUIBase

    6.2.4 PointerUIMesh

    6.2.5 HandleLoadingScreen

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0. General information about functions in Unity® scripts

The Unity® Documentation provides overviews of important classes and their execution order:

class MonoBehaviour (last access: November/26/2021)

Execution Order (last access: November/26/2021)

Particularly important are:

  • Awake()

    • is always called before any Start functions
  • Start()

    • is called before the first frame update
  • Update()

    • is called once per frame

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1. Scripts managing the panels (in Assets - Scripts - PanelScripts)

1.1 Script HideOnClick

1.1.1 Description

This script hides the start screen of a panel if the user clicks on it. It is assigned to the StartScreen of each panel (except from the simulator panel) in the editor.

1.1.2 Attributes
  • a public GameObject TabPanel, the corresponding panel with different tabs that appears instead of the start screen is assigned to it in the editor
1.1.3 Methods
  • Start() (additional for VR)

    • listens for and registers events of the Vive controllers
  • OnMouseDown()

    • if user clicks onto the start screen, panel's start screen is deactivated and tab panel is activated
  • CallOnMouseDown() (additional for VR)

    • a public method for calling OnMouseDown() from other scripts
  • HandleVivePointerEvent() (additional in VR version)

    • if the target of the Vive controller click really is the start screen where this script is assigned to, call OnMouseDown()


1.2 Script PanelRenderer

1.2.1 Description

This script handles the rendering of the panels. It itself is not assigned to any objects in the editor.

1.2.2 Attributes
  • public GameObjects for the start screen
  • public GameObjects for the general panel tab "General Information"
  • public GameObjects for the general panel tab "Correlations"
  • public GameObjects for the parent, helping to get the right header and background
  • public text file with panel text
  • private contentScript, an instance of the helper script OnEnableScript for en-/disabling the header background
  • private string that holds the child of the panel
1.2.3 Methods
  • Start()

    • instantiates start screen, its background image and header with the help of contentScript
    • if the general tab "Correlations" is not active at the moment:
      • background image, header and text of general tab "General Info" is instantiated for each tab inside "General Info" (Information, Examples, Key Dynamics, ...)
      • if there is no text available, it deactivates this specific child tab
      • activates the container of General Info (for script CorrelationOnEnable)
    • if images of correlations exist, instantiate child tabs of "Correlations" (differ from panel to panel)
      • for each image (each child tab, respectively):
        • instantiate child tabs of "Correlations" (differ from panel to panel)
        • if it is the first image/child, set its toggle to true (so its content is shown in the panel first after clicking on "Correlations"), else toggle is false
        • write name of child into its label (tab heading)
        • define size of the child tab's toggle (s. SizeOfToggle() below)
        • write content from text file (TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI) into Content part of child tab (s. GetTextFromFile(string) below)
    • activate the container of Correlations (for script CorrelationOnEnable)
    • instantiate correlation background and header for each child tab, depending on the given panel name (s. InstantiateHeaderBackground(image, header) below)
  • InstantiateHeaderBackground(GameObject img, GameObject header)

    • instantiates the background of a header and its image
    • deactivates header and image
  • GetTextFromFile(string name)

    • returns the panel text depending on the given panel name
    • saves panel text as new string and makes it better readable
  • SizeOfToggle(string name)

    • returns a specific size of a toggle depending on the given panel name


1.3 Script OnEnableScript

1.3.1 Description

This helper script manages the en- and disabling of header and image in a panel tab. Thus, it is assigned to every tab (Key Dynamics, Potential Co-Benefits, ...) and Content object in a panel in the editor.

1.3.2 Attributes
  • public GameObjects for an image and a header, assigned in the editor
1.3.3 Methods
  • OnEnable()
    • activates image and header
  • OnDisable()
    • deactivates image and header


1.4 Script CorrelationOnEnable

1.4.1 Description

This script sets each child/sub tab's toggle to the correct (clickable) position. It itself is not assigned in the editor.

1.4.2 Attributes
  • public boolean initialized that indicates if positioning has already happened, initially false
  • private float currentToggleOffset, difference of a tab's toggle to its neighbouring toggle, initially 0
1.4.3 Methods
  • OnEnable()
    • if initialization has not happened yet:
      • sets initialization boolean to true
      • activates the initialization coroutine (below)
  • IEnumerator initializationCoroutine()
    • waits for 1 frame
    • for each child tab, set content to correct position:
      • if it is not the first (left-most) child tab: calculate and apply toggle offset of correlation tabs
        • calculate toggle offset for the current child tab dependent on the one before (left of it)
        • save it in an rectangle with anchored position (x-coordinates with the calculated toggle offset)
    • deactivate general tab "Correlations" (activation happens in Start() of script PanelRenderer)


1.5 Script CorrectContentPosition

1.5.1 Description

This script sets the content of each child/sub tab (tabs inside "General Info" or "Correlation") to the correct (readable) position in the panels. It itself is not assigned to any objects in the editor.

1.5.2 Attributes
  • public boolean initialized that indicates if positioning has already happened, initially false
1.5.3 Methods
  • OnEnable()
    • if initialization has not happened yet:
      • sets initialization boolean to true
      • activates the initialization coroutine (below)
  • IEnumerator initializationCoroutine()
    • waits for 1 frame
    • for each child tab, set content to correct position:
      • every content gets same global position (the position of the content of the first element of General Information)


1.6 Script SimulationRenderer

1.6.1 Description

This class renders the simulator from the En-ROADS website in the panels. Therefore, in the editor it is assigned to every panel (in the tab "Key Dynamics", except for the full-version simulator).

1.6.2 Attributes
  • a private variable browser, an instance of the class Browser
  • a public simulator type (enumeration is assigned in the editor)
  • a public enumeration type holding all simulator types (full or downscaled versions
1.6.3 Methods
  • Awake()

    • initializes browser
  • Start()

    • loads En-ROADS simulator into Browser instance browser
    • defines a javascript function (JS) to deactivate listeners on browser
    • defines a JS to set browser's opacity to 0.3
  • Update()

    • calls RenderingCoroutine() if the website has loaded
  • RenderingCoroutine()

    • adjusts the top toolbar for every simulator instance (in every panel) with auxiliary method adjustTopToolbar()
    • if the full version of the simulator is rendered, design and interactions are not changed
    • if the downscaled version of the simulator is rendered, design and inter- actions are changed (specified in switch-case by simulator type), i.e. nonrelevant sliders are deactivated and grayed out with the two JS functions defined in Start()
  • auxiliary methods: string getFirstByClassName (string className) - takes an HTML class name className - returns the first element of this class string hideElement(string elem) - takes an HTML element name elem - hides this element string addPadding(string elem, string pos, int px) - takes an HTML element name elem, a position pos and a size px. - adds a padding of size px to the HTML element elem at defined position pos (top, bottom, left, right) string addPadding(string elem, int top, int right, int bottom, int left) - takes an HTML element name elem and the integers top, right, bottom and left - adds each a padding of defined sizes top, right, bottom and left to the respective position at elem void adjustTopToolbar(): - hides initial welcome screen, logo in the left upper corner, button "share your scenario" in top right corner, help tab, full-screen button and help button in toolbar at the top as well as logos in right lower corner - adds padding at the bottom of the simulator


1.7 URLLanguageCheck

1.7.1 Description

This script checks if the language was changed and reloads the simulator page in the panel.

1.7.2 Attributes
  • a public browser, assigned in the editor
  • a string holding its url
  • a string holding the language in which its content is presented
1.7.3 Methods
  • Start()
    • initializes English language
    • checks the url for language changes
    • sets current url to browser's url
  • Update()
    • if the urls (current and browser) are not the same:
      • take browser's url as current
      • if language was changed (s. method checkLanguage()), reload page
  • bool checkLanguage(string url)
    • if given url contains specific language suffix:
      • takes index of suffix
      • extracts the language to which was changed from the suffix
      • if current language is not the one extracted from the url, language change has happened (bool set to true)
      • sets current language to changed language
    • if url does not contain specific language suffix:
      • if current language is not English, language change has happened (bool set to true)
      • sets current language to English
    • returned bool shows if language change has happened


1.8 Script Loading Circle

1.8.1 Description

This script manages the rotation of the loading circle while the simulator website is loaded in the simulator panel. It is assigned to the Progress object of the Loading Circle in the Simulator panel.

1.8.2 Attributes
  • a private RectTransform rectComponent, the Transform of a rectangle
  • a private float rotateSpeed, the speed of rotation for the loading circle
1.8.3 Methods
  • Start()
    • initializes the rectangle Transform
  • Update()
    • rotates the rectangle with the defined speed and the time from the last to the current frame


1.9 Script DestroyScriptsAndResetPanel (only for debugging)

1.9.1 Description

This script destroys all scripts that are used to initialize the panels, if the user presses the Delete-key. It is not assigned to any object in the editor because it was only used for debugging purposes during the implementation.

1.9.2 Methods
  • Update()
    • if user presses the Delete-key:
      • destroys all scripts used to correctly initialize panel: PanelRenderer, each use of CorrectContentPosition
      • resets start screen and tab panel
      • resets toggles such that only first is active:
        • for general/chapter tabs: only General Information toggle is on
        • for sub/child tabs: only first active tab toggle (left-most) is on
      • destroys itself (script DestroyScriptsAndResetPanel) at last


1.10 Script MoveOnClick

1.10.1 Description

This script moves the previously hidden simulator in place if the user clicks on it. This allows the BrowserSync Script to run all of the initial commands in the background to decrease loading times. It is assigned to the StartScreen of the simulator panel in the editor.

1.10.2 Attributes
  • a public array GameObject[] Content, that contains the Tab Panel and SimulatorToEnvironment
1.10.3 Methods
  • OnMouseDown()
    • if user clicks onto the start screen, panel's start screen is deactivated and the objects of Content are moved into the desired position.

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2. Scripts managing the player (in Assets - Scripts - PlayerScripts)

2.1 Script UserMovement

2.1.1 Description

This script manages the user's control of the player and is assigned to the Player in the editor.

2.1.2 Attributes
  • public floats movementSpeed, rotateSpeed and scrollSpeed for the player's movement, rotation and scrolling speed
  • a public GameObject playerCamera, the camera from the player's point of view
2.1.3 Methods
  • FixedUpdate()
    • is called once per frame
    • specifies user's commands to move the player with given movement speed: key arrows (+ Shift) forwards (normal and fast speed) / backwards / left / right
    • specifies user's commands to rotate the player with given rotation speed: hold right mouse button and move mouse to let the player "look" left / right and up / down (is limited)
    • specifies user's command to move player slightly forward with given scrolling speed: scroll mouse wheel


2.2 Script Teleport

2.2.1 Description

This script manages the player's teleportation to the target (the full-version simulator) and back to the original position where the player stood before this teleportation. It is assigned to the Player in the editor.

2.2.2 Attributes
  • variables needed for the teleportation

    • a public teleportation target (position in front of the full-version simulator)
    • the public player's original position before the teleportation to the simulator takes place
    • a public boolean for the teleportation state (true if teleportation to target happened, false if teleportation back to original position happened)
  • variables needed for fade-in/-out of the scene

    • a public canvas, object can also be found in editor as "Fader Canvas"
    • a public Fader, object can also be found in editor as "Fader"
    • a private animator for realizing the scene's fading in/out during a teleportation
2.2.3 Methods
  • Awake()

    • initializes the animator as a component of the Fader
  • Update()

    • if user presses "Return":
      • canvas is activated and scene fades out
      • player is teleported to
        • full-version simulator or
        • original position again (player's position before teleportation to simulator happened)
      • canvas is deactivated and scene fades in again with small temporal delay
  • auxiliary methods:

    • activateCanvas()
      • method for deactivating the Fader Canvas
    • deactivateCanvas()
      • method for deactivating the Fader Canvas
    • FadeOut()
      • method for scene's fade-out, uses Fader's Animator anim
    • FadeIn()
      • method for scene's fade-in, uses Fader's Animator anim
    • GoToDestination()
      • changes the player's position to the target position (full-version simulator) and faces player and its camera towards the panel
    • GoToOldPos()
      • changes the player's position to the original position before player was teleported to the simulator


2.3 Script TeleportCheck

2.3.1 Description

This script checks the teleportation state if the player moves through the door of the Simulator room. Thus, it is assigned to the object TeleportCheck of the Simulator room's door frame in the editor.

2.3.2 Methods
  • OnTriggerEnter()
    • is called if user moves the player through the door to the Simulator room, so the player hits the object TeleportCheck
    • if the teleportation already happened and thus, the state "teleported" in the script 2.2 Teleport is true:
      • the teleportation state is set to false so that the next teleportation can happen
2.3.3 Note
  • This script was implemented because without it, the teleportation did not work properly. When the player was teleported to the simulator and then moved away with the arrow keys, the next teleportation took the player back to its old position where it was before the first teleportation instead of back to the simulator again. This script checks if the player has already entered/exited the Simulator room and if the teleportation has already happened. Then the boolean is set to false again so the Script Teleport can perform the next teleportation.
  • The Layer IgnoreRaycast at the object TeleportCheck ensures that the click onto the green Floor Position point in the Simulator room still works properly.


2.4 Script MovePlayerToOptimalPosition

2.4.1 Description

This script moves the player to the optimal position in front of a panel if user clicks at the green button on the floor. It is assigned to each Floor Position in front of a panel in the editor.

2.4.2 Attributes
  • public GameObject for the player which is assigned in the editor
  • public GameObject for the panel which is assigned in the editor
2.4.3 Methods
  • Start() (additional for VR)

    • if the Floor Position where script is assigned to does not have a collider yet, a Sphere collider with a trigger is added
    • listens for events of the Vive controllers
  • OnMouseDown()

    • is called if user clicks on the optimal position in front of a panel (green button on the floor)
    • if VR version is running:
      • gets VR player
      • sets player's position to the position of the green Floor Position tile (regarding feet offset)
      • if player has objects attached to its hands, reset attachments
    • else (if Desktop Version is running):
      • x- and z-position of the optimal position (Floor Position) are assigned to the player
      • player and player camera are rotated towards the panel
  • CallOnMouseDown() (additional for VR)

    • a public method for calling OnMouseDown() from other scripts
  • HandleVivePointerEvent(object sender, PointerEventArgs e) (additional for VR)

    • if an event from the VR controllers comes in and its target is the current Floor Position where this script is assigned to, call OnMouseDown

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3. Scripts managing the interactive table (in Assets - Scripts - TableScripts)

3.1 Script ShowPathAndFrame

3.1.1 Description

This script handles the orientation with the interactive table. If the user clicks onto a specific content card on the table (Afforestation, Technological Carbon Removal, ...), a frame appears around it and a path to the corresponding panel is shown. The script is assigned to the specific Content Cards on the interactive Table in the editor (s. Table - Content Cards).

3.1.2 Attribute
  • a public GameObject Path (s. Table - Paths in the editor)
  • a public GameObject Frame (s. Table - Content Card - [Specific Content Card Name] - Frame in the editor)
3.1.3 Methods
  • OnMouseDown()
    • if user clicks on the content card, a frame appears/disappears around it and a path to the corresponding panel appears/disappears
    • more concrete: if frame is not active:
      • all active frames and paths are collected and deactivated
      • only the frame and path of the clicked content card are activated if frame is active:
      • frame and path of the clicked content card are deactivated


3.2 Script BezierVisualizer

3.2.1 Definition

This script extracts the points from the Bezier segments, concatenates them and sets them as positions for the line renderer. It is assigned to every BezierPoints object at the interactive Table in the editor (Table - Paths - [specific panel/Content Card name] - BezierPoints).

3.2.2 Attributes
  • a public array of Bezier curves called BezierSegments, assigned in the editor
  • a public LineRenderer called Renderer, assigned in the editor
3.2.3 Methods
  • Start()
    • create a new list of points with 3-dimensional coordinates and save all points of each Bezier segment in it
    • create new array of 3-dimensional positions with same length as pointList
    • fill array with points from pointList (copy pointList into array positions)
    • set positions as positions for the line renderer


3.3 BezierCurve

3.3.1 Definition

This script creates a Bezier curve for the paths which reach from the interactive table to the panels. It is assigned to every BezierPoints child Segment 1 at the interactive Table in the editor (Table - Paths - [specific panel/Content Card name] - BezierPoints - Segment 1) and an array of BezierCurves is assigned to each BezierVisualizer. The idea is to have a controllable path segment, that can be concatenated by the BezierVisualizer. This implementation is close to the tutorial version here:

3.3.2 Attributes
  • 4 public control points: Transform Start, ControlPointStart, ControlPointEnd, End
  • 4 private 3-dimensional vectors: A, B, C, D
3.3.3 Methods
  • OnDrawGizmos()

    • draws line segments successively
    • initializes point positions A-D with positions of the 4 Transforms
    • defines Bezier curve's color
    • defines start position of the line
    • defines resolution of the line (has to add up to 1, so 0.02 is chosen)
    • defines amount of loops or line segments, respectively
    • for each line segment:
      • calculates current step along line
      • calculates coordinates between control points with a Catmull-Rom spline (s. DeCasteljausAlgorithm(step) below)
      • draws the calculates line segment
    • saves this position so the next line segment can be drawn
  • GetPoints() (similar to OnDrawGizmo, except of the drawing)

    • returns a list of points of one Bezier Curve by calculating different line segments
    • creates new list of 3-dimensional points called points
    • initializes point positions A-D with positions of the 4 Transforms
    • defines start position of the line
    • defines resolution of the line (has to add up to 1, so 0.02 is chosen)
    • defines amount of loops or line segments, respectively
    • for each line segment:
      • adds current position on the line to the list points
      • calculates current step along line
      • calculates coordinates between control points with a Catmull-Rom spline (s. DeCasteljausAlgorithm(step) below)
      • saves this position so the next line segment can be calculated
    • return the filled list of points
  • DeCasteljausAlgorithm(float step)

    • is private
    • implements De Casteljau's Algorithm
    • gets the float step (current position/segment on the line)
    • returns an interpolated position, a 3-dimensional vector


3.4 Script ActivateCorrelationFrames

3.4.1 Description

This script activates the frames around the Content Cards and sub topics that correlate to the clicked Content Card at the interactive table. It is assigned to each Content Card (Carbon Removal, ...) and their sub topics (Afforestation, ...) at the Table in the editor.

3.4.2 Attributes
  • a public and static new dictionary of correlations between Content Cards and their sub topics (s. script CorrelationDictionary)
  • a public and static event OnFrameStateChangeEvent of type OnFrameStateChange (s. method below) that describes the state of a frame (on/off)
3.4.3 Methods
  • OnFrameStateChange(string tableCardName)
    • delegate method describing which content card is changed (on/off)
  • OnMouseDown()
    • if user clicks on Content Card or sub topic, event is provoked and state of correlative Content Card is changed (on/off)
  • Start()
    • listens to event of a state change of the frame and calls the Response function
  • ResponseToFrameStateChange(string correlationTableCardName)
    • as response to a frame state change, frame of deactivated correlative Content Cards are activated and active ones are deactivated
    • more concrete:
      • array of correlative Cards is created with the help of the correlation dictionary correlations
      • each entry is visited and its frame is activated/deactivated if it equals the correlative Card name (input string)


3.5 Script CorrelationDictionary

3.5.1 Description

This script creates and fills a dictionary with all correlations between the Content Cards (rooms and panels, respectively). The script ActivateCorrelationFrames uses this dictionary to draw frames around the Content Cards which correlate to the Content Card that the user has clicked on the interactive table.

3.5.2 Attributes
  • a public variable correlationDictionary of the type Dictionary which holds a string (Content Card/panel name) and a list of strings (correlative Content Card/panel names)
3.5.3 Methods
  • CorrelationDictionary()
    • creates the correlation dictionary
    • fills the correlation dictionary with entries holding a Content Card name and its correlative Content Card names (Carbon Removal, Emissions, Energy Supply, Transport, Buildings and Industry)

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4. Scripts managing the menu

4.1 Script ShowMenu

4.1.1 Description

This script displays the menu canvas if the user presses the "M" key (Desktop Version) or the menu button at the VR controllers (VR Version). It is assigned to the player (Desktop Version) and the VR player's hands (VR Version) in the editor. Its structure is similar to the script VRControllerInputProxy.

4.1.2 Attributes
  • a public game object, the menu canvas
  • a specific boolean from SteamVR, indicating the click of the menu button at the VR controllers
  • a specific input source from SteamVR
4.1.3 Methods
  • Update()

    • if "M" is pressed, menu canvas is activated
  • OnEnable()

    • adds listener for pressing to the input source (s. Press() below)
    • adds listener for releasing to the input source (s. Release() below)
  • OnDisable()

    • removes listener for pressing to the input source (s. Press() below)
    • removes listener for releasing to the input source (s. Release() below)
  • Press(SteamVR_Action_Boolean fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource)

    • if the button is pressed
      • the menu canvas is activated
      • a log message is printed for debugging purposes
  • Release(SteamVR_Action_Boolean fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource)

    • if the button is released, a log message is printed for debugging purposes


4.2 Script MenuManager

4.1.1 Description

This script manages the menu canvas with the buttons Quit, Explore and Select Language. It is assigned to the Menu canvas in the editor in both scenes (Menu and Museum).

4.1.2 Attributes
  • a public BrowserSync
4.1.3 Methods
  • ExploreMuseum()

    • if Explore button is clicked, the menu is closed so the user is back in the museum
  • LoadGame()

    • If English/German button is clicked (in scene Menu):
      • selected language is saved as a static variable (s. script LanguageController)
      • the Museum is loaded in the selected language
  • QuitMuseum()

    • if quit button is clicked
      • browsers are quit
      • if the simulator has been activated and the environment keeps refreshing:
        • resets materials to baseline values when quitting the museum
      • a log message about the quit museum is printed
      • the whole museum is quit


4.3 Script LanguageManager

4.3.1 Description

When loading the scene Museum, this script destroys the texts in the language that was not selected by the user in the scene Menu. It is assigned to the object Panels and Table in the editor.

4.3.3 Methods
  • Awake()
    • look for each component in Panels or Table and its children:
      • if the component has the tag "DE" and English was selected or if the component has the tag "EN" and German was selected:
        • destroy the component's game object


4.4 Script LanguageController

4.4.1 Description

This class holds the language selected in the scene Menu so it can also be used in the scene Museum. It is not assigned in the editor.

4.4.2 Attributes
  • a public and static string called language

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5. Scripts managing the extraction of texts from the simulator website and the import of images, materials and textures (in Assets - Editor)

5.1 Script ObjectForJson

5.1.1 Description

This script is not a class, but a struct and supports the script EditorWebRequest (below). It is not assigned to any object in the editor.

5.1.2 Attributes
  • public strings for the panel name and each child/sub tab name in the panel (information, examples, ...)
5.1.3 Methods
  • ObjectForJson(string name, string information, ...)
    • public constructor for the struct
  • ObjectClear()
    • is public
    • empties all strings


5.2 EditorWebRequest

5.2.1 Description

not yet commented...

5.2.2 Attributes
5.2.3 Methods


5.3 MaterialProcessorWorking

5.3.1 Description

not yet commented...

5.3.2 Attributes
5.3.3 Methods

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6. Additional scripts for the VR version

6.1 Additional scripts managing the panels

6.1.1 ToggleVRSupportHelper (in Assets - Scripts - PanelScripts) Description

This script prepares toggles, scrollbars and browsers in all panels so they can be used by the event listener scripts ToggleVRSupport, ScrollbarVrSupport and the scripts important for the browser interaction. It is assigned to the object Panels (Museum_VR - Panels) in the editor. Attributes
  • an event system, the object Panels is assigned in the editor
  • a VR camera, the object VRCamera (Museum_VR - VR_Player - SteamVRObjects - VRCamera) is assigned in the editor Methods
  • Start()
    • goes through the hierarchy, checks for toggles, buttons, scrollbars and browsers and prepares them for future use / event listeners
    • collects all toggles in all the panels, including inactive toggles
    • for each toggle in this list:
      • if the toggle has no box collider:
        • adds a box collider of the size of the toggle (using its rect transform)
      • if the toggle does not have the event system script ToggleVRSupport (applies to every toggle):
        • adds the script, set its controlled toggle and event system to the current ones
    • repeats exactly the same procedure for buttons
    • repeats a similar procedure for browsers: enables VR input, sets browser's camera to the VRCamera and changes browser's position


6.1.2 ToggleVRSupport (in Assets - Scripts - PanelScripts) Description

This script handles the clicks/pointers that the player performs with the Vive controllers on the toggles of the panels. It is not assigned in the editor at the beginning, but the helper script ToggleVRSupportHelper assigns it to every toggle. Attributes
  • a toggle assigned via ToggleVRSupportHelper
  • an event system assigned via ToggleVRSupportHelper Methods
  • Start()

    • listens for pointer events of the Vive controllers
  • HandleVivePointerEvent(object sender, PointerEventArgs e)

    • if target of the Vive controller click is the assigned scrollbar, a pointer event is performed


6.1.3 ButtonVRSupport (in Assets - Scripts - PanelScripts) Description

This script handles the clicks/pointers that the player performs with the Vive controllers on the buttons of the panels. (In the Desktop version you can scroll through one large text, in VR you can click through smaller text tiles.) The script is not assigned in the editor at the beginning, but the helper script ToggleVRSupportHelper assigns it to every toggle. Attributes
  • a button assigned via ToggleVRSupportHelper
  • an event system assigned via ToggleVRSupportHelper Methods
  • Start()

    • listens for pointer events of the Vive controllers
  • HandleVivePointerEvent(object sender, PointerEventArgs e) (not working at the moment)

    • if target of the Vive controller click is the assigned button, a pointer event is performed


6.1.4 ChangeTexts (in Assets - Scripts - PanelScripts) Description

This scripts changes the displayed text in the tab "Key Dynamics" in the panels if the player clicks onto the "<" or ">" button. Attributes
  • an array of TextMeshProUGUI text tiles that will be presented subsequently
  • an index indicating the current text tile
  • two buttons for jumping through the text tiles (left and right) Methods
  • Awake()

    • at the beginning, the left button (<) is set inactive, the right button (>) is set active
  • DisplayText(int index)

    • for each text tile:
      • enables the one corresponding to the current index, so it will be displayed
      • disables all others, so they will not be displayed
  • DisplayNext()

    • if the right button is clicked, the next tile is displayed
    • if the displayed text is already the last one, index does not change (keeps it displayed) and keeps button not interactable
    • if the displayed text is the second-last one, increases index (displays the last one) and sets button to not interactable
    • if the displayed text is the third-last or lower one, increases index
    • display the text at the calculated index
  • DisplayPrevious()

    • if the left button is clicked, the previous tile is displayed
    • if the displayed text is already the first one, index does not change (keeps it displayed) and keeps button not interactable
    • if the displayed text is the second one, decreases index (displays the first one) and sets button to not interactable
    • if the displayed text is the third or higher one, increases index
    • display the text at the calculated index

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6.2 Scripts for the interaction between VR and browser

The image below gives an overview of the scripts, methods and variables that are important for the interaction between VR and browser.

VRControllerInputProxy communicates between the SteamVR and the script VRBrowserHand by changing the VRBrowserHand's amplitude if the button on the controller is clicked. If the VR input is enabled, FeedVRPointers() in the script PointerUIBase collects all the currently tracked controllers (VRBrowserHands) and transforms them into PointerStates. These current pointers are collected in a list and their world-space coordinates are converted by the methods MapPointerToBrowser() and MapRayToBrowser() in PointerUIMesh. Finally, CalculatePointers() calls a click action for one pointer in the list, so that the click is performed in the browser. In the following, all the scripts are described in more detail.


6.2.1 VRControllerInputProxy (in Assets - Scripts - BrowserUtilities) Description

This script communicates between the SteamVR and the scripts managing the browser, especially VRBrowserHand. Like the script VRBrowserHand, it is assigned to the object VRBrowser (VRPlayer - SteamVRObjects - RightHand), represented by a cube in the information room. Attributes
  • a VRBrowserHand
  • a specific boolean from SteamVR, indicating the trigger click, named TriggerClick
  • a specific input source from SteamVR (SteamVR_Input_Sources.RightHand can also be used) Methods
  • OnEnable()

    • adds listener for pressing to the input source (s. Press() below)
    • adds listener for releasing to the input source (s. Release() below)
  • OnDisable()

    • removes listener for pressing to the input source (s. Press() below)
    • removes listener for releasing to the input source (s. Release() below)
  • Press(SteamVR_Action_Boolean fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource)

    • sets the amplitude of the VR browser hand to 1
  • Release(SteamVR_Action_Boolean fromAction, SteamVR_Input_Sources fromSource)

    • sets the amplitude of the VR browser hand to 0


6.2.2 VRBrowserHand (in Assets - ZFBrowser - Scripts - VR) Description

This script tracks the tracked controllers. This can be used for feeding the VR input to the browser by the method FeedVRPointers() in the script PointerUIBase. Like the script VRControllerInputProxy, this script is assigned to the object VRBrowser (VRPlayer - SteamVRObjects - RightHand), represented by a cube in the information room. Attributes
  • a public XRNode called hand indicating which hand we should look to track, set to left hand

  • a public GameObject for optional visualization of the hand. It should be a child of the VRHand object and will be set active when the controller is tracking.

  • a public scroll threshold (0.1) indicating how much we must slide a finger/joystick before we start scrolling

  • a public trackpad scroll speed (0.05) indicating how fast the page moves as we move our finger across the touchpad. Set to a negative number to enable that infernal ""natural scrolling"" that's been making so many trackpads unusable lately.

  • a public joystick scroll speed (75) indicating how fast the page moves as we scroll with a joystick

  • a private 2-dimensional vector holding the last point that was touched

  • a private boolean indicating that the touch is currently scrolling

  • a bool Tracked indicating if we are currently tracking (has a getter and setter)

  • a public MouseButton showing the currently depressed buttons (has a getter and setter)

  • a public 2-dimensional vector showing how much we've scrolled since the last frame (same units as Input.mouseScrollDelta, has a getter and setter)

  • a private XRNodeState nodeState

  • a private VRInput input

  • 3 public floats for left, middle and right click amplitudes

  • a private integer lastFrame

  • a private list of XRNodeStates called states

  • a private boolean hasTouchpad indicating if a touchpad exists (currently not used) Methods
  • OnEnable()

  • OnDisable()

    • event is no longer registered by camera (ReSharper disable once DelegateSubtraction)
  • Update()

    • if more than 5 frames have passed (giving the SteamVR SDK a chance to start up), ReadInput() is called
  • ReadInput()

    • depressed buttons and scroll delta is set to 0
    • if the left click amplitude is greater than 0.9, the number of depressed buttons and the left mouse button is compared bitwise
    • if the middle click amplitude is greater than 0.5, the number of depressed buttons and the middle mouse button is compared bitwise
    • if the right click amplitude is greater than 0.5, the number of depressed buttons and the right mouse button is compared bitwise
    • boolean Tracked is set to the tracking state of the XRNodeState
    • amplitude of left, middle and right click is reported (see console)
  • ReadTouchpad()

    • defines a 2-dimensional touchPoint with x- and y-coordinate of the touch pad
    • defines a boolean touchButton indicating if the axis between nodeState (XRNodeState) and the touch on the pad is greater than 0.5
    • if touchButton is true:
      • difference between last and current touch point is calculated (delta)
      • if player is not scrolling yet (boolean touchIsScrolling false)
        • if delta's magnitude multiplied by the scroll speed of the pad is greater than the scroll threshold
          • player is scrolling -> sets boolean touchIsScrolling to true
          • the last touch point is updated to the current one
        • if scroll threshold is not exceeded: does nothing, especially does not updating the touch pad yet
      • if player is already scrolling:
        • scrollDelta is updated by adding the product of the delta and the scroll speed of the pad
    • if touchButton is false:
      • the last touch point is updated to the current one
      • player is not scrolling -> boolean touchIsScrolling is set to false
  • ReadJoystick()

    • defines a 2-dimensional position with x- and y-coordinate of the joy stick
    • if x-coordinate (y-coordinate) is greater than the scroll threshold, change its value (add/substract threshold), else set it to 0
    • changes position by multiplicaiton with its magnitude, the scroll speed of the joy stick and the time passed since the last frame
    • scrollDelta is updated by adding the calculated position
  • UpdatePreCull(Camera cam)

    • if we are still in the same frame, return
    • sets lastFrame to current frame counter
    • get all tracked states (VR browser hands, ...)
    • for each state:
      • if it is not the hand, continues
      • if it is the hand (hand was found):
        • gets its pose and sets it as local position
        • gets its rotation and sets it as local rotation (if we are in the hierarchy, we do not want to change the orientation)
        • if the visualization of the hand is active, keeps it activated if the current hand is tracked and deactivates it if it is not


6.2.3 PointerUIBase (in Assets - ZFBrowser - Scripts - BrowserUI) Description

This script handles the input for different inputs (mouse, touch, pointer, VR, nose) makes them able to interact with the browser. It is not assigned in the editor because it is an abstract class used as parent of PointerUIMesh. Attributes important for VR part
  • a Browser called browser
  • boolean enableVRInput, indicating if VR controllers are used, initially false
  • a list of VR browser hands vrHands
  • a struct PointerState with:
    • a unique id
    • a boolean indicating if it is 2d or 3d
    • a 2-dimensional position or a 3-dimensional position (Ray)
    • a MouseButton activeButtons holding the currently depressed buttons
    • a 2-dimensional scroll delta
  • an integer currentPointerId
  • list of PointerStates called currentPointers
  • integers p_currentDown, p_currentOver, p_anyDown, p_anyOver indicating how many pointers are down/over Methods important for VR part
  • Awake()

    • initializes browser
    • registers the event for handling the pointers
  • OnHandlePointers()

    • if VR input is active, feeds tracked controllers (VR browser hands) to the browser
  • FeedVRPointers()

    • if list vrHands is empty
      • fills list by searching VRBrowserHands
      • throws error if no hands are found but VR inout is enabled
      • for each hand:
        • if the hand is not tracked (s. boolean Tracked in VRBrowserHand), continues
        • else:
          • creates a struct PointerState out of the given hand and feeds it to the browser
  • FeedPointerState(PointerState)

    • feed the given pointer into the handler (browser), i.e.
    • if the pointer is 2-dimensional, calls MapPointerToBrowser() that converts the 2-dimensional coordinate from the screen-space to a browser-space coordinate
    • if the pointer is 3-dimensional, calls MapRayToBrowser() that converts the 3-dimensional ray from the world-space to a browser-space coordinate
    • if the given pointer is the current one / not (compares IDs) and if there are currently depressed buttons (activeButtons):
      • update counters for pointers: p_currentDown, p_currentOver, p_anyDown, p_anyOver
    • add the given pointer to the list of pointers currentPointers
  • MapPointerToBrowser(Vector2 screenPosition, int pointerId)

    • abstract method
    • overridden in child PointerUIMesh, converts the 2-dimensional coordinate from the screen-space to a browser-space coordinate
  • MapRayToBrowser(Vector2 screenPosition, int pointerId)

    • abstract method
    • overridden in child PointerUIMesh, converts the 3-dimensional coordinate from the world-space to a browser-space coordinate
  • CalculatePointers()

    • chooses one pointer from the list of current pointers
    • if we go from having no buttons down to 1 or more buttons down (0 MouseButtons, but 1 or more activeButtons): calls the event action OnClick()
    • if Button(s) held or being released, do some extra logic to prevent unintentional dragging during clicks
    • if no buttons held (or being released), no need to fiddle with the position


6.2.4 PointerUIMesh (in Assets - ZFBrowser - Scripts - BrowserUI) Description

This script, a child of PointerUIBase, is a BrowserUI that tracks pointer interaction through a camera to a mesh of some sort. It is assigned to each panel's browser in the editor. Attributes
  • a mesh collider
  • a dictionary holding integers ans RaycastHits called rayHits
  • a LayerMask called layerMask, indicating which layers should UI rays collide with (and be able to hit), initially -1 (everything) Methods
  • Awake()

    • calls the Awake() method from its parent PointerUIBase, so browser and event listener is initialized
    • initializes mesh collider
  • MapPointerToBrowser(screenPosition, pointerId)

    • overrides the homonymous abstract method from PointerUIBase, converts a 2D screen-space coordinate to browser-space coordinates
    • if camera gets a view, uses it, else uses main camera
    • if there is no camera: throws error, sets mouse input boolean to false and return NaN vector
    • if camera is found: calls MapRayToBrowser() below with the screen pointer transformed to a ray
  • MapRayToBrowser(worldRay, pointerId)

    • overrides the homonymous abstract method from PointerUIBase, converts a 3D world-space ray to a browser-space coordinate.
    • defines a hit and fill it with the clostest collider that is hit (if any), ray starting from given worldspace and using layerMask
    • stores hit data for GetCurrentHitLocation in the dictionary rayHits
    • if nothing was hit or the hit collider is not the same as the current one (check via mesh collider):
      • player has not aimed at it: returns Nan vector
    • else: returns the texture coordinates of the hit collider, usable as browser-space coordinates
  • GetCurrentHitLocation(out pos, out rot)

    • determines current hit location
    • if there is no pointer, sets position to NaN vector and rotation to identity and returns
    • else:
      • takes information about hit collider out of dictionary
      • determines the a vector that defines in which direction is "up" (using the collider's local orientation's up)
      • sets position to point in world space where ray hit collider
      • rotates to the negative normal of the surface the ray hit, using the "up" defined before


6.2.5 HandleLoadingScreen (in Assets - Scripts - BrowserUtilities) Description

This script handles the presentation of a loading screen while the browser is loaded. The script is assigned to the general simulator's tab panel and its start screen. Attributes
  • a game object LoadingScreen representing the loading screen, assigned in the editor (Simulator - Tab Panel - Loading Screen)
  • an instance of the type Browser, assigned in the editor (Simulator - Tab Panel - Browser)
  • a boolean indicating if the query is running, initially false Methods
  • Update()
    • if the loading screen is active and the query does not run:
      • boolean is set to true, query runs now
      • starts the coroutine that checks if the browser is ready
  • checkBrowserReady()
    • coroutine that checks if the browser is ready
    • initializes a node and tries to fill it with an element on the website (here: the temperature increase)
    • not a nice solution, but it works:
      • until the element promise is not defined (i.e. we get an error): keep the loading screen
      • if we get a value in the variable promise: deactivates the loading screen
    • query is set to false again

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An educational museum to learn about our global climate problem.






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