A Clojure library to send mail with the Mad Mimi API
Add [clj-madmimi "0.1.2"]
to your Leiningen project's dependencies.
On clojars at https://clojars.org/clj-madmimi.
;; grab the namespace
(use 'clj-madmimi.core)
;; grab a ready-to-use sending function
(def mm (clj-madmimi.core/make-mad-mimi
"your api key"
"your username"
"your from address"))
;; prepare your mail
(def message {:promotion "MadMimi promotion"
:from "Your registered MadMimi originator"
:to "To address"
:subject "Subject"
:html "Your email's html"})
;; send!
(def send-result (mm message))
;; inspect result from MadMimi API
(print send-result)
Copyright © 2012 Cognician Software (Pty) Ltd.
With thanks to Steve Losh for clojure-postmark.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.