Clojure Library for interacting with flowdock The api is pretty straight forward and implements most of the public facing end points that flowdock uses.
[com.rallydev/clj-flowdock "0.2.0"]
export FLOWDOCK_TOKEN=<user flowdock token>
Returns all organizations that the flowdock user belongs to.
Returns the org-id of the first org the user belongs to (I am unaware if a user can belong to multiple orgs). The org id is used when building a flow-id.
Returns all users for the first org the user belongs to.
(clj-flowdock.api.user/find [key value])
This function will find a user (using clj-flowdock.api.organization/get-users) where the values are equal.
(clj-flowdock.api.user/get [id]
Returns a user from their id.
Returns all flows where the joined attribute is set to true.
Returns all flows where organization is the access_mode and even includes flows where joined is set to false.
(clj-flowdock.api.flow/find [key value])
Return all flows where the values are equal for a given key.
(clj-flowdock.api.flow/get [id])
Returns a flow for a given id. Flow ids are given in the format -- org-id/flow-id.
(clj-flowdock.api.flow/add-user [flow-id user-id])
This sets the joined flag for a user on a specific flow to true.
(clj-flowdock.api.flow/block-user [flow-id user-id])
This sets the disabled flag to true for a user on a given flow. This blocks all access to a flow, you need to reinvite the user to unblock them. This is not a mechanism for leaving a flow.
(clj-flowdock.api.flow/create [org-id name])
Allows you to create a flow in a given org with the specified name.
(clj-flowdock.api.flow/update [flow-id attributes])
Update the attributes (specified as a map) for the given flow.
[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.0"]
[clj-http "0.6.3"]
[org.clojure/tools.logging "0.2.6"]
Copyright (c) Rally Software Development Corp. 2013
Distributed under the MIT License.