Introducción Te invitamos a utilizar la documentación de nuestra API. Es un recurso completo y fácil de entender que te guiará en el uso de nuestras funcionalidades. Si tienes alguna pregunta, nuestro equipo de soporte técnico está disponible para ayudarte. Aprovecha las ventajas de nuestra API para automatizar tus procesos de facturación y agilizar tus operaciones comerciales. ¡Explora nuestra documentación de API y descubre todo lo que puede hacer por ti! Atentamente, El equipo de --- # Autenticación de API El API de utiliza autenticación básica la cual requiere los siguientes datos de acceso: - \[API_KEY\] - \[SECRET_KEY\] La autenticación del API requiere incluir en el header los datos de autorización junto a el F-PLUGIN cuyo valor siempre será: 9d4095c8f7ed5785cb14c0e3b033eeb8252416ed Los métodos disponibles en el workspace ya cuentan con un header de ejemplo en donde contienen los datos antes mencionados, en el entorno existen dos variables en donde podemos ingresar nuestras llaves para usarlas de forma mas sencilla estas variables se encuentran en: - Workspace Publico → Variables Solo sustituye el texto Tu API key y Tu Secret key por los valores correspondientes # Genera tu API Key Puedes usar el API de en dos modos, sandbox y producción. El API Key y el Secret Key son diferentes para cada modo. Para obtener tus llaves de acceso deber seguir los siguientes pasos: - Iniciar sesión (Si es en producción en, si es en sandbox en ). - En el menú lateral dirígete a Configuraciones - API - Datos de acceso . - Haz clic en el botón que se encuentra junto a cada token de acceso para copiarlo. # Errores Todas las peticiones exitosas regresan un código de estatus HTTP 204. En caso de un error, el API regresa un JSON con los parámetros que contienen la razón del error. La documentación completa y explicación de los métodos la puedes encontrar en nuestra documentación para developers en: Documentación API # Construcción de la URL A continuación se explica la estructura básica de como están compuestos los siguientes métodos para operaciones de CFDI Host: (producción) / (sandbox) Endpoint: /v4/cfdi/list Ejemplo: ## Ejemplo: php $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, \"\"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( \"Content-Type: application/json\", \"F-PLUGIN: \" . '9d4095c8f7ed5785cb14c0e3b033eeb8252416ed', \"F-Api-Key: \".'Ingresa API KEY', \"F-Secret-Key: \" .'Ingresa SECRET KEY' )); $response = curl_exec($ch); return die($response); curl_close($ch); ?>
> <h3 >RECUERDA QUE 👀</h3> > Para probar el código de ejemplo es necesario que reemplaces el texto Ingresa API KEY por el API KEY de tu cuenta, e Ingresa SECRET KEY por el SECRET KEY correspondiente. ## Respuesta: ## Respuesta exitosa jason { \"status\": \"success\", \"response\": \"success\", \"total\": 2479, \"per_page\": 100, \"current_page\": 1, \"last_page\": 25, \"from\": 1, \"to\": 100, \"data\": [ { \"RazonSocialReceptor\": \"Venta Al Público en General\", \"Folio\": \"F 01\", \"UID\": \"5c04c662exxxx\", \"UUID\": \"1750d757-577d-xxxx-xxxx-518b87b24a87\", \"Subtotal\": \"5.000000\", \"Descuento\": null, \"Total\": \"5.800000\", \"ReferenceClient\": 0, \"NumOrder\": null, \"Receptor\": \"XAXX010101000\", \"FechaTimbrado\": \"2018-12-03\", \"Status\": \"enviada\", \"Version\": \"3.3\" }, { \"RazonSocialReceptor\": \"Cliente ejemplo\", \"Folio\": \"F 160\", \"UID\": \"5c033ca2e4xxx\", \"UUID\": \"c25c6c99-xxx-xxx-810e-e5ae7e12eb15\", \"Subtotal\": \"10000.000000\", \"Descuento\": null, \"Total\": \"11600.000000\", \"ReferenceClient\": 15, \"NumOrder\": null, \"Receptor\": \"XAXX010101000\", \"FechaTimbrado\": \"2018-12-01\", \"Status\": \"enviada\", \"Version\": \"3.3\" } ] }
## Respuesta erronea json { \"status\": \"error\", \"message\": \"La cuenta que intenta autenticarse no existe\", \"Data\": \"$2y$10$dnOV7qC7ZrD1CZitpUnTReLKtKPxG29XfwZylrEuiR0KVl18pOXXX\", \"Secret\": \"$2y$10$6ZN4aX5UExwz6HFlDSZcxOF1TGjHx8f40neE.CrXHHahyAfi8qiXXX\" }
# Métodos disponibles:
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.php.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"git_user_id/git_repo_id": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4Cfdi4061cf901246a82AcuseGet($content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4Cfdi4061cf901246a82AcuseGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4Cfdi4061cf901246a82CancelStatusGet($content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4Cfdi4061cf901246a82CancelStatusGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = "body_example"; // string |
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4Cfdi4061d4c2d768a14CancelPost($body, $content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4Cfdi4061d4c2d768a14CancelPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4Cfdi4061d4c3fe77dd8EmailGet($content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4Cfdi4061d4c3fe77dd8EmailGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4Cfdi4061d4c3fe77dd8PdfGet($content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4Cfdi4061d4c3fe77dd8PdfGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4Cfdi4061d4c3fe77dd8XmlGet($content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4Cfdi4061d4c3fe77dd8XmlGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = "body_example"; // string |
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4Cfdi4062fbeb2d0fd5fTimbrarborradorPost($body, $content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4Cfdi4062fbeb2d0fd5fTimbrarborradorPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = "body_example"; // string |
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4Cfdi40Create62fbe97d65eeaPost($body, $content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4Cfdi40Create62fbe97d65eeaPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4CfdiFolioCop93Get($content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4CfdiFolioCop93Get: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4CfdiListGet($content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4CfdiListGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4CfdiUid632b94a897f8cGet($content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4CfdiUid632b94a897f8cGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4CfdiUuid1a7cf8f934064024902884266cab1f13Get($content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4CfdiUuid1a7cf8f934064024902884266cab1f13Get: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = "body_example"; // string |
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4Drafts6245dde60cc1eDropPost($body, $content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4Drafts6245dde60cc1eDropPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4Drafts6245dde60cc1eGet($content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4Drafts6245dde60cc1eGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: apikeyAuth
$config = FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new FacturaCom\FacturaComSdk\Api\APIV4Api(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$content_type = "content_type_example"; // string |
$f_plugin = "f_plugin_example"; // string |
$f_api_key = "f_api_key_example"; // string |
$f_secret_key = "f_secret_key_example"; // string |
try {
$apiInstance->apiV4DraftsGet($content_type, $f_plugin, $f_api_key, $f_secret_key);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling APIV4Api->apiV4DraftsGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
APIV4Api | apiV4Cfdi4061cf901246a82AcuseGet | GET /api/v4/cfdi40/61cf901246a82/acuse | Descargar acuse de cancelacion de CFDI 4.0 XML |
APIV4Api | apiV4Cfdi4061cf901246a82CancelStatusGet | GET /api/v4/cfdi40/61cf901246a82/cancel_status | Consultar Estado de Cancelacion CFDI 4.0 |
APIV4Api | apiV4Cfdi4061d4c2d768a14CancelPost | POST /api/v4/cfdi40/61d4c2d768a14/cancel | Cancelar CFDI 4.0 |
APIV4Api | apiV4Cfdi4061d4c3fe77dd8EmailGet | GET /api/v4/cfdi40/61d4c3fe77dd8/email | Enviar CFDI 4.0 |
APIV4Api | apiV4Cfdi4061d4c3fe77dd8PdfGet | GET /api/v4/cfdi40/61d4c3fe77dd8/pdf | Descargar CFDI 4.0 PDF |
APIV4Api | apiV4Cfdi4061d4c3fe77dd8XmlGet | GET /api/v4/cfdi40/61d4c3fe77dd8/xml | Descargar CFDI 4.0 XML |
APIV4Api | apiV4Cfdi4062fbeb2d0fd5fTimbrarborradorPost | POST /api/v4/cfdi40/62fbeb2d0fd5f/timbrarborrador | Timbrar borrador |
APIV4Api | apiV4Cfdi40Create62fbe97d65eeaPost | POST /api/v4/cfdi40/create/62fbe97d65eea | Modificar borrador |
APIV4Api | apiV4CfdiFolioCop93Get | GET /api/v4/cfdi/folio/cop93 | Buscar CFDI por folio |
APIV4Api | apiV4CfdiListGet | GET /api/v4/cfdi/list | Listar CFDIs |
APIV4Api | apiV4CfdiUid632b94a897f8cGet | GET /api/v4/cfdi/uid/632b94a897f8c | Buscar CFDI por UID |
APIV4Api | apiV4CfdiUuid1a7cf8f934064024902884266cab1f13Get | GET /api/v4/cfdi/uuid/1a7cf8f9-3406-4024-9028-84266cab1f13 | Buscar CFDI por UUID |
APIV4Api | apiV4Drafts6245dde60cc1eDropPost | POST /api/v4/drafts/6245dde60cc1e/drop | Eliminar borradores de CFDI |
APIV4Api | apiV4Drafts6245dde60cc1eGet | GET /api/v4/drafts/6245dde60cc1e | Consultar borrador por UID |
APIV4Api | apiV4DraftsGet | GET /api/v4/drafts | Consultar borradores |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaBaswareStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/basware/store | Basware |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaCalsonickanseiStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/calsonickansei/store | Calsonic Kansei |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaCenaceStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/cenace/store | CENACE |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaCityfreskoStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/cityfresko/store | City Fresko |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaCostcoStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/costco/store | Costco |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaKvStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/kv/store | Kuehne + Nagel |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaLesaffreStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/lesaffre/store | Lesaffre |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaMabeStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/mabe/store | Mabe |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaNortechStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/nortech/store | Nortech |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaPepsicoStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/pepsico/store | Pepsico |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaSorianaStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/soriana/store | Soriana |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaSorianasimpStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/sorianasimp/store | Soriana Simplificada |
AddendasApi | apiV3AddendaWhirlpoolStorePost | POST /api/v3/addenda/whirlpool/store | Whirlpool |
AddendasApi | apiV4Cfdi40CreatePost | POST /api/v4/cfdi40/create | Walmart |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosBancosGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/bancos | Consultar catalogo de bancos |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosEstadosGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/estados | Consultar catalogo de estados |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosMetodopagoGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/metodopago | Consultar catalogo de Metodo pago nomina |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosOrigenrecursoGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/origenrecurso | Consultar catalogo de Origen Recurso |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosRiesgoGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/riesgo | Consultar catalogo de Riesgo |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosTipocontratoGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/tipocontrato | Consultar catalogo de Tipo contrato |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosTipodeduccionGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/tipodeduccion | Consultar catalogo de Tipo deduccion |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosTipohorasGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/tipohoras | Consultar catalogo de Tipo horas |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosTipoincapacidadGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/tipoincapacidad | Consultar catalogo de Tipo incapacidad |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosTipojornadaGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/tipojornada | Consultar catalogo de Tipo jornada |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosTipopagoGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/tipopago | Consultar catalogo de Tipo pago |
CatalogosCatalogosNominaApi | apiPayrollCatalogosTiporegimenGet | GET /api/payroll/catalogos/tiporegimen | Consultar catalogo de Tipo regimen |
CatalogosCatalogosSATApi | apiV3CatalogoAduanaGet | GET /api/v3/catalogo/Aduana | Consultar catalogo de aduana |
CatalogosCatalogosSATApi | apiV3CatalogoClaveUnidadGet | GET /api/v3/catalogo/ClaveUnidad | Consultar catalogo de unidad de medida |
CatalogosCatalogosSATApi | apiV3CatalogoFormaPagoGet | GET /api/v3/catalogo/FormaPago | Consultar catalogo de forma de pago |
CatalogosCatalogosSATApi | apiV3CatalogoImpuestoGet | GET /api/v3/catalogo/Impuesto | Consultar catalogo de impuestos |
CatalogosCatalogosSATApi | apiV3CatalogoMetodoPagoGet | GET /api/v3/catalogo/MetodoPago | Consultar catalogo de metodos de pago |
CatalogosCatalogosSATApi | apiV3CatalogoMonedaGet | GET /api/v3/catalogo/Moneda | Consultar catalogo de monedas |
CatalogosCatalogosSATApi | apiV3CatalogoPaisGet | GET /api/v3/catalogo/Pais | Consultar catalogo de pais |
CatalogosCatalogosSATApi | apiV3CatalogoRegimenFiscalGet | GET /api/v3/catalogo/RegimenFiscal | Consultar catalogo de regimen fiscal |
CatalogosCatalogosSATApi | apiV3CatalogoRelacionGet | GET /api/v3/catalogo/Relacion | Consultar catalogo de tipo de relacion |
CatalogosCatalogosSATApi | apiV3CatalogoUsoCfdiGet | GET /api/v3/catalogo/UsoCfdi | Consultar catalogo de clave producto servicio |
ClientesApi | apiV1ClientsClientUidUpdatePost | POST /api/v1/clients/{client_uid}/update | Actualizar cliente |
ClientesApi | apiV1ClientsCreatePost | POST /api/v1/clients/create | Crear cliente |
ClientesApi | apiV1ClientsGet | GET /api/v1/clients | Listar clientes |
ClientesApi | apiV1ClientsLcoRFCGet | GET /api/v1/clients/lco/{RFC} | Consulta LCO |
ClientesApi | apiV1ClientsRFCGet | GET /api/v1/clients/{RFC} | Consultar cliente |
ClientesApi | apiV1ClientsRfcRFCGet | GET /api/v1/clients/rfc/{RFC} | Consultar RFC repetido |
EmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployee61c4b569c0bafDownPost | POST /api/payroll/employee/61c4b569c0baf/down | Desactivar empleado |
EmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployee61c4b569c0bafUpPost | POST /api/payroll/employee/61c4b569c0baf/up | Activar empleado |
EmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployee61c4b569c0bafViewGet | GET /api/payroll/employee/61c4b569c0baf/view | Listar empleados por UID |
EmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployee61c4b569c0bafViewPost | POST /api/payroll/employee/61c4b569c0baf/view | Eliminar empleado |
EmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployeeCreatePost | POST /api/payroll/employee/create | Crear empleado |
EmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployeeListGet | GET /api/payroll/employee/list | Listar empleados |
EmpresaApi | apiV1AccountUidEmpresaGet | GET /api/v1/account/{uid_empresa} | Consultar detalles de empresas adicionales |
EmpresaApi | apiV1CurrentAccountGet | GET /api/v1/current/account | Consultar detalles de empresa actual |
EmpresaApi | apiV4AccountCreatePost | POST /api/v4/account/create | Actualizar empresa |
EmpresaApi | apiV4AccountUidEmpresaDeletePost | POST /api/v4/account/{uid_empresa}/delete | Eliminar Empresa |
GrupoDeEmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployeeGroup619ead8d6427aViewGet | GET /api/payroll/employee/group/619ead8d6427a/view | Listar grupo de empleados por UID |
GrupoDeEmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployeeGroup62571c9798aaeDeletePost | POST /api/payroll/employee/group/62571c9798aae/delete | Eliminar grupo de empleados |
GrupoDeEmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployeeGroup62571c9798aaeDownPost | POST /api/payroll/employee/group/62571c9798aae/down | Desactivar grupo de empleados |
GrupoDeEmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployeeGroup62571c9798aaeUpPost | POST /api/payroll/employee/group/62571c9798aae/up | Activar grupo de empleados |
GrupoDeEmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployeeGroupCreatePost | POST /api/payroll/employee/group/create | Crear grupo de empleados |
GrupoDeEmpleadosApi | apiPayrollEmployeeGroupListGet | GET /api/payroll/employee/group/list | Listar grupo de empleados |
MigracionesApi | apiMigrator704e9db88fc34fa38ec0424b47ac0072ViewGet | GET /api/migrator/704e9db8-8fc3-4fa3-8ec0-424b47ac0072/view | Consultar una migracion en especifico |
MigracionesApi | apiMigratorCreatePost | POST /api/migrator/create | Crear nueva migración de CFDIs |
MigracionesApi | apiMigratorListGet | GET /api/migrator/list | Consultar todas las migraciones |
NminasApi | apiPayroll6206eec5d2ac3ItemAcuseGet | GET /api/payroll/6206eec5d2ac3/item/acuse | Descargar acuse de una nómina |
NminasApi | apiPayroll6206eec5d2ac3ItemCancelPost | POST /api/payroll/6206eec5d2ac3/item/cancel | Cancelar nómina |
NminasApi | apiPayroll6206eec5d2ac3ItemEmailPost | POST /api/payroll/6206eec5d2ac3/item/email | Enviar nómina por email |
NminasApi | apiPayroll6206eec5d2ac3ItemPdfGet | GET /api/payroll/6206eec5d2ac3/item/pdf | Descargar nómina PDF |
NminasApi | apiPayroll6206eec5d2ac3ItemXmlGet | GET /api/payroll/6206eec5d2ac3/item/xml | Descargar nómina XML |
NminasApi | apiPayroll6206f3702bcddViewGet | GET /api/payroll/6206f3702bcdd/view | Listar un grupo de nómina |
NminasApi | apiPayroll6206f3702bcddViewItemGet | GET /api/payroll/6206f3702bcdd/view/item | Listar la nómina de un empleado |
NminasApi | apiPayrollCreatePost | POST /api/payroll/create | Crear nómina |
NminasApi | apiPayrollListGet | GET /api/payroll/list | Listar todas las nóminas |
ProductosApi | apiV3ProductsCreateGet | GET /api/v3/products/create | Crear productos |
ProductosApi | apiV3ProductsCreatePost | POST /api/v3/products/create | Listar productos |
RetencionesV20Api | apiV4Cfdi40ListGet | GET /api/v4/cfdi40/list | Listar retenciones v2.0 |
RetencionesV20Api | apiV4Cfdi40Retenciones61e1ec792ac76PdfGet | GET /api/v4/cfdi40/retenciones/61e1ec792ac76/pdf | Descargar retencion en pdf |
RetencionesV20Api | apiV4Cfdi40Retenciones61e1ec792ac76XmlGet | GET /api/v4/cfdi40/retenciones/61e1ec792ac76/xml | Descargar retencion en xml |
RetencionesV20Api | apiV4Cfdi40RetencionesPost | POST /api/v4/cfdi40/retenciones | Crear retencion |
RevendedoresApi | apiV4ResellersClientsCreatePost | POST /api/v4/resellers/clients/create | Crear cliente para revendedores |
RevendedoresApi | apiV4ResellersClientsGet | GET /api/v4/resellers/clients | Listar tus clientes como revendedor |
RevendedoresApi | apiV4ResellersClientsUidGet | GET /api/v4/resellers/clients/{uid} | Listar uno de tus clientes como revendedor |
RevendedoresApi | apiV4ResellersPackagesGet | GET /api/v4/resellers/packages | Consultar tus planes de revendedor |
SeriesApi | apiV4Series19843Get | GET /api/v4/series/19843 | Listar serie por UID |
SeriesApi | apiV4Series19844DownPost | POST /api/v4/series/19844/down | Desactivar una serie |
SeriesApi | apiV4Series19844DropPost | POST /api/v4/series/19844/drop | Elminar una serie |
SeriesApi | apiV4Series19844UpPost | POST /api/v4/series/19844/up | Activar una serie |
SeriesApi | apiV4SeriesCreatePost | POST /api/v4/series/create | Crear nueva serie |
SeriesApi | apiV4SeriesGet | GET /api/v4/series | Listar series |
- Type: HTTP basic authentication