Certificate Key Verification and Management Software
To gain a better understanding of the project, you can watch the video presentation at the following link: Project Video
Hello, viewers! My name is Amit Bhardwaj, and I would like to present one of my projects used as a backend for the CodeChef MMMUT Chapter. This project focuses on certificate verification using a 96-bit hexadecimal unique code and includes an admin login feature for added security.
The main purpose of this project is to streamline the process of verifying certificates issued by the CodeChef MMMUT Chapter. By utilizing a 96-bit unique hexadecimal code, candidates' certificates can be easily validated.
To ensure authorized access, an admin login functionality has been implemented. Admins can log in using their unique roll number and password.
Upon successful login, admins gain access to a range of powerful functionalities within the admin area.
Admins can add data for new candidates, providing their name, unique college roll number, year, role of responsibility, and a message. After submitting the information, the system generates a 94-bit unique hexadecimal key, which can be mentioned on the certificates of the new candidates.
Using candidate information such as name, unique roll number, and year, admins can modify their data. The modification is only possible if the admin password matches and the candidate exists. If the candidate does not exist or the password does not match, the data cannot be updated.
Admins have the capability to delete candidate data. By providing the unique key and the admin password, the corresponding candidate's data can be permanently erased from the system.
In case an admin suspects that their password has been compromised, they can update it using their known identity and a special password mentioned in the database. This ensures the security and integrity of the admin's account.
Admins can easily verify the data of candidates without the need to remember their unique IDs. By simply entering the candidate's roll number, the system displays and verifies their details.
The project is built using the following technologies:
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Handlebars
- MongoDB
=> Hosted on Render
Throughout the development of this project, I gained valuable insights and experiences. Here are the major learnings:
- Teamwork: This project was a collaborative effort, and I developed essential team management skills while working with my peers.
- Time Constraint: Completing the project on schedule was crucial, as we aimed to publish the website on a specific date. This taught me the importance of meeting deadlines.
- Continuous Feedback: Emphasizing feedback as a learning experience was pivotal in improving the project's quality. I embraced feedback and used it to enhance my skills and deliver a better end product.
Thank you for Reading my project. I am excited to discuss it further and showcase my skills.