Bare bones BMI270 I2C Python implementation. This was a project for my practical phase at my University and my first time working hands on with IMUs.
The package is available on
You can install this package using this command:
pip3 install bmi270
For a Raspberry Pi Setup add/change this line in /boot/config.txt to your desired baudrate:
Reboot your Raspberry Pi after applying the change.
Make sure these lines are connected: GND, 3V3, SDA, SCL
If you are using the SparkFun SPX-17353 BMI270 Breakout Board, you can easily connect them using a 1mm 4-pin JST connector cable. (example: Qwiic cables)
Make sure that the device is available at 0x68
or 0x69
i2c address by running this command:
i2cdetect -y 1
The BMI270 requires a config load. This initialization step is necessary to be able to use all its functions.
A full power cycle is necessary if you want to load the config again.
Check out examples for more information.
- Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
- Raspbian 10 - Buster (32 Bit)
requires Python >= 3.7
smbus2 (auto installed)
Manual installation:
pip3 install smbus2
- BMI270 class integration
- load config file into BMI270
- write/read registers
- a few other functions (see
-bash: pip3: command not found
sudo apt install python3-pip