The Clair Widget is part of the Clair Platform1, a system to collect measurements from networked CO2-sensors for indoor air-quality monitoring. It is developed and run by the Clair Berlin Initiative, a non-profit, open-source initiative to help operators of public spaces lower the risk of SARS-CoV2-transmission amongst their patrons.
Technically speaking, the Clair Widget is a JavaScript application that can be run in the browser or any other JavaScript runtime to fetch public measurement data from the API of the Clair Platform. The Widget is served by a webserver of the Clair Stack, the infrastructure-as-code implementation of the Clair Platform.
npm install
Patch @restate/vuex:
cd node_modules
patch -p0 < ../@reststate.patch
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint
The Clair Platform and the Clair-Berlin initiative are now part of the CO2-Monitoring (COMo) project, funded by a grant from the Senate Chancellery of the Governing Mayor of Berlin. ↩