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Column descriptions

johanmacedo edited this page Apr 1, 2020 · 4 revisions

Field list

REQUIRED fields are bolded. For multiple-choice fields, please see section at the bottom for valid options.

Col Field (code) Part Description Type
1 patient_ontario_health_card_number 1 Must be a valid OHCN.Must be 10 digits, followed by 2 letters, acceptable format: ####-###-###-AA (dashes optional) String
2 patient_hospital_mrn 1 Specify the patient’s Medical Record Number for the hospital, if applicable. String
3 patient_firstname 1 Max 50 chars String
4 patient_middlename 1 String
5 patient_lastname 1 String
6 patient_dateofbirth 1 Date
7 patient_gender 1 Enter one of the genders listed, exactly as it appears in the Rules/Options column to the right. One-of
8 patient_mailing_street_number 1 For addresses inside the City of Toronto, the address should be entered using these columns. Required, if the address is a city of Toronto Address. String
9 patient_mailing_street_name 1 String
10 patient_mailing_suite_number 1 String
11 patient_mailing_city 1 String
12 patient_mailing_province 1 String
13 patient_mailing_postal_code 1 String
14 patient_mailing_country 1 String
15 patient_mailing_lat 1 String
16 patient_mailing_long 1 String
17 full_address_text 1 A free-form description for the address that can be used if an exact address is incomplete or not known. Required, if the patient has no fixed address or lives outside the city. String
18 patient_phone_number 1 Required for fixed address patientsNot required if full_address_text is used String
19 patient_email 1 String
20 reported_date 2 Date on which you are notifying TPH of this case. Format is yyyy-mm-dd Date
21 reporting_source 2 Select the option which best describes you / your organization. One-of
22 cpso_number 2 … of the reporting physician. Entered if “Physician Office” is specified as the reporting source.Only applies when reporting_source = “Physician Office” String
23 reporting_source_other 2 If the reporting source does not match any of the drop-down list options, select “Other” and enter a short description of the reporting source in this column. Required if reporting_source = Other String
24 reporting_organization 2 Enter the reporting_organization exactly as it appears in the Rules/Options column to the right. One-of
25 reporting_organization_other 2 If the reporting organization is not in the drop-down list, then specify “Other” for reporting_organization and type the name of the organization in this column. Required if reporting_organization=Other String
26 person_making_the_report 2 The name of the person reporting this case. String
27 reporting_phone_number 2 Phone number of the person reporting this case. String
28 reporting_phone_number_extension 2 Telephone extension, if any. Maximum 6 digits String
29 patient_symptoms 3 Select all symptoms observed / reported by the patient. One-or-More
30 patient_symptoms_other 3 If the patient reports a symptom not included in the list, then check “Other” and specify the symptom here. Required if patient_symptoms = “Other” String
31 patient_onset_date 3 The earliest symptom onset date. Format yyyy-mm-dd Date
32 patient_exposures 3 List all the ways the patient was exposed to the virus * enter them exactly as they appear in the Rules/Options column to the right.* Separate each option with a comma and * enclose the list in square brackets.e.g. [Was on a cruise ship,Travel to another country] One-or-More
33 patient_exposures_other 3 If the patient was exposed to the virus in a manner other than specified in the patient_exposure options, then\ \* include “Other” in the patient_exposures list* specify the nature of the exposure here. Required if patient_exposures = “Other” String
34 patient_travel_affected_area 3 If the patient traveled to an affected country (i.e. the countries specified in the Rules/Options column to the right), then:\ \* include “Travel to an affected country” in the patient_exposures list* specify the country here, exactly as they appear in the Rules/Options column to the right* if the country does not appear in this list, use the patient_travel_other column.
Required if patient_exposures = “Travel to an affected country”
35 patient_travel_other 3 If the patient traveled to a country not included in the patient_travel_affected_area list, then
* include “Travel to another country” in the patient_exposures_list
* specify the country here.
Required if patient_exposures = “Travel to another country”
36 patient_specimens_collected 3 If specimens were collected, then list them, exactly as they appear in the Rules/Options column to the right. Separate each option with a comma and enclose the list in square brackets.
e.g. [Throat Swab,Nasopharyngeal Swab] If no specimens were collected, then enter empty brackets []
Zero or more of the following:[“Throat Swab”, “Nasopharyngeal Swab”]
Array of Strings
37 patient_specimen_collection_date 3 The date on which the specimens were collected.
Format yyyy-mm-dd.
Must be entered if you specified one or more patient_specimens_collected
38 patient_hospital_told_patient_to_selfisolate 3 labelled: “Healthcare Provider / Organization told patient to self-isolate”.
Options are:
39 patient_health_status 3 Enter the current status of the patient exactly as it appears in the Rules/Options column to the right. String
40 patient_health_status_other 3 If none of the options accurately describes the patient status, then enter “Other” as the patient_health_status and describe the status here.
If patient_health_status_other = “Other” → requiredIf patient_health_status_other != “Other” → ignored
41 comments 3 Any additional comments. Max Length 32767 String

Field multi-choice options

7. patient_gender

  • Male
  • Female
  • Transgender
  • Other
  • Unknown

21. reporting_source

  • Hospital physician / Infection Prevention and Control
  • Assessment Centre
  • Physician Office
  • Other

24. reporting_organization

  • Hospital for Sick Children
  • Humber River Hospital
  • Michael Garron Hospital
  • Mount Sinai Hospital
  • North York General Hospital
  • Scarborough Health Network-Birchmount Hospital
  • Scarborough Health Network-Centenary Hospital
  • Scarborough Health Network-General Hospital
  • St. Joseph's Health Centre
  • St. Michael's Hospital
  • Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
  • Trillium Health Partners
  • UHN-Princess Margaret Hospital
  • UHN-Toronto Western Hospital
  • UHN-Toronto General Hospital
  • William Osler Health System
  • Other

29. patient_symptoms

  • Fever
  • Difficulty Breathing/SOB
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Sore Throat
  • Other

32. patient_exposures

  • Travel to an affected country
  • Travel to another country
  • Was on a cruise ship
  • Have close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19
  • Have close contact with a person with acute respiratory illness who has been to an affected area* within 14 days prior to their illness onset
  • Have laboratory exposure to biological material (e.g.primary clinical specimens, virus culture isolates) known to contain COVID-19
  • Other

34. patient_travel_affected_area

  • China
  • Iran
  • Italy
  • South Korea
  • USA

39. patient_health_status

  • Hospitalized, non-ICU (connect with Infection Prevention & Control to ensure appropriate precautions are in place)
  • Admitted to ICU (connect with Infection Prevention & Control to ensure appropriate precautions are in place)
  • ED Visit only and discharged
  • Currently in the ED (if being discharged please advise to self isolate)
  • Deceased