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GIS Structure

Arnaud Grignard edited this page Nov 16, 2018 · 3 revisions

GAMA models are built on top of GIS layers that build geography of the model’s world. An overview of the GIS layer structure and object attributes used for CityScope models is below.

Basic GIS Layer Structure

File Type Type
Buildings.shp Polygon
Roads.shp Line
table_bounds.shp Polygon
Amenities.shp Point
Bounds.shp Polygon


Attribute Name Values
Usage ‘O’: office, ‘R’: Residential
Scale 'S': small, 'M': Medium, 'L': large
Category 'Uni': university, 'Shopping': commercial area, 'Restaurant': dining area, 'Night': nightlife, 'Park': communal greenspace, 'HS': high school, 'Cultural': areas of cultural significance
Floors From 0 to 100


Empty attribute table.

Table Bounds

This layer represents the bounds of the CityScope physical table grid inside of the simulation.


Point representing lunch/dinner break options for each agent in the simulation. Each point will represent the location of a restaurant, convenience store, or supermarket for example - anywhere someone can sit down and eat.

Attribute Name Description
Type The type of amenity this is (e.g. ‘restaurant’, ‘pub’, ‘fast food’)
Name The name of the amenity (e.g. ‘Saul’s Deli’, ‘In-N-Out Burger’)
Usage Each object should have this set to 'A'
Scale TBD


Represents the bounds of the simulation. Agents will not be able to exit this perimeter. Empty attribute table.

Getting Started With GIS

GIS Editor: We recommend downloading and using the QGIS software (see to manipulate your GIS data.

To learn the fundamentals of GIS and the QGIS software, we recommend this presentation:

GIS Data: For detailed GIS data

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