A class to be called on interrupts to manage a template PWM signal.
Every 256 calls the PWM signal completes one cycle.
The timer on the interrupt should be defined by the desired period / 256.
- Add a #Include PWMClass.h to the headers
- Create a class variable on initialization, giving the duty cycle (uint_8 [range 0-255], template OutputPin)
- On each interrupt cycle call the functor PWM()
- The period of the signal will be determined by 1/256 * the timer of the interrupt
#include "PWMClass.h"
int main()
PWM<int> PWM(75, 0); /** int for a sample template type ; 75 = dutycycle ; 0 = pin to change */
int pulse = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 255*2 ; ++i) { /** Execute for 2 cycles */
pulse = PWM();
std::cout << "i= " << i << " output = " << pulse << std::endl; /** Output PWM */
return 0;
The class is tested by the Google unit test library Two main tests:
Duty cycle read and wright
Output PWM capability on two factos:
Total time on for X number of cycles
Total times switched from 0 to 1 on X number of cycles
To run the test open PWMGenerator.sln and compile/run the project