Package that provides reusable code that makes it easy to access Tagliatelle tags in python projects.
This package provides both high level and low level client.
High level client focuses on abstracting the operation
- for example fetching tags for any combination of resource and tag urn:
from tagliatelle.Client import Client
client = Client(bearer, None)
bulkResponse = client.tag().with_key("urn:space").fetch()
for response in bulkResponse.results:
print (f'{response.resourceUri} -> {response.value}')
- removing tags for any combination of tag urn and resource uri:
from tagliatelle.Client import Client
client = Client(bearer, None)
bulkResponse = client.tag().with_key("urn:space").remove()
- or create / update
from tagliatelle.Client import Client
client = Client(bearer, None)
bulkResponse = client.tag().with_key("urn:space").with_resource("http://some.resource.url").with_string_value("tag value").apply()
The low level client is exposing granular operations exsposed by Tagliatelle API
- get_tags
- post_tag
- put_tag
- delete_tag