DISPLAY (Detection and Identification of SPectroscopical Lines for Atacama large milimeter-submilimeter arraY)
The objective of this project is to identify spectroscopical lines from ALMA-like cubes of spectral data.
- Andrés Riveros
- Karim Pichara
- Pavlos Protopapas
- Diego Mardones
- Mauricio Araya
The syntethic data was generated using the ASYDO (Astronomical SYnthetic Data Observatory) Project:
- Mauricio Araya
- Teodoro Hochfärber
- scipy
- numpy
- matplotlib
- astropy
- pysqlite
- ASYDO (package included)
The DISPLAY package and database creation files should be copy to your working directory. For example, in a unix-based system:
user@machine:~/yourproject$ cp -r ../path_to_DISPLAY/src/display .
To create synthetic data, instructions to use the DISPLAY Project are available in (https://github.com/ChileanVirtualObservatory/ASYDO)