A schedule building application developed using the Django framework. Designed to streamline the scheduling process, optimizing time allocation, whether for individual use or planning with friends.
Python and Django need to be installed
pip install django
Install all needed modules
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set your CAL_ID
Running locally
set CAL_ID=c_6ed17073345c64d5b392f5a8ef7b4a62938f12c8fc5fecfa4b7256ef88acad28@group.calendar.google.com
Running in virtual enviroment
$env:CAL_ID = "c_6ed17073345c64d5b392f5a8ef7b4a62938f12c8fc5fecfa4b7256ef88acad28@group.calendar.google.com"
Go to the ScheduleBuilder folder and run
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
Then go to the browser and enter the url
- Initial project planning
- Initial Django project setup
- Assignment parser
- Upload assignment and parse out important information
- Syllabus parser
- Upload syllabus and parse out important information
- Initial Google Calendar API setup
- Able to add events to calendar
- Improved UI
- Nav bar
- Login page
- Home page
- Canvas login page
- User login/registration
- Ability to delete events
- Additional options added to add event
- Recurrence
- Priority
- iCalendar API implementation
- Ability to edit events
- Friend system
- Add friends
- Remove friends
- Add friends to events
- PyTest
- Implementated unit tests for google calendar and accounts
- Django build badge
- Django tests badge
- Test coverage badge