wit is a lightweight Git implementation written in Python. It aims to provide the core functionality of Git, allowing users to version control their projects, manage branches, and track changes efficiently.
- Clone the wit repository from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/ChaniChalamish/Wit.git
- Navigate to the wit directory:
cd wit
- Run the wit command-line tool:
python wit.py
- Initialize a new Wit repository in the current directory:
wit init
- Add files\directories to the staging area:
wit add file1.txt file2.py
wit add folder1
Inserting an internal file\directory includes the current path:
wit add folder1\file1.txt
wit add folder1\folder2
- Commit changes with a descriptive message:
wit commit -m "Initial commit"
- Create and switch to a new branch:
wit branch <feature-branch>
wit checkout <feature-branch>
- Merge changes from one branch into another:
wit checkout <target-branch>
wit merge <source-branch>
- View commit history:
wit log
- Revert to a previous commit:
wit checkout <commit-hash>
- Push changes to a remote repository:
wit push origin master
- Pull changes from a remote repository:
wit pull origin master
- Initialize a new Wit repository
- Stage and commit changes
- Create and switch between branches
- Merge branches
- View commit history
- Track changes and file modifications
- Ignore specific files or directories using .witignore
- Revert to previous commits
- Push and pull changes to remote repositories