- High resolution Solar Radiation Balance maps from ECMWF 40-year reanalysis model data
- Folders contain maps (pdfs and gifs), model data and python code to create the maps
- You are free to use the maps or run the code to generate your own.
- Used in a lab activity to teach about climate in Geology/Astronomy 106L at Iowa State University:
- The learning objective for this lab is for students to understand how short- and long-wave radiation budgets affect monthly and yearly temperature fluctuations.
- Students work in pairs, and are given a map that shows either annual mean incoming solar radiation or annual mean outgoing thermal radiation.
- Students answer a series of questions about these maps, and then combine with another group in order to compare the differences between incoming and outgoing radiation values.
- By doing this, they develop an understanding of which parts of the world experience an energy surplus or deficit.
- Students are then asked to hypothesize why the energy deficit (surplus) areas don’t continue to get colder (warmer)
- netcdf file from http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/era40-moda
- Monthly means of Daily means, moda, 6, 2.5°, 1957-09-01 to 2002-08-01, Forecast, 40 years reanalysis
- Variables: Surface net solar radiation, Surface net thermal radiation, Top net solar radiation, Top net thermal radiation (SSR, STR, TSR, TTR)
Radiation Quantities in the ECMWF model and MARS.pdf
documents the variables and gives some example maps
- Python 2 scripts for generating monthly or yearly maps from the Variables
- reads in the netcdf file and generates a bunch of geotiffs using GDAL so they could be used in a GIS
- uses numpy to store data in arrays
- data values (energy) is converted from J to W, duration is number of secs per month
- for TTR and STR, the absolute values are used (otherwise they would be negative)
- calculates the yearly or monthly averages
- uses Matplotlib/Basemap to create the maps
- lots of plot parameters you could change for the maps:
- variable (currently ttr but can be a list for batch processing)
- area (currently global)
- projection (currently Robinson)
- visual center (median) of the map but can be a list for batch processing
- grids (currently 30 degree spacings)
- colormap/colorramp: currently CMRmap but can be a list for batch processing
- contours (on/off)
- for
only one map is created Radiation_maps_from_ECMWF40_data_monthly.py
creates a map for each month- if batch processing is used (e.g. if a list of medians is given), a map is produced for each median, this can be combined with a list of colormaps
- monthly maps at different medians can be used as frames to create and animation showing the changes over the year, plus a slow rotation around the globe
- rasters for monthly and annual means for ssr, str, ttr and tsr
- Radiation_data.mxd - ArcMap document for use in ArcGIS 10.3 or later
- shapefile for continents (continents.shp) and countries (world30.shp)
SSR: Surface net solar radiation maps (pdfs)
TSR: Top net solar radiation maps (pdfs and animated gif)
TTR: Top net thermal radiation (pdfs and animated gif)
( Surface net thermal radiation (STR) is in the netcdf file but no maps were created)
- use ArcGIS with the rasters in the geotiffs folders (load Radiation_data.mxd to get started)
- get python 2.7, install numpyt, netCDF4 osgeo (for gdal) matplotlib and Basemap
- decide if you want to plot yearly or monthly maps, edit the corresponding python script
- change this for the variable(s) to plot:
# variables to plot
#varnames = [ "ttr", "tsr", "str", "ssr"]
varnames = [ "ttr"]
- change this for the medians/meridians to plot:
# plot at median
#medians = range(-90,181,90) # must be -180 to +180
medians = [0]
- pick your colormap(s), here are some suggestions
cmaps = [plt.cm.CMRmap]
- fiddle with the basemap and matplotlob plot parameters
- run the code
- maps will end up in their variable folder (e.g. TTR),
- map filenames will contain the meridian (_mrd=XXX) and the colormap (_cmap=XXX) used.
- monthly maps will contain the month as number (_month=01 to 12)
- Radiation_maps_from_ECMWF40_data_monthly.py has some provisions for creating lower res jpgs which can be used to create animated gifs
netcdf ECMWF40_moda_Sep1957_Aug2002_SSR_STR {
longitude = 144 ;
latitude = 73 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (540 currently)
float longitude(longitude) ;
longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
longitude:long_name = "longitude" ;
float latitude(latitude) ;
latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
latitude:long_name = "latitude" ;
int time(time) ;
time:units = "hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:0.0" ;
time:long_name = "time" ;
time:calendar = "gregorian" ;
short ssr(time, latitude, longitude) ;
ssr:scale_factor = 125.433476263867 ;
ssr:add_offset = 4109953.28326187 ;
ssr:_FillValue = -32767s ;
ssr:missing_value = -32767s ;
ssr:units = "J m**-2" ;
ssr:long_name = "Surface net solar radiation" ;
ssr:standard_name = "surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux" ;
short str(time, latitude, longitude) ;
str:scale_factor = 67.7184777135184 ;
str:add_offset = -1765199.35923886 ;
str:_FillValue = -32767s ;
str:missing_value = -32767s ;
str:units = "J m**-2" ;
str:long_name = "Surface net thermal radiation" ;
str:standard_name = "surface_net_upward_longwave_flux" ;
// global attributes:
:Conventions = "CF-1.0" ;
:history = "2015-09-03 20:49:00 GMT by grib_to_netcdf-1.13.1: grib_to_netcdf /data/data04/scratch/netcdf-atls13-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-aVlFGs.target -o /data/data04/scratch/netcdf-atls13-a562cefde8a29a7288fa0b8b7f9413f7-L2Furv.nc -utime" ;