This is a RISC-V simulator which simulates some basic infrastructure of a RISC-V processor. It's implemented in tomasulo algorithm.
The instruction queue is abandoned due to the bug introduced by JALR instruction. The pre-fetch of JALR in instruction queue might get wrong.
It takes one cycle to fetch a instruction from memory.
With branch instruction, a branch prediction is done inside the instruction queue to get the right pc. However, the JALR instruction needs register which should be done in the reservation stations. Therefore, the instruction queue has to pre-fetch the register.
The instruction gets into the reservation stations after popup from the instruction queue. It would be flagged "Issued".
In this stage, it would be sent to the arithmetic logic units for computation. The result would be written into common data bus.
Used to load and store with memory. The load and store takes up three cycles.
Used to transfer information between hardwares. It takes one cycle to transfer.
Record information with register reordering.
Testcase | Cycles | Two-bit saturated | Two-level adaptive |
array_test1 | 295 | 50% | 54.55% |
array_test2 | 360 | 46.15% | 50% |
qsort | 2245812 | 87.42% | 95.22% |
queens | 1256639 | 73.39% | 74.56% |
manyarguments | 83 | 80.00% | 80.00% |
magic | 981569 | 78.40% | 85.13% |
basicopt1 | 801340 | 82.40% | 88.24% |
bulgarian | 695409 | 94.44% | 94.26% |
lvalue2 | 73 | 66.67% | 66.67% |
multiarray | 3070 | 79.01% | 53.08% |
statement_test | 1799 | 64.36% | 63.37% |
tak | 2921136 | 73.80% | 83.60% |
pi | 136812050 | 82.40% | 83.85% |
hanoi | 369717 | 61.09% | 87.18% |
expr | 835 | 82.89% | 72.97% |
gcd | 734 | 67.50% | 62.50% |
superloop | 680834 | 93.82% | 97.35% |
naive | 40 | 100.00% | 100.00% |