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Martin Polanka edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 3 revisions


Users which are not registered are known as Guests and therefore they have access only to publicly accessible parts of system. Currently there are only two public parts: Showroom and Feedback sub-sites.


Showroom is page located under Showroom link in sidebar where you can find information about former and current officers from hosting country. Officers are divided with regard to their roles in IFMSA organization and sorted from the top positions. Every person has its own card with name, faculty, year in the office and some description.


Exchange feedback is accessible through Feedback link in the sidebar. If you visit this link you can see list of countries to which you can add feedback or where feedback of others can be found.

Whole cards with country flags and names are clickable and will take you to country detail. In there you can find list of currently added feedback from other people which you can further filter based on fields in Extended options collapsible card. Or you can add your own feedback to this country by clicking on Add Feedback button.

On the add feedback page you can just fill all your details and then answer questions about your exchange. At the end there is simple human detector which should be enough to separate machines from medics. If you are satisfied with all answer just submit form with Add Feedback button and your feedback will be inserted into system. Please note that after submission feedback cannot be changed.

Details about particular feedback are accessible through Name column in the list of feedback from particular country. In here all information given in the add feedback form are displayed which implies if you add feedback into CUK all other guests can see it too.

Additionally you can generate files in PDF format from particular feedback. You can have either PDF which is fitted for printing (there are less colors) or PDF with background and colors. This PDFs will contain all information which are visible on particular feedback details page.