This is the git repo for my lab work (TP = Travaux Pratiques in french) of SEL (Système d'Exploitation Linux = Linux Operating System in french)
The instructions for this work are in Sujet_TP.pdf (in french only)
The tracer program is "tpsel" and the traced program is "tpsel_trace"
To launch the programs, open 2 terminals, one into each program directory, and run : "cargo run"
Warning : be sure to launch the traced program before the tracer because the tracer needs it to run correctly.
Warning the usage of mprotect can lead to SELinux errors ! Be sure to fix it if you want the program to work correctly.
Current advancement : I've almost finished challenge 4 😎 (i still have no solution to come back to the previous function after putting the trampoline in place).