This project has been rewritten and is now found at this repo This project will no longer be maintained
Bot designed and built for serving Calm Guild
Built by Miqhtie & Contributors
Want to help make this project better? Feel free to clone & fork this project and make a pull request.
After you clone this project, follow these steps to setup the dev enviorement
Install yarn
This project uses yarn package manager instead of npm. To install yarn donpm i yarn -g
Install necessary modules
Install all the libraries that are requried to run this project by runningyarn install
Copy and fill out .env
The dotenv file contains sensitive data such as your bot token. To run this project you must create one. First copy and paste the example.env file and rename it to .env. Then fill out all the fields within it. -
Run the bot
Now run the bot using the scripts defined in package.json. Use:
yarn dev
to compile the bot in ts-node and run it in dev. Slower performance.
yarn prod
to build the bot and output it in a build folder and run in from there. Performence meant for production.
This bot uses typescript to help ease the development process with strict typings. Then it is compiled to javascript using ts-node. Read the typescript handbook here.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.