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CNA Rules Revision Schedule 2017

Daniel Adinolfi edited this page Aug 23, 2017 · 6 revisions
Week #1: August 7-13 Issue Number
Define hardware 43
Update definitions 17
Define when an entry should be marked as disputed versus rejected 25
Fix typo in 2.2.9 35
Use terminology as defined by RFC 2119 (MUST, SHOULD, MAY) 23
Remove "to the greatest level of detail available" from the Appendix B 48
Week #2: August 14-20 Issue Number
Clarify the nested CNA structure 49
Define what metrics CNAs need to report 46
Remove CVE ID assignment requirements for Root CNAs 44
Clarify who can be a CNA 29
Re section 4.1(3) 5
Re section 4.1(4) 4
Week #3: August 21-27 Issue Number
Define requirements for disclosure policies 16
Add language setting expectations on when downstream developers should coordinate with upstream developers. 51
CNAs must provide a scope page on their website 14
Define the expiration process for reserved CVE IDs 28
Tie JSON updates schedule to CNA Rules update schedule. 22
Week #4: August 28 - September 3 Issue Number
Add explicit how-to steps for submitting CVE entries to the Primary CNA 40
Make JSON the preferred format 39
Define how quickly CNAs are expected to submit entries after publishing an advisory 38
Require reporting of which reserved CVE IDs have and have not been assigned to a vulnerability 37
Notify requester when a CVE ID has been assigned. 36
Week #5: September 4-10 Issue Number
Change the issue resolution processes (Appendix E) to account for CNAs who violate the rules 34
The CVE List cannot be the first point of publication for any information. 26
Examples and paper trail for the escalation process 15
Allow CNAs to embed data into their CNA listing 20
Define how to handle third-party updates to a CNA's entry. 27
Week #6: September 11-17 Issue Number
Require all approved submission formats can capture the same information 42
Make IMPACT an explicitly required component of CVE entries 41
Should references be categorized? 21
Remove the description from the required information for an entry submission 13
Add the assigning CNA to the required information for an entry submission 12
Add publication date as a required field 45
Week #7: September 18-24 Issue Number
Review INC4 33
Update CNT1 31
Update CNT3 (Shared codebase, library, protocol, standard, etc.) 19
Change INC3 to allow for coverage of services 18
Allow assignments to vulnerabilities in hardware 50
Strengthen the need for enough information to show uniqueness in CVE entries 52
Week #8: September 25-30 Issue Number
Remove requirement to make vulnerabilities public (INC2) 11
Define what year of CVE ID (e.g. CVE-2017) should be used during an assignment. 24
Define how to handle overlapping assignments 47
Clarify that CVE IDs can be assigned to vulnerabilities that are already public 32
Define if and how CNAs assign CVE IDs to bundled third-party products. 30
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