This repository contains the code and data for the paper STEP - Towards Structured Scene-Text Spotting
Use the following commands to clone and create the environment with conda:
git clone
conda create -n STEP python=3.8 -y
conda activate STEP
conda install pytorch==1.10.1 torchvision==0.11.2 cudatoolkit=11.3 cudatoolkit-dev=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
python -m pip install scipy numba
python -m pip install detectron2 -f
python build develop
Our proposed approach uses HierText-based training and validation splits. The training and validation images can be downloaded using the AWS CLI interface:
mkdir datasets
mkdir datasets/hiertext
aws s3 --no-sign-request cp s3://open-images-dataset/ocr/train.tgz datasets/hiertext
aws s3 --no-sign-request cp s3://open-images-dataset/ocr/validation.tgz datasets/hiertext
tar -xzvf datasets/hiertext/train.tgz -C datasets/hiertext/
tar -xzvf datasets/hiertext/validation.tgz -C datasets/hiertext/
Our pipeline uses custom training and validation ground truths. The ground truth files can be downloaded with the following script:
wget -P datasets/hiertext
unzip datasets/hiertext/ -d datasets/hiertext
Finally, our proposed test set can be downloaded with:
wget -P datasets
unzip datasets/ -d datasets
The license plate images are sourced from the UFPR-ALPR dataset. The images of this dataset are licensed for non-commercial use and you need to request access to the authors (instructions are included in the linked repository). The images we used are the first frames of each one of the sequences. Supposing that you have been given access to the UFPR-ALPR dataset, you can download, unzip and copy these frames with:
wget https://redacted/ # change it to the actual download link
cp UFPR-ALPR\ dataset/*/*/*\[01\].png datasets/structured_test/
# cp UFPR-ALPR\ dataset/**/*\[01\].png datasets/structured_test/ # for zsh
# rm -r UFPR-ALPR\ dataset/ # optionally
The dataset format follows the labelme annotation format. The "label" field of every annotation is its type/class of code (UIC, BIC, tonnage, etc.). The field "transcription" contains the transcription of the instance. The following table specifies the label of every type of code and its regular expression:
Class | Regular Expression | Label |
BIC | \[A-Za-z]{4}\s\d{6}\s\d | bic |
UIC | \d{2}\s?\d{2}\s?\d{4}\s?\d{3}\-\d | uic |
TARE | \d{2}[.]?\d{3}\s?(?i)kg | tare |
Phone Num. | \d{3}[-.\s]?\d{3}[-.\s]?\d{4} | phone |
Tonnage | \d{2}[.]?\d?[t] | tonnage |
License Plate | \[A-Z]{3}\s\d{4} | lp |
The TESTR pretrained on HierText (which are used to initialise the model) and STEP's final weights can be downloaded with:
mkdir ckp
wget -P ckp
wget -P ckp
They should be placed under the ckp
directory, although you can place them anywhere else, but you
should change the arguments of the example script calls below.
The model can be trained with the following script (needs the TESTR pretrained weights linked above
in the ckp
python tools/ --config-file configs/STEP/hiertext/STEP_R_50_Polygon.yaml --num-gpus 2
To run the validation script:
python inference/ --config-file configs/STEP/hiertext/STEP_R_50_Polygon.yaml --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS ckp/STEPv1_final.pth MODEL.TRANSFORMER.INFERENCE_TH_TEST 0.3
Finally, to run the test script on our proposed test dataset:
python inference/ --config-file configs/STEP/hiertext/STEP_R_50_Polygon.yaml --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS ckp/STEPv1_final.pth MODEL.TRANSFORMER.INFERENCE_TH_TEST 0.3
You can build your own queries with the code found in the file adet/utils/
These queries are used in the inference files to find the target text in the image.
This file contains several functions, but we will only need the generate_query
This function has two arguments, types
and mask_force
. types
has to be a string.
Each character of the string represents the type of the character that we want to match in each
position. This is the list of character types that we can specify:
- s: space(
[ ]
in regex) - e: separator symbols
- p: special characters
- l: letters (
in regex) - n: numbers (
in regex)
file has the full list of characters for each character type. Besides targeting
these general character types, you can also use mask_force
to force specific characters. If for
example you want the target string to start with the character 'a', the first char of types
will be 'a'. To indicate that you want to force that character at position 0, the first element of
will be 1. The length of mask_force
must be equal to the length of types
The elements of mask_force
will be 0 if you want to use the general character types. Here are
some examples where we are using the general character types to match strings:
generate_query("nnnll", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
: matches any string with three numbers and two letters, the equivalent regex would be\b\d{3}[A-Za-z]{2}\b
.generate_query("ensll", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
: matches any string starting with a "separator" character (characters ',', '-' or '_') a number, a space, and two letters. The equivalent regex would be\b[,-_]\d[ ][A-Za-z]{2}\b
Here are some examples where we match specific characters at certain positions:
generate_query("nnnnnKG", [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1])
: matches any string with five numbers and the letters "KG", the equivalent regex would be\b\d{5}KG\b
.generate_query("nnKn", [0, 0, 1, 1])
: matches any string with two numbers and the letters "Kn", the equivalent regex would be\b\d{2}Kn\b
. Notice how the letter 'n' can be used as a general character type for numbers, but in this case we're forcing the actual character 'n' in the last position of the query.generate_query("TARA", [1, 1, 1, 1])
: matches the exact word "TARA", the equivalent regex would be\bTARA\b
If you use a character type that is not listed above, and the mask is set to 0 in that position,
the code will raise an exception. For example, the query generate_query("nnnr", [0, 0, 0, 0])
is not valid because "r" is not a valid character type, and the mask is set to 0 in its position.
We can also target multiple specific characters at a certain position, but requires a bit more work.
Let's say we want to encode the regex \b\d{2}[Kk][Nn]\b
, where the last two letters can be
uppercase and lowercase. In this case we can add the two expression where we target both representations
and clamp the result between 0 and 1:
query1 = generate_query("nnkn", [0, 0, 1, 1])
query2 = generate_query("nnKN", [0, 0, 1, 1])
query = torch.clamp(query1 + query2, max=1)
These queries are given to the model. An example of their usage can be seen in the script
, line 90. You can run this script with:
python inference/ --config-file configs/STEP/hiertext/STEP_R_50_Polygon.yaml --input <PATH_TO_THE_IMAGES> --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS ckp/STEPv1_final.pth MODEL.TRANSFORMER.INFERENCE_TH_TEST 0.3
You can save the result in a folder with the flag --output <OUTPUT_PATH>
This repository is released under the Apache License 2.0. Check the LICENSE file, dawg.
We thanks AdelaiDet training and inference framework and the authors of TESTR for their code and work.