You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 20
Orignal Code The SearcControl.cs file handles the UI for the search. There is the searchControl, and associated files for running the hiscentral search (with failover), and downloading information. Originally, much of this information was incorporated into a single SearchControl.cs form. Over time, we have moved items outside of the form to make them testable.
- inherits form
- calls HisSearchWithFailover.cs to handle the HIS central
- calls HisCentralSearcher.cs to to the actual calls
- Calls downloader.cs
- contains logic to handle "Ontology"
- Modifies the input keyword list by removing redundant or otherwise unnecessary items for efficient searching.
We want to refactor the ontology into a separate class. We have already moved all the logic to get a SearchCntieria object from the form into a method
private SearchCriteria GetSearchParameters(){}
In GetSearchParameters is one set of lines that handle the ontology
/* this region to be refactored /*/
// Validate and refine the list of keywords.
string ontologyFilePath = GetOntologyFilePath ();
XmlDocument ontologyXml = new XmlDocument ();
ontologyXml.Load ( ontologyFilePath );
RefineKeywordList ( searchCritria.keywords, ontologyXml );
/* this region to be refactored /*/
The code is well isolated, already. There are two internal methods called
- GetOntologyFilePath()
- RefineKeywordList(searchCritria.keywords, ontologyXml ) Also, note that the RefineKeywordList Method is defined to be easily testable (in addition to being easily refactorable). It passes in two items, and hopefully, is independent on internal
At the end of the file at the methods that need to be moved. I've already added some notes.
#region Ontology Utilities
/* for refatoring
* we need a set of test cases
* top level terms that should return empty string
* couple of leaf nodes, should be return the same
* terms that are under, and only the top level should be retained
* disjount terms, that should be returned
* disjoint terms with a term or two under
* Note this is a good method to test (Tim good job).
* We could make a small sample ontology xml file to represent a subset of
* ontology and make a very small set of controlled use cases
* */
/// <summary>
/// Modifies the input keyword list by removing redundant or otherwise unnecessary items for efficient searching.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="KeywordList">List of input keywords to refine.</param>
/// <param name="OntologyXml">XML of the CUAHSI hydrologic ontology.</param>
private void RefineKeywordList ( List<string> KeywordList, XmlDocument OntologyXml )
// Refactoring. This is the entry point
// If searching 1st tier keywords, clear the list.
List<string> tier1Keywords = GetKeywordsAtTier ( 1, OntologyXml );
foreach ( string tier1keyword in tier1Keywords )
if ( KeywordList.Contains ( tier1keyword ) == true )
KeywordList.Clear ();
// Remove repeated keywords.
List<string> tmpList = KeywordList.Distinct ().ToList ();
if ( tmpList.Count != KeywordList.Count )
KeywordList.Clear ();
KeywordList.AddRange ( tmpList );
// Remove keywords that don't have a match in the ontology.
RemoveUnmatchedKeywords ( KeywordList, OntologyXml );
// Remove keywords if their ancestors are also in the list.
RemoveRedundantChildKeywords ( KeywordList, OntologyXml );
// Replace 2nd tier keywords with their 3rd tier child keywords.
// 2nd tier keywords cannot be searched at HIS Central.
List<string> tier2Keywords = GetKeywordsAtTier ( 2, OntologyXml );
foreach ( string tier2keyword in tier2Keywords )
if ( KeywordList.Contains ( tier2keyword ) == true )
// Remove 2nd tier keyword
RemoveAllFromList ( KeywordList, tier2keyword );
// Add 3rd tier keywords that are children of the removed 2nd tier keyword.
List<string> tier3Keywords = GetChildKeywords ( tier2keyword, OntologyXml );
foreach ( string tier3keyword in tier3Keywords )
if ( KeywordList.Contains ( tier3keyword ) == false )
KeywordList.Add ( tier3keyword );
/// <summary>
/// Gets all child keywords for the given keyword from the ontology XML.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Keyword">The keyword for which child keywords are sought.</param>
/// <param name="OntologyXml">XML of the CUAHSI hydrologic ontology.</param>
/// <returns>List of child keywords for the given keyword from the ontology XML.</returns>
private List<string> GetChildKeywords ( string Keyword, XmlDocument OntologyXml )
// Create a namespace manager to enable XPath searching. Otherwise, no results are returned if a namespace is present.
// This works even if no namespace is present.
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager ( OntologyXml.NameTable );
nsmgr.AddNamespace ( "x", OntologyXml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI );
// Create an XPath expression to find all child keywords of the given keyword.
string xpathExpression = "//x:OntologyNode[x:keyword='" + Keyword + "'](x_keyword='_-+-Keyword-+-_')/x:childNodes/x:OntologyNode/x:keyword";
// Select all nodes that match the XPath expression.
XmlNodeList keywordNodes = OntologyXml.SelectNodes ( xpathExpression, nsmgr );
// Return a list of the parent keywords.
return NodeListToStringList ( keywordNodes );
/// <summary>
/// Gets keywords at a given tier within the hierarchical CUAHSI hydrologic ontology.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Tier">The tier for which keywords are sought. The highlest level is tier 1, the next level is tier 2, and so on.</param>
/// <param name="OntologyXml">XML of the CUAHSI hydrologic ontology.</param>
/// <returns>List of keywords at the given tier in the ontology XML.</returns>
private List<string> GetKeywordsAtTier ( int Tier, XmlDocument OntologyXml )
// Validate inputs.
if ( Tier < 1 )
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ( "Tier", "Tier must be greater than or equal to 1" );
// Create a namespace manager to enable XPath searching. Otherwise, no results are returned if a namespace is present.
// This works even if no namespace is present.
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager ( OntologyXml.NameTable );
nsmgr.AddNamespace ( "x", OntologyXml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI );
// Create an XPath expression to find all keywords at the given tier.
StringBuilder expressionBuilder = new StringBuilder ( Tier * 25 );
for ( int i = 2; i <= Tier; i++ )
expressionBuilder.Append ( "/x:OntologyNode/x:childNodes" );
expressionBuilder.Append ( "/x:OntologyNode/x:keyword" );
string xpathExpression = expressionBuilder.ToString ();
// Select all nodes that match the XPath expression.
XmlNodeList keywordNodes = OntologyXml.SelectNodes ( xpathExpression, nsmgr );
// Return a list of the keywords.
return NodeListToStringList ( keywordNodes );
/// <summary>
/// Gets all ancestor keywords (parent, grandparent, etc.) for the given keyword from the ontology XML.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Keyword">The keyword for which ancestor keywords are sought.</param>
/// <param name="OntologyXml">XML of the CUAHSI hydrologic ontology.</param>
/// <returns>List of ancestor keywords for the given keyword from the ontology XML.</returns>
private List<string> GetAncestorKeywords ( string Keyword, XmlDocument OntologyXml )
// Create a namespace manager to enable XPath searching. Otherwise, no results are returned if a namespace is present.
// This works even if no namespace is present.
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager ( OntologyXml.NameTable );
nsmgr.AddNamespace ( "x", OntologyXml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI );
// Create an XPath expression to find all parent keywords of the given keyword.
string xpathExpression = "//x:OntologyNode[x:keyword='" + Keyword + "'](x_keyword='_-+-Keyword-+-_')/ancestor::x:OntologyNode/x:keyword";
// Select all nodes that match the XPath expression.
XmlNodeList keywordNodes = OntologyXml.SelectNodes ( xpathExpression, nsmgr );
// Return a list of the keywords.
return NodeListToStringList ( keywordNodes );
/// <summary>
/// Gets keyword nodes from the CUAHSI hydrologic ontology XML that match the given keyword.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Keyword">The keyword for which keyword nodes are sought.</param>
/// <param name="OntologyXml">XML of the CUAHSI hydrologic ontology.</param>
/// <returns>Keyword nodes from the CUAHSI hydrologic ontology XML that match the given keyword.</returns>
private XmlNodeList GetKeywordNodes ( string Keyword, XmlDocument OntologyXml )
// Create a namespace manager to enable XPath searching. Otherwise, no results are returned if a namespace is present.
// This works even if no namespace is present.
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager ( OntologyXml.NameTable );
nsmgr.AddNamespace ( "x", OntologyXml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI );
// Create an XPath expression to find the given keyword.
string xpathExpression = "//x:keyword[. = '" + Keyword + "'](.-=-'_-+-Keyword-+-_')";
// Select all nodes that match the XPath expression.
return OntologyXml.SelectNodes ( xpathExpression, nsmgr );
/// <summary>
/// Modifies the input list by removing items whose ancestors from the Ontology XML also appear in the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="KeywordList">List of keywords for which redundant child keywords should be removed.</param>
/// <param name="OntologyXml">XML of the CUAHSI hydrologic ontology.</param>
private void RemoveRedundantChildKeywords ( List<string> KeywordList, XmlDocument OntologyXml )
// Find parents for each keyword. If parent also exists in the keyword list, mark the keyword for removal.
List<string> keywordsToRemove = new List<string> ();
foreach ( string keyword in KeywordList )
List<string> parentKeywords = GetAncestorKeywords ( keyword, OntologyXml );
if ( parentKeywords.Intersect ( KeywordList ).Count () > 0 )
keywordsToRemove.Add ( keyword );
// Remove unnecessary keywords.
foreach ( string keywordToRemove in keywordsToRemove )
RemoveAllFromList ( KeywordList, keywordToRemove );
/// <summary>
/// Modifies the input list by removing keywords that do not appear in the CUAHSI hydrologic Ontology.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="KeywordList">List of keywords for which redundant child keywords should be removed.</param>
/// <param name="OntologyXml">XML of the CUAHSI hydrologic ontology.</param>
private void RemoveUnmatchedKeywords ( List<string> KeywordList, XmlDocument OntologyXml )
// Find keywords with no match in the ontology.
List<string> keywordsToRemove = new List<string> ();
foreach ( string keyword in KeywordList )
XmlNodeList matchingNodes = GetKeywordNodes ( keyword, OntologyXml );
if ( matchingNodes.Count == 0 )
keywordsToRemove.Add ( keyword );
// Remove unmatched keywords.
foreach ( string keywordToRemove in keywordsToRemove )
RemoveAllFromList ( KeywordList, keywordToRemove );
/// <summary>
/// Removes all occurrences of a specific string from the System.Collections.Generic.List.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="StringList">System.Collections.Generic.List of strings</param>
/// <param name="Item">The item to remove from the list</param>
private void RemoveAllFromList ( List<string> StringList, string Item )
while ( StringList.Contains ( Item ) )
StringList.Remove ( Item );
/// <summary>
/// Creates a list of InnerText values from the input XML node list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="NodeList">XML node list whose InnerText values will be added to a string list.</param>
/// <returns>String list of InnerText values from the input XML list.</returns>
private List<string> NodeListToStringList ( XmlNodeList NodeList )
List<string> stringList = new List<string> ();
foreach ( XmlNode node in NodeList )
stringList.Add ( node.InnerText );
return stringList;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the full path to the XML file storing the CUAHSI hydrologic ontology.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The full path to the XML file storing the CUAHSI hydrologic ontology.</returns>
private string GetOntologyFilePath ()
// note for refactoring. load file on creation of object
string hydroDesktopFolder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
string ontologyFilePath = Path.Combine ( hydroDesktopFolder, _ontologyFilename );
return ontologyFilePath;