A little PHP wrapper around the Xpdf cli tool: pdfinfo.
Fetching the following informations and make them easy accessible:
- Producer
- Creation date
- Modified date
- Tagged
- Form
- Pages
- Encrypted
- Page size
- Width as points
- Height as points
- Format
- Rotated Degrees
- Box (Media, Crop, Bleed, Trim, Art)
- X coordinate as points
- Y coordinate as points
- Width as points
- Height as points
- File size
- Bytes
- Optimized
- PDF version
Note: If you have a password protected pdf file, and not setting the password param, you will get a process failed exception.
PHP 7 or above and Composer is expected to be installed on your system.
composer require csoellinger/xpdf-cli-pdfinfo
use XpdfCliTools\PdfInfo\PdfInfo;
use XpdfCliTools\PdfInfo\Model\PdfInfoModel;
$pdfInfo = new PdfInfo();
// Optionally set a custom path to pdfinfo binary file:
// $pdfInfo = new PdfInfo('<Path-To-Binary>');
/** @var PdfInfoModel $info */
$info = $pdfInfo->exec('<Path-To-Pdf>.pdf');
// If you have a passwort protected pdf file:
// $info = $pdfInfo->exec('<Path-To-Pdf>.pdf', 'OwnerPassword');
// $info = $pdfInfo->exec('<Path-To-Pdf>.pdf', null, 'UserPassword');
// Access the pdf informations
echo $info->Creator; // Creator
echo $info->Producer; // Producer
echo $info->CreationDate; // Creation date
echo $info->ModDate; // Modification date
echo $info->Tagged; // Tagged (true/false)
echo $info->Form; // Form(s)
echo $info->Pages; // Number of pages
echo $info->PageSize->Width; // Page width as points
echo $info->PageSize->Height; // Page height as points
echo $info->PageSize->Format; // Page format (if found)
echo $info->PageSize->RotatedDegrees; // Degrees if rotated
echo $info->PageSize->raw; // Raw shell output for page size
// Available boxes: MediaBox, CropBox, BleedBox, TrimBox, ArtBox
echo $info->MediaBox->X; // X coordinate
echo $info->MediaBox->Y; // Y coordinate
echo $info->MediaBox->Width; // Box width as points
echo $info->MediaBox->Height; // Box height as points
echo $info->MediaBox->raw; // Raw shell output for box
echo $info->FileSize->Bytes; // File size in bytes
echo $info->FileSize->raw; // Raw shell output for file size
echo $info->Encrypted; // Encrypted (true/false)
echo $info->Optimized; // Optimized (true/false)
echo $info->PDFVersion; // Version
echo $info->raw; // Raw shell output from pdfinfo
// Get page size as millimeter:
echo $info->PageSize->Width / PdfInfo::MM_TO_PTS; // = Convert points to millimeter
echo $info->PageSize->Height / PdfInfo::MM_TO_PTS; // = Convert points to millimeter
See inside public dir for an example.
All tests can be run by executing
will automatically find all tests inside the tests
directory and run them based on the configuration in the phpunit.xml
PHP has an in-built server for local development. To run this change into the directory public
and run
php -S localhost:8000
Then open your browser at http://localhost:8000/example.php
- Add different encrypted informations: Encrypted: yes (print:yes copy:yes change:yes addNotes:yes)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENCE.md file for details.