note: locally, you must install nodejs and run main.js in /communication/node/main.js for the communication application to work; also adjust the 2 absolute paths in the main.js file to match the directory structure
to use linux style commands of this README please install git bash (
mkdir /c/g1
mkdir /c/g1/database
mkdir /c/g1/source
mdkir /c/g1/virtualenv
mkdir /c/g1/static
git clone /c/g1/source
note: must have virtual env installed 'pip install virtualenv' -- must have pip installed, usually included on windows system installs
virtualenv -p /c/Python27/python.exe /c/g1/virtualenv
cd /c/g1/source/group1
note: windependencies file for windows since readline is not compatible, may have to change all 'import readline' to 'import pyreadline as readline'
../../virtualenv/Scripts/pip.exe install -r ../windependencies.txt
../../virtualenv/Scripts/python.exe makemigrations
../../virtualenv/Scripts/python.exe migrate
run server, navigate to http://localhost:8000 in a browser
../../virtualenv/Scripts/python.exe runserver
mkdir ~/g1
mkdir ~/g1/database
mkdir ~/g1/source
mkdir ~/g1/virtualenv
mkdir ~/g1/static
git clone ~/g1/source
note: must have installed python 2.7 to the default directory in /usr/local/bin with a python2.7 executable via altinstall
note: must have virtual env installed 'pip install virtualenv' -- must have pip installed, usually included on windows system installs
virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ~/g1/virtualenv
cd ~/g1/source/group1
../../virtualenv/bin/pip install -r ../dependencies.txt
../../virtualenv/bin/python makemigrations
../../virtualenv/bin/python migrate
run server, navigate to http://localhost:8000 in a browser
../../virtualenv/bin/python runserver
note: follow the commands under deploy_tools (not tested as an executable shell script)
note: must have fabric installed (on windows this will require a manual installation (setup_py) of pycrypto first, you may find pre-compiled windows binaries here (
change directory to where deploy_tools is on your local computer - this script is deployed from your local computer to the server
cd /c/g1/source/deploy_tools
note: must activate virtualenv with fabric (you may have fabric installed on your path python, and not require a virtualenv)
run the script with the following command to upload the project from origin/master to the specified server
fab deploy:host=[email protected]