=== v1.4 change log ===
Developer guide:
Update Appendix D: Use Cases
Update Annex G: Instructions for Manual Testing
Update UI.png
Added diagrams to Section 4. Implementation
Update Section 4. Implementations
User guide:
Add Section 4. Command Summary
Update all commands to the latest iteration
Add Note, Tip, and Warning callouts
Update UI.png
Update login screen image
Update Login Screen
Update Main Screen's footer to include username and user's role
Test cases:
Create AddServiceCommand and AddServiceCommandParser Tests
Create AutoMatchCommand and AutoMatchCommandParser tests
Create ClientType tests
Update AddressBookParserTest
Update existing tests to include Service field
Client and Vendor now can be the same person
Change Service Cost storage to BigDecimal
Create sample data
Project Portfolio:
Update all individual portfolios
Bug Fixes:
Fix all bugs reported in [PE Dry Run]
Fix the bug where logging out and logging in can undo previous commands
Fix the bug where update command results in data not showing upon relaunch
Fix the bug where wrong feedback is shown for arguments without prefix
Fix the bug where change password and register account works even with identifier
You can’t perform that action at this time.