For the COMP6258 University module we reproduce all key parts of the paper the ICLR 2023 notable top 25% paper: `The In-Sample Softmax for Offline Reinforcement Learning'. We recreate the tabular environment and reproduce the performance graphs on the Mujoco environment by training the agent offline and then fine-tuning using online learning, concluding that this paper is largely reproducible with minor inconsistencies between their updated graph and the performance tables. Within this GitHub repository we include the code implemeted ourselves to reproduce the Tabular environment and fine-tuning online learning. The Tabular environment is self contained with unit tests, whereas, the online learning files are integrated into the original code.
python --dataset expert
python --dataset missing1
python --dataset missing2
python --dataset random
python --dataset mixed
python --seed 0 --env_name Walker2d --dataset expert --discrete_control 0 --state_dim 17 --action_dim 6 --tau 0.01 --learning_rate 0.0003 --hidden_units 256 --batch_size 256 --timeout 1000 --max_steps 1000000 --log_interval 10000
python --seed 0 --env_name Walker2d --dataset medexp --discrete_control 0 --state_dim 17 --action_dim 6 --tau 0.1 --learning_rate 0.0003 --hidden_units 256 --batch_size 256 --timeout 1000 --max_steps 1000000 --log_interval 10000
python --seed 0 --env_name Walker2d --dataset medium --discrete_control 0 --state_dim 17 --action_dim 6 --tau 0.33 --learning_rate 0.0003 --hidden_units 256 --batch_size 256 --timeout 1000 --max_steps 1000000 --log_interval 10000
python --seed 0 --env_name Walker2d --dataset medrep --discrete_control 0 --state_dim 17 --action_dim 6 --tau 0.5 --learning_rate 0.0003 --hidden_units 256 --batch_size 256 --timeout 1000 --max_steps 1000000 --log_interval 10000
python --seed 0 --env_name Walker2d --dataset expert --discrete_control 0 --state_dim 17 --action_dim 6 --tau 0.01 --learning_rate 0.00001 --hidden_units 256 --batch_size 256 --timeout 1000 --max_steps 1000000 --log_interval 10000
python --seed 0 --env_name Walker2d --dataset medexp --discrete_control 0 --state_dim 17 --action_dim 6 --tau 0.1 --learning_rate 0.00001 --hidden_units 256 --batch_size 256 --timeout 1000 --max_steps 1000000 --log_interval 10000
python --seed 0 --env_name Walker2d --dataset medium --discrete_control 0 --state_dim 17 --action_dim 6 --tau 0.33 --learning_rate 0.00003 --hidden_units 256 --batch_size 256 --timeout 1000 --max_steps 1000000 --log_interval 10000
python --seed 0 --env_name Walker2d --dataset medrep --discrete_control 0 --state_dim 17 --action_dim 6 --tau 0.5 --learning_rate 0.00003 --hidden_units 256 --batch_size 256 --timeout 1000 --max_steps 1000000 --log_interval 10000
If you are using Ubuntu and have not got d4rl installed yet, this section may help
Download mujoco
I am using mujoco210. It can be downloaded from
mkdir .mujoco mv mujoco210-linux-x86_64.tar.gz .mujoco cd .mujoco tar -xvzf mujoco210-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
Then, add mujoco path:
Open .bashrc file and add the following line:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<Your_path>/.mujoco/mujoco210/bin
Save the change and run the following command:
source .bashrc
Install other packages and D4RL
pip install mujoco_py pip install dm_control==1.0.7 pip install git+
Test the installation in python
import gym import d4rl env = gym.make('maze2d-umaze-v1') env.get_dataset()