graphql-orchestrator-java is a library that exposes data from various GraphQL microservices using a single unified GraphQL schema. It uses a recursive strategy to aggregate and combine the schemas from these micro-services and orchestrates the graphql queries to the appropriate services at runtime.
It uses the graphql-java library as the runtime execution engine on the unified schema.
- Implement the ServiceProvider interface. You will a new instance for each GraphQL Service.
class TemplateServiceProvider implements ServiceProvider {
public static final String TEMPLATE = "type Query { nested: Nested } type Nested { %s: String}";
private String field;
public TemplateServiceProvider(String field) { this.field = field; }
// Unique namespace for the service
public String getNameSpace() { return field; }
// GraphQL Schema
public Map<String, String> sdlFiles() {
return ImmutableMap.of(field + ".graphqls", String.format(TEMPLATE, field));
// Query execution at runtime, the response needs to have data and error objects as per GraphQL Spec
public CompletableFuture<Map<String, Object>> query(final ExecutionInput executionInput,
final GraphQLContext context) {
Map<String, Object> data = ImmutableMap
.of("data", ImmutableMap.of("nested", ImmutableMap.of(field, field)));
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(data);
- Create an instance of Orchestrator and execute the query as below.
// create a runtimeGraph by stitching service providers
RuntimeGraph runtimeGraph = SchemaStitcher.newBuilder()
.service(new TemplateServiceProvider("foo"))
.service(new TemplateServiceProvider("bar"))
// pass the runtime graph to GraphQLOrchestrator
GraphQLOrchestrator graphQLOrchestrator = GraphQLOrchestrator.newOrchestrator()
//Execute the query
CompletableFuture<ExecutionResult> execute = graphQLOrchestrator
.execute(ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput().query("query {nested {foo bar}}").build());
ExecutionResult executionResult = execute.get();
// Output: {nested={foo=foo, bar=bar}}
Detailed Documentation can be found here
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