A Simple Math Quiz App using MVVM architecture, MySQL database, and Retrofit for network operations. The app fetches math questions from a local server where the questions reside in a MySQL database.
Inspired by the Udemy course on The Complete Android 15 Course -Build 82 Apps [Java& Kotlin] Created by Abbass Masri.
- Android Components
- Activity
- startActivity()
- Tasks & Back Stack
- Activity
- Use of Intent
- Explicit Intents
- Static User Interface
- Views & Widgets
- TextView
- Button
- setOnClickListener()
- Guideline
- RadioGroup
- RadioButton
- ViewGroup
- ConstraintLayout
- Views & Widgets
- UI Resources
- Drawables
- Set particular shape gradient as background
- mipmap
- Add custom App Icon
- Drawables
- Support User Interface
- Toast
- Debugging
- Error Handling
- 3rd Party Libraries
- Networking
- Retrofit
- Networking
- Data Format
- Android Jetpack
- Architecture Component
- LiveData
- ViewModel
- DataBinding
- Behaviour Components
- Permissions
- Architecture Component
- Architecture
- Creating Database using phpMyAdmin
- Creating API in PHP