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ben edited this page Nov 8, 2019 · 6 revisions

To install chamberlain as a data contributor, navigate to the install directory and create a directory called conf. Within this directory, create a file entitled conf.json with the following structure:

  "namespace": "<namespace>",
    "osAuthUrl": "<osAuthUrl>",
    "osProjectDomain": "default",
    "osProjectName": "<osProjectName>",
    "username": "<username>",
    "password": "<password>"
    "host": "<host>",
    "token": "<token>"

Populate this file with the Swift and/or DV credentials for where you will be storing data for the CCD system. This information will only be stored within your own namespace and will never be accessible by chamberlain or any other participant in the system.

Once this file is populated, log into your OpenShift namespace and run ./ This will create the necessary config maps in your namespace to run CCD jobs.

You will also need to contact your system administrator to create service accounts which will allow the CCD server to launch conclave pods in your namespace. Specifically, your administrator will need to run the following:

oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:<ccd-host-namespace>:cw-svc -n <your_namespace>

To install as a CCD server

Just run ./ while logged into the OpenShift namespace where you'd like this project to live. This will launch a chamberlain pod in that namespace with everything configured to listen for incoming jobs.

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