Releases: C-Accel-CRIPT/criptscripts
Releases · C-Accel-CRIPT/criptscripts
Release Notes
This release is labeled as version 3.0.0 because there was already 2 publications and each with significant changes
Updated repository readme
- Made the logo bigger and removed description
- Added appropriate badges as well, but commented them out for now because the UI looks better without it
Home Page
Updated CRIPT Scripts landing page
Made the logo bigger
Added icons to the list of examples
Each section has an icon in the header of the first page
added Data model research papers and CRIPT graph template
- Updated CRIPT graph template colors to match the CRIPT research paper
Created CRIPT JSON section
Separated out CRIPT Graph, JSON, and Excel file
- Before the all the resources for a research paper existed within the same page in CRIPT Graphs
- For example, Cao Protein had
- Cao Protein research paper
- Cao Protein graph ppt
- Cao Protein Excel file
- Cao Protein JSON
- Now
- Cao research paper is just linked to in the description
- Cao Protein graph is within the CRIPT Graphs section
- Cao Protein Excel file is within the CRIPT Sheets section
- Cao Protein JSON is within the CRIPT JSON section
- For example, Cao Protein had
- Before the all the resources for a research paper existed within the same page in CRIPT Graphs
Newly added CRIPT Graphs
- added Olsen RCBC
- added Xia Brush Polymer
- new JSON added Olsen RCBC
CRIPT Sheets
- Added Calabrese Rubber
- Added Cao Protein
CRIPT Scripts
Separated Scripts tab by language into two sections Python Scripts
and TypeScript Scripts
Python Script
- added AFRL script and description for it
TypeScript Script
- added AFRL script and description for it