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Go-based tooling to monitor VMware environments; NOT affiliated with or endorsed by VMware, Inc.


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Go-based tooling to monitor VMware environments; NOT affiliated with or endorsed by VMware, Inc.

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See our GitHub repo for the latest code, to file an issue or submit improvements for review and potential inclusion into the project.

Just to be 100% clear: this project is not affiliated with or endorsed by VMware, Inc.


This repo contains various tools used to monitor/validate VMware environments.

Tool Name Description
check_vmware_tools Nagios plugin used to monitor VMware Tools installations.
check_vmware_vcpus Nagios plugin used to monitor allocation of virtual CPUs (vCPUs).
check_vmware_vhw Nagios plugin used to monitor virtual hardware versions.
check_vmware_hs2ds2vms Nagios plugin used to monitor host/datastore/vm pairings.
check_vmware_datastore Nagios plugin used to monitor datastore usage.
check_vmware_snapshots_age Nagios plugin used to monitor the age of Virtual Machine snapshots.
check_vmware_snapshots_count Nagios plugin used to monitor the count of Virtual Machine snapshots.
check_vmware_snapshots_size Nagios plugin used to monitor the cumulative size of Virtual Machine snapshots.
check_vmware_rps_memory Nagios plugin used to monitor memory usage across Resource Pools.
check_vmware_host_memory Nagios plugin used to monitor memory usage for a specific ESXi host system.
check_vmware_host_cpu Nagios plugin used to monitor CPU usage for a specific ESXi host system.
check_vmware_vm_power_uptime Nagios plugin used to monitor VM power cycle uptime.
check_vmware_disk_consolidation Nagios plugin used to monitor VM disk consolidation status.
check_vmware_question Nagios plugin used to monitor VM interactive question status.
check_vmware_alarms Nagios plugin used to monitor for Triggered Alarms in one or more datacenters.

The output for these plugins is designed to provide the one-line summary needed by Nagios for quick identification of a problem while providing longer, more detailed information for use in email and Teams notifications (atc0005/send2teams).

Some plugins provide optional support to limit evaluation of VMs to specific Resource Pools (explicitly including or excluding) and power states (on or off). Other plugins support similar filtering options (e.g., Acknowledged state of Triggered Alarms). See the configuration options, examples and contrib sections for more information.


Nagios plugin used to monitor VMware Tools installations. See the configuration options section for details regarding how the various Tools states are evaluated.


Nagios plugin used to monitor allocation of virtual CPUs (vCPUs).

Thresholds for CRITICAL and WARNING vCPUs allocation have usable defaults, but Max vCPUs allocation is required before this plugin can be used. See the configuration options section for details.


Nagios plugin used to monitor virtual hardware versions.

This plugin supports four monitoring modes:

  1. Homogeneous version check
  2. Outdated-by or threshold range check
  3. Minimum required version check
  4. Default is minimum required version check

Homogeneous version check

This monitoring mode applies an automatic baseline of "highest version discovered" across evaluated VMs. Any VMs with a hardware version not at that highest version are flagged as problematic.

Instead of trying to determine how far behind each VM is from the newest version, this monitoring mode assumes that any deviation is a WARNING state.

Outdated-by or threshold range check

This mode applies the standard WARNING and CRITICAL level threshold checks to determine the current plugin state. Any VM with virtual hardware older than the specified thresholds triggers the associated state. This mode is useful for catching VMs with outdated hardware outside of an acceptable range.

The highest version used as a baseline for comparison is provided using the same logic as provided by the "homogeneous" version check: latest visible hardware version.

Minimum required version check

This mode requires that all hardware versions match or exceed the specified minimum hardware version. This monitoring mode assumes that any deviation is considered a CRITICAL state.

Default is minimum required version check

This mode requires that all hardware versions match or exceed the host or cluster default hardware version. This monitoring mode assumes that any deviation is considered a WARNING state.


Nagios plugin used to monitor host/datastore/vm pairings.

This is a functional plugin responsible for verifying that each VM is housed on a datastore (best) intended for the host associated with the VM.

By default, the evaluation is limited to powered on VMs, but this can be toggled to also include powered off VMs.

The association between datastores and hosts is determined by a user-provided Custom Attribute. Flags for this plugin allow specifying separate Custom Attribute names for hosts and datastores along with optional separate prefixes for the provided Custom Attributes.

This allows for example, hosts to use a Location Custom Attribute that shares a datacenter name with datastores using the same Location Custom Attribute. If not specifying a prefix separator, the plugin assumes that a literal, case-insensitive match of the Location field is required. If a prefix separator is provided, then the separator is used to retrieve the common prefix for the Location Custom Attribute for both hosts and datastores.

This is intended to work around hosts that may include both the datacenter name and rack location details in their Custom Attribute (e.g., Location).

This plugin optionally allows ignoring a list of datastores, and both hosts and datastores that are missing the specified Custom Attribute.

In addition to specifying separate Custom Attribute names (required) and prefix separators (optional), the plugin also accepts a single Custom Attribute used by both hosts and datastores and an optional prefix separator, also used by both hosts and datastores.

If specifying a shared Custom Attribute or prefix, per-resource Custom Attribute flags are rejected (error condition).


Nagios plugin used to monitor datastore usage.

In addition to reporting current datastore usage, this plugin also reports which VMs reside on the datastore along with their percentage of the total datastore space used.


Nagios plugin used to monitor the age of Virtual Machine snapshots.

The current design of this plugin is to evaluate all Virtual Machines, whether powered off or powered on. If you have a use case for evaluating only powered on VMs by default, please share it here providing some details for your use-case. In our environment, I have yet to see a need to only evaluate powered on VMs for old snapshots. For cases where the snapshots needed to be ignored, we added the VM to the ignore list. We then relied on datastore usage monitoring to let us know when space was becoming an issue.

Thresholds for CRITICAL and WARNING age values have usable defaults, but may require adjustment for your environment. See the configuration options section for details.


Nagios plugin used to monitor the number of snapshots per Virtual Machine.

Monitor the number of snapshots for each Virtual Machine. VMware recommends using no more than 3 or 4 snapshots per Virtual Machine and only for a limited duration. A maximum of 32 snapshots per Virtual Machine are supported. See for more information.

The current design of this plugin is to evaluate all Virtual Machines, whether powered off or powered on. If you have a use case for evaluating only powered on VMs by default, please share it here providing some details for your use-case. In our environment, I have yet to see a need to only evaluate powered on VMs for old snapshots. For cases where the snapshots needed to be ignored, we added the VM to the ignore list. We then relied on datastore usage monitoring to let us know when space was becoming an issue.

Thresholds for CRITICAL and WARNING count values have usable defaults, but may require adjustment for your environment. See the configuration options section for details.


Nagios plugin used to monitor the cumulative size of snapshots for each Virtual Machine.

While individual snapshots are listed, it is the cumulative size for a Virtual Machine crossing a given size threshold that determines the overall check result.

The current design of this plugin is to evaluate all Virtual Machines, whether powered off or powered on. If you have a use case for evaluating only powered on VMs by default, please share it here providing some details for your use-case. In our environment, I have yet to see a need to only evaluate powered on VMs for old snapshots. For cases where the snapshots needed to be ignored, we added the VM to the ignore list. We then relied on datastore usage monitoring to let us know when space was becoming an issue.

Thresholds for CRITICAL and WARNING age values have usable defaults, but may require adjustment for your environment. See the configuration options section for details.


Nagios plugin used to monitor memory usage across Resource Pools.

In addition to reporting memory usage for each Resource Pool, this plugin also reports the ten most recently booted VMs along with their memory usage. This is intended to help spot which VM is responsible for a state change alert.

Thresholds for CRITICAL and WARNING memory usage have usable defaults, but max memory usage is required before this plugin can be used. See the configuration options section for details.


Nagios plugin used to monitor ESXi host memory.

In addition to reporting current host memory usage, this plugin also reports which VMs are on the host (running or not), how much memory each VM is using as a fixed value and as a percentage of the host's total memory.

Thresholds for CRITICAL and WARNING memory usage have usable defaults, but max memory usage is required before this plugin can be used. See the configuration options section for details.


Nagios plugin used to monitor ESXi host CPU usage.

In addition to reporting current host CPU usage, this plugin also reports which VMs are on the host (running or not), how much CPU each VM is using as a fixed value and as a percentage of the host's total CPU capacity.

Thresholds for CRITICAL and WARNING CPU usage have usable defaults, but may require adjustment for your environment. See the configuration options section for details.


Nagios plugin used to monitor Virtual Machine (power cycle) uptime.

This is essentially the time since the VM was last powered off and then back on (e.g., for a snapshot).

In addition to reporting current power cycle uptime, this plugin also reports:

  • which VMs have crossed thresholds (if any) and the uptime for each
  • which VMs have yet to cross thresholds (only if there are not any which have) and the uptime for each
  • the ten most recently booted VMs

Thresholds for CRITICAL and WARNING CPU usage have usable defaults, but may require adjustment for your environment. See the configuration options section for details.


Nagios plugin used to monitor Virtual Machine disk consolidation status.

The status of this property indicates whether one or more disks for a Virtual Machine require consolidation. This can happen when a snapshot is deleted, but its associated disk is not committed back to the base disk. This situation can cause backup failures and performance issues.


Nagios plugin used to monitor whether a Virtual Machine is blocked from execution due to one or more Virtual Machines requiring an interactive response.

This plugin monitors the question property of evaluated Virtual Machines. The status of this property indicates whether an interactive question is blocking the virtual machine's execution. While a Virtual Machine is in this state it is not available for normal use.


Nagios plugin used to monitor for Triggered Alarms in one or more datacenters.

  • Explicit exclusions take priority over either implicit or explicit inclusions.
  • All filtering is currently applied in batches/bulk.

It helps to think of the process working this way for each filter in the "pipeline":

  1. Explicit inclusions are applied, marking matching triggered alarms as explicitly included and non-matches as implicitly excluded
  2. Explicit exclusions are applied, marking matching triggered alarms as explicitly excluded, permanently "dropping" the triggered alarm from further evaluation
  3. After all filters have finished processing, any triggered alarms marked as excluded (implicit or explicit) are removed from final evaluation (i.e., ignored and not reported as a problem).

Filtering is available for explicitly including or excluding based on:

  • Acknowledged status
  • Managed Entity type (e.g., Datastore, VirtualMachine) associated with the Triggered Alarm
  • Inventory object name (e.g.,, associated with the Triggered Alarm
  • Alarm Name field substring match
  • Alarm Description field substring match
  • Triggered Alarm Status (e.g., red, yellow, gray)
  • Resource Pool for the Managed Entity type (e.g., ResourcePool, VirtualMachine) associated with the Triggered Alarm


  • Multiple plugins for monitoring VMware vSphere environments (standalone ESXi hosts or vCenter instances) for select (or all) Resource Pools.

    • VMware Tools
    • Virtual CPU allocations
    • Virtual hardware versions (multiple modes)
      • homogeneous version check
      • outdated-by or threshold range check
      • minimum required version check
      • default is minimum required version check
    • Host/Datastore/Virtual Machine pairings (using provided Custom Attribute)
    • Datastore usage
    • Snapshots age
    • Snapshots count
    • Snapshots size
    • Resource Pools: Memory usage
    • Host Memory usage
    • Host CPU usage
    • Virtual Machine (power cycle) uptime
    • Virtual Machine disk consolidation status
    • Virtual Machine interactive question status
    • Triggered Alarms in one or more datacenters
  • Optional, leveled logging using rs/zerolog package

    • JSON-format output (to stderr)
    • choice of disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info (the default), debug or trace.
  • Optional, user-specified timeout value for plugin execution.


See the file for the changes associated with each release of this application. Changes that have been merged to master, but not yet an official release may also be noted in the file under the Unreleased section. A helpful link to the Git commit history since the last official release is also provided for further review.


The following is a loose guideline. Other combinations of Go and operating systems for building and running tools from this repo may work, but have not been tested.

Building source code

  • Go 1.14+
    • dependent on current upstream vmware/govmomi library
  • GCC
    • if building with custom options (as the provided Makefile does)
  • make
    • if using the provided Makefile


  • Windows 10
  • Ubuntu Linux 16.04+


From source

  1. Download Go
  2. Install Go
    • NOTE: Pay special attention to the remarks about $HOME/.profile
  3. Clone the repo
    1. cd /tmp
    2. git clone
    3. cd check-vmware
  4. Install dependencies (optional)
    • for Ubuntu Linux
      • sudo apt-get install make gcc
    • for CentOS Linux
      • sudo yum install make gcc
    • for Windows
      • Emulated environments (easier)
        • Skip all of this and build using the default go build command in Windows (see below for use of the -mod=vendor flag)
        • build using Windows Subsystem for Linux Ubuntu environment and just copy out the Windows binaries from that environment
        • If already running a Docker environment, use a container with the Go tool-chain already installed
        • If already familiar with LXD, create a container and follow the installation steps given previously to install required dependencies
      • Native tooling (harder)
        • see the StackOverflow Question 32127524 link in the References section for potential options for installing make on Windows
        • see the mingw-w64 project homepage link in the References section for options for installing gcc and related packages on Windows
  5. Build binaries
    • for the current operating system, explicitly using bundled dependencies in top-level vendor folder
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_tools/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_vcpus/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_vhw/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_hs2ds2vms/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_datastore/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_snapshots_age/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_snapshots_count/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_snapshots_size/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_rps_memory/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_host_memory/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_host_cpu/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_vm_power_uptime/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_disk_consolidation/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_question/
      • go build -mod=vendor ./cmd/check_vmware_alarms/
    • for all supported platforms (where make is installed)
      • make all
    • for use on Windows
      • make windows
    • for use on Linux
      • make linux
  6. Copy the newly compiled binary from the applicable /tmp subdirectory path (based on the clone instructions in this section) below and deploy where needed.
    • if using Makefile
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_tools/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_vcpus/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_vhw/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_hs2ds2vms/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_datastore/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_snapshots_age/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_snapshots_count/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_snapshots_size/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_rps_memory/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_host_memory/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_host_cpu/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_vm_power_uptime/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_disk_consolidation/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_question/
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/release_assets/check_vmware_alarms/
    • if using go build
      • look in /tmp/check-vmware/
  7. Review configuration options, examples and contrib sections usage details.

Using provided binaries


  1. Download plugins from the Latest release that you are interested in
  2. Review configuration options, examples and contrib sections usage details.


Note: As of the v0.13.0 release, precompiled Windows binaries are no longer provided. This change was made primarily due to the lengthy build times required and the perception that most users of this project would not benefit from having them. If you do use Windows binaries or would like to (e.g., on a Windows system within a restricted environment that has access to your vSphere cluster or hosts), please provide feedback on GH-178.

Other operating systems

As of the v0.13.0 release, only Linux precompiled binaries are provided. If you would benefit from precompiled binaries for other platforms, please let us know by opening a new issue or responding to an existing issue with an up-vote. See for a list of supported architectures and operating systems.

Configuration options

Threshold calculations


Tools Status Nagios State Description
toolsOk OK Ideal state, no problems with VMware Tools (or open-vm-tools) detected.
toolsOld WARNING Outdated VMware Tools installation. The host ESXi system was likely recently updated.
toolsNotRunning CRITICAL VMware Tools (or open-vm-tools) not currently running. It likely crashed or was terminated due to low memory scenario.
toolsNotInstalled CRITICAL Fresh virtual environment, or VMware Tools removed as part of an upgrade of an existing installation.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, vCPU allocations within bounds.
WARNING vCPU allocations crossed user-specified threshold for this state.
CRITICAL vCPU allocations crossed user-specified threshold for this state.


This plugin supports multiple modes. Each mode applies slightly different logic for determining plugin state.

Homogeneous version check
Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, homogenous hardware versions.
WARNING Non-homogenous hardware versions.
CRITICAL Not used by this monitoring mode.
Outdated-by or threshold range check
Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, hardware versions within tolerance.
WARNING Hardware versions crossed user-specified threshold for this state.
CRITICAL Hardware versions crossed user-specified threshold for this state.
Minimum required version check
Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, hardware versions within tolerance.
WARNING Not used by this monitoring mode.
CRITICAL Hardware versions older than the minimum specified value present.
Default is minimum required version check
Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, hardware versions within tolerance.
WARNING Hardware versions older than the host or cluster default value present.
CRITICAL Not used by this monitoring mode.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, no mismatched Host/Datastore/Virtual machine pairings detected.
WARNING Not used by this plugin.
CRITICAL Any errors encountered or Hosts/Datastores/VM mismatches.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, Datastore usage within bounds.
WARNING Datastore usage crossed user-specified threshold for this state.
CRITICAL Datastore usage crossed user-specified threshold for this state.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, snapshots age within bounds.
WARNING Snapshots age crossed user-specified threshold for this state.
CRITICAL Snapshots age crossed user-specified threshold for this state.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, snapshots count per VM within bounds.
WARNING Snapshots count per VM crossed user-specified threshold for this state.
CRITICAL Snapshots count per VM crossed user-specified threshold for this state.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, snapshots size within bounds.
WARNING Cumulative snapshots size for a VM crossed user-specified threshold for this state.
CRITICAL Cumulative snapshots size for a VM crossed user-specified threshold for this state.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, memory usage across Resources Pools within bounds.
WARNING Memory usage crossed user-specified threshold for this state.
CRITICAL Memory usage crossed user-specified threshold for this state.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, memory usage for the specified ESXi host system is within bounds.
WARNING Memory usage crossed user-specified threshold for this state.
CRITICAL Memory usage crossed user-specified threshold for this state.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, CPU usage for the specified ESXi host system is within bounds.
WARNING CPU usage crossed user-specified threshold for this state.
CRITICAL CPU usage crossed user-specified threshold for this state.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, VM power cycle uptime is within bounds.
WARNING VM power cycle uptime crossed user-specified threshold for this state.
CRITICAL VM power cycle uptime crossed user-specified threshold for this state.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, VM disk consolidation not needed.
WARNING Not used by this plugin.
CRITICAL Disk consolidation needed for one or more VMs.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, no VMs require an interactive response.
WARNING Not used by this plugin.
CRITICAL An interactive response is required for one or more VMs.


Nagios State Description
OK Ideal state, no non-excluded Triggered Alarms detected.
WARNING One or more non-excluded alarms with a yellow status.
CRITICAL One or more non-excluded alarms with a red status.

Command-line arguments

  • Use the -h or --help flag to display current usage information.
  • Flags marked as required must be set via CLI flag.
  • Flags not marked as required are for settings where a useful default is already defined, but may be overridden if desired.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
include-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be exclusively used when evaluating VMs. Specifying this option will also exclude any VMs from evaluation that are outside of a Resource Pool. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to ignore or exclude from evaluation.
exclude-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be ignored when evaluating VMs. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to include for evaluation.
ignore-vm No No comma-separated list of (vSphere) virtual machine names Specifies a comma-separated list of VM names that should be ignored or excluded from evaluation.
powered-off No false No true, false Toggles evaluation of powered off VMs in addition to powered on VMs. Evaluation of powered off VMs is disabled by default.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
include-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be exclusively used when evaluating VMs. Specifying this option will also exclude any VMs from evaluation that are outside of a Resource Pool. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to ignore or exclude from evaluation.
exclude-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be ignored when evaluating VMs. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to include for evaluation.
ignore-vm No No comma-separated list of (vSphere) virtual machine names Specifies a comma-separated list of VM names that should be ignored or excluded from evaluation.
powered-off No false No true, false Toggles evaluation of powered off VMs in addition to powered on VMs. Evaluation of powered off VMs is disabled by default.
vcma, vcpus-max-allowed Yes 0 No positive whole number of vCPUs Specifies the maximum amount of virtual CPUs (as a whole number) that we are allowed to allocate in the target VMware environment.
vc, vcpus-critical No 100 No percentage as positive whole number Specifies the percentage of vCPUs allocation (as a whole number) when a CRITICAL threshold is reached.
vw, vcpus-warning No 95 No percentage as positive whole number Specifies the percentage of vCPUs allocation (as a whole number) when a WARNING threshold is reached.


This plugin supports multiple monitoring modes. Each mode has options which are incompatible with the others. As of this writing these monitoring modes are not implemented as subcommands, though this may change in the future based on feedback.

Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
dc-name No No valid vSphere datacenter name Specifies the name of a vSphere Datacenter. If not specified, applicable plugins will attempt to use the default datacenter found in the vSphere environment. Not applicable to standalone ESXi hosts.
host-name No No valid ESXi host name ESXi host/server name as it is found within the vSphere inventory.
cluster-name No No valid vSphere cluster name Specifies the name of a vSphere Cluster. If not specified, applicable plugins will attempt to use the default cluster found in the vSphere environment. Not applicable to standalone ESXi hosts.
include-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be exclusively used when evaluating VMs. Specifying this option will also exclude any VMs from evaluation that are outside of a Resource Pool. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to ignore or exclude from evaluation.
exclude-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be ignored when evaluating VMs. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to include for evaluation.
ignore-vm No No comma-separated list of (vSphere) virtual machine names Specifies a comma-separated list of VM names that should be ignored or excluded from evaluation.
powered-off No false No true, false Toggles evaluation of powered off VMs in addition to powered on VMs. Evaluation of powered off VMs is disabled by default.
obw, outdated-by-warning Maybe No positive whole number 1 or greater If provided, this value is the WARNING threshold for outdated virtual hardware versions. If the current virtual hardware version for a VM is found to be more than this many versions older than the latest version a WARNING state is triggered. Required if specifying the CRITICAL threshold for outdated virtual hardware versions, incompatible with the minimum required version flag.
obw, outdated-by-critical Maybe No positive whole number 1 or greater If provided, this value is the CRITICAL threshold for outdated virtual hardware versions. If the current virtual hardware version for a VM is found to be more than this many versions older than the latest version a CRITICAL state is triggered. Required if specifying the WARNING threshold for outdated virtual hardware versions, incompatible with the minimum required version flag.
mv, minimum-version Maybe No positive whole number greater than 3 If provided, this value is the minimum virtual hardware version accepted for each Virtual Machine. Any Virtual Machine not meeting this minimum value is considered to be in a CRITICAL state. Per KB 1003746, version 3 appears to be the oldest version supported. Incompatible with the CRITICAL and WARNING threshold flags.
dimv, default-is-min-version Maybe No positive whole number greater than 3 If provided, this value is the minimum virtual hardware version accepted for each Virtual Machine. Any Virtual Machine not meeting this minimum value is considered to be in a CRITICAL state. Per KB 1003746, version 3 appears to be the oldest version supported. Incompatible with the CRITICAL and WARNING threshold flags.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
include-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be exclusively used when evaluating VMs. Specifying this option will also exclude any VMs from evaluation that are outside of a Resource Pool. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to ignore or exclude from evaluation.
exclude-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be ignored when evaluating VMs. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to include for evaluation.
ignore-vm No No comma-separated list of (vSphere) virtual machine names Specifies a comma-separated list of VM names that should be ignored or excluded from evaluation.
ignore-ds No No comma-separated list of (vSphere) datastore names Specifies a comma-separated list of Datastore names that should be ignored or excluded from evaluation.
powered-off No false No true, false Toggles evaluation of powered off VMs in addition to powered on VMs. Evaluation of powered off VMs is disabled by default.
ca-name Maybe No valid Custom Attribute name Custom Attribute name for host ESXi systems and datastores. Optional if specifying resource-specific custom attribute names.
ca-prefix-sep Maybe No valid Custom Attribute prefix separator character Custom Attribute prefix separator for host ESXi systems and datastores. Skip if using Custom Attribute values as-is for comparison, otherwise optional if specifying resource-specific custom attribute prefix separator, or using the default separator.
ignore-missing-ca No false No true, false Toggles how missing specified Custom Attributes will be handled. By default, ESXi hosts and datastores missing the Custom Attribute are treated as an error condition.
host-ca-name Maybe No valid Custom Attribute name Custom Attribute name specific to host ESXi systems. Optional if specifying shared custom attribute flag.
host-ca-prefix-sep Maybe No valid Custom Attribute prefix separator character Custom Attribute prefix separator specific to host ESXi systems. Skip if using Custom Attribute values as-is for comparison, otherwise optional if specifying shared custom attribute prefix separator, or using the default separator.
ds-ca-name Maybe No valid Custom Attribute name Custom Attribute name specific to datastores. Optional if specifying shared custom attribute flag.
ds-ca-prefix-sep Maybe No valid Custom Attribute prefix separator character Custom Attribute prefix separator specific to datastores. Skip if using Custom Attribute values as-is for comparison, otherwise optional if specifying shared custom attribute prefix separator, or using the default separator.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
dc-name No No valid vSphere datacenter name Specifies the name of a vSphere Datacenter. If not specified, applicable plugins will attempt to use the default datacenter found in the vSphere environment. Not applicable to standalone ESXi hosts.
ds-name Yes No valid datastore name Datastore name as it is found within the vSphere inventory.
dsuc, ds-usage-critical No 95 No percentage as positive whole number Specifies the percentage of a datastore's storage usage (as a whole number) when a CRITICAL threshold is reached.
dsuw, ds-usage-warning No 90 No percentage as positive whole number Specifies the percentage of a datastore's storage usage (as a whole number) when a WARNING threshold is reached.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
include-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be exclusively used when evaluating VMs. Specifying this option will also exclude any VMs from evaluation that are outside of a Resource Pool. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to ignore or exclude from evaluation.
exclude-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be ignored when evaluating VMs. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to include for evaluation.
ignore-vm No No comma-separated list of (vSphere) virtual machine names Specifies a comma-separated list of VM names that should be ignored or excluded from evaluation.
ac, age-critical No 2 No age in days as positive whole number Specifies the age of a snapshot in days when a CRITICAL threshold is reached.
aw, age-warning No 1 No age in days as positive whole number Specifies the age of a snapshot in days when a WARNING threshold is reached.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
include-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be exclusively used when evaluating VMs. Specifying this option will also exclude any VMs from evaluation that are outside of a Resource Pool. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to ignore or exclude from evaluation.
exclude-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be ignored when evaluating VMs. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to include for evaluation.
ignore-vm No No comma-separated list of (vSphere) virtual machine names Specifies a comma-separated list of VM names that should be ignored or excluded from evaluation.
cc, count-critical No 4 No count as positive whole number Specifies the number of snapshots per VM when a CRITICAL threshold is reached.
cw, count-warning No 25 No count as positive whole number Specifies the number of snapshots per VM when a WARNING threshold is reached.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
include-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be exclusively used when evaluating VMs. Specifying this option will also exclude any VMs from evaluation that are outside of a Resource Pool. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to ignore or exclude from evaluation.
exclude-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be ignored when evaluating VMs. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to include for evaluation.
ignore-vm No No comma-separated list of (vSphere) virtual machine names Specifies a comma-separated list of VM names that should be ignored or excluded from evaluation.
sc, size-critical No 40 No size in GB as positive whole number Specifies the cumulative size in GB of all snapshots for a Virtual Machine when a CRITICAL threshold is reached.
sw, size-warning No 20 No size in GB as positive whole number Specifies the cumulative size in GB of all snapshots for a Virtual Machine when a WARNING threshold is reached.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
include-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be exclusively used when evaluating VMs. Specifying this option will also exclude any VMs from evaluation that are outside of a Resource Pool. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to ignore or exclude from evaluation.
exclude-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be ignored when evaluating VMs. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to include for evaluation.
mma, memory-max-allowed Yes 0 No positive whole number of vCPUs Specifies the maximum amount of memory that we are allowed to consume in GB (as a whole number) in the target VMware environment across all specified Resource Pools. VMs that are running outside of resource pools are not considered in these calculations.
mc, memory-use-critical No 95 No percentage as positive whole number Specifies the percentage of memory use (as a whole number) across all specified Resource Pools when a CRITICAL threshold is reached.
mw, memory-use-warning No 100 No percentage as positive whole number Specifies the percentage of memory use (as a whole number) across all specified Resource Pools when a WARNING threshold is reached.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
dc-name No No valid vSphere datacenter name Specifies the name of a vSphere Datacenter. If not specified, applicable plugins will attempt to use the default datacenter found in the vSphere environment. Not applicable to standalone ESXi hosts.
host-name Yes No valid ESXi host name ESXi host/server name as it is found within the vSphere inventory.
mc, memory-usage-critical No 95 No percentage as positive whole number Specifies the percentage of memory use (as a whole number) when a CRITICAL threshold is reached.
mw, memory-usage-warning No 80 No percentage as positive whole number Specifies the percentage of memory use (as a whole number) when a WARNING threshold is reached.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
dc-name No No valid vSphere datacenter name Specifies the name of a vSphere Datacenter. If not specified, applicable plugins will attempt to use the default datacenter found in the vSphere environment. Not applicable to standalone ESXi hosts.
host-name Yes No valid ESXi host name ESXi host/server name as it is found within the vSphere inventory.
cc, cpu-usage-critical No 95 No percentage as positive whole number Specifies the percentage of CPU use (as a whole number) when a CRITICAL threshold is reached.
cw, cpu-usage-warning No 80 No percentage as positive whole number Specifies the percentage of CPU use (as a whole number) when a WARNING threshold is reached.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
include-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be exclusively used when evaluating VMs. Specifying this option will also exclude any VMs from evaluation that are outside of a Resource Pool. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to ignore or exclude from evaluation.
exclude-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be ignored when evaluating VMs. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to include for evaluation.
ignore-vm No No comma-separated list of (vSphere) virtual machine names Specifies a comma-separated list of VM names that should be ignored or excluded from evaluation.
uc, uptime-critical No 90 No days as positive whole number Specifies the power cycle (off/on) uptime in days per VM when a CRITICAL threshold is reached.
uw, uptime-warning No 60 No days as positive whole number Specifies the power cycle (off/on) uptime in days per VM when a WARNING threshold is reached.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
include-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be exclusively used when evaluating VMs. Specifying this option will also exclude any VMs from evaluation that are outside of a Resource Pool. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to ignore or exclude from evaluation.
exclude-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be ignored when evaluating VMs. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to include for evaluation.
ignore-vm No No comma-separated list of (vSphere) virtual machine names Specifies a comma-separated list of VM names that should be ignored or excluded from evaluation.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
include-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be exclusively used when evaluating VMs. Specifying this option will also exclude any VMs from evaluation that are outside of a Resource Pool. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to ignore or exclude from evaluation.
exclude-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names Specifies a comma-separated list of Resource Pools that should be ignored when evaluating VMs. This option is incompatible with specifying a list of Resource Pools to include for evaluation.
ignore-vm No No comma-separated list of (vSphere) virtual machine names Specifies a comma-separated list of VM names that should be ignored or excluded from evaluation.


Flag Required Default Repeat Possible Description
branding No false No branding Toggles emission of branding details with plugin status details. This output is disabled by default.
h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags.
v, version No false No v, version Whether to display application version and then immediately exit application.
ll, log-level No info No disabled, panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace Log message priority filter. Log messages with a lower level are ignored.
p, port No 443 No positive whole number between 1-65535, inclusive TCP port of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance. This is usually 443 (HTTPS).
t, timeout No 10 No positive whole number of seconds Timeout value in seconds allowed before a plugin execution attempt is abandoned and an error returned.
s, server Yes No fully-qualified domain name or IP Address The fully-qualified domain name or IP Address of the remote ESXi host or vCenter instance.
u, username Yes No valid username Username with permission to access specified ESXi host or vCenter instance.
pw, password Yes No valid password Password used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
domain No No valid user domain (Optional) domain for user account used to login to ESXi host or vCenter instance.
trust-cert No false No true, false Whether the certificate should be trusted as-is without validation. WARNING: TLS is susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks if enabling this option.
dc-name No No comma-separated list of valid vSphere datacenter names Specifies the name of one or more vSphere Datacenters. If not specified, applicable plugins will attempt to evaluate all visible datacenters found in the vSphere environment. Not applicable to standalone ESXi hosts.
include-entity-type No No comma-separated list of valid managed object type keywords If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the associated entity type (e.g., Datastore) matches one of the specified values; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.
exclude-entity-type No No comma-separated list of valid managed object type keywords If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the associated entity type (e.g., Datastore) does NOT match one of the specified values; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.
include-entity-name No No comma-separated list of vSphere inventory object names If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the associated entity name (e.g., matches one of the specified values; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.
exclude-entity-name No No comma-separated list of vSphere inventory object names If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the associated entity name (e.g., does NOT match one of the specified values; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.
include-entity-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the associated entity is part of one of the specified Resource Pools (case-insensitive match on the name) and is not explicitly excluded by another filter in the pipeline; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.
exclude-entity-rp No No comma-separated list of resource pool names If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the associated entity is NOT part of one of the specified Resource Pools (case-insensitive match on the name) and is not explicitly excluded by another filter in the pipeline; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.
eval-acknowledged No false No true, false Toggles evaluation of acknowledged triggered alarms in addition to unacknowledged triggered alarms. Evaluation of acknowledged alarms is disabled by default.
include-name No No valid custom or default alarm names If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the alarm name (e.g., Datastore usage on disk) case-insensitively matches one of the specified substring values (e.g., datastore or datastore usage) and is not explicitly excluded by another filter in the pipeline; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.
exclude-name No No valid custom or default alarm names If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the alarm name (e.g., Datastore usage on disk) DOES NOT case-insensitively match one of the specified substring values (e.g., datastore or datastore usage) and is not explicitly excluded by another filter in the pipeline; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.
include-desc No No valid custom or default alarm descriptions If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the alarm description (e.g., Default alarm to monitor datastore disk usage) case-insensitively matches one of the specified substring values (e.g., datastore disk or monitor datastore) and is not explicitly excluded by another filter in the pipeline; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.
exclude-desc No No valid custom or default alarm descriptions If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the alarm description (e.g., Default alarm to monitor datastore disk usage) DOES NOT case-insensitively match one of the specified substring values (e.g., datastore disk or monitor datastore) and is not explicitly excluded by another filter in the pipeline; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.
include-status No No valid managed entity status (excluding green) or Nagios state (excluding OK) (WARNING, CRITICAL , UNKNOwN) If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the alarm status (e.g., yellow) case-insensitively matches one of the specified keywords (e.g., yellow or warning) and is not explicitly excluded by another filter in the pipeline; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.
exclude-status No No valid managed entity status If specified, triggered alarms will only be evaluated if the alarm status (e.g., yellow) DOES NOT case-insensitively match one of the specified keywords (e.g., yellow or warning) and is not explicitly excluded by another filter in the pipeline; while multiple explicit inclusions are allowed, explicit exclusions have precedence over explicit inclusions and will exclude the triggered alarm from further evaluation.

Configuration file

Not currently supported. This feature may be added later if there is sufficient interest.


Example Nagios configuration files are provided in an effort to illustrate usage of plugins provided by this project. See the Contrib README and directory contents for details.


While entries in this section attempt to provide a brief overview of usage, it is recommended that you review the provided command definitions and other Nagios configuration files within the contrib directory for more complete examples.

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each.

check_vmware_tools Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_tools --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --exclude-rp "Desktops" --ignore-vm ",,TESTING-AC,RHEL7-TEST" --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • The resource pool named Desktops is excluded from evaluation.
    • this results in all other resource pools visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
    • this also results in all VMs outside of a Resource Pool visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
  • Multiple Virtual machines (vSphere inventory name, not OS hostname), are ignored, regardless of which Resource Pool they are part of.
    • RHEL7-TEST
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-tools.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs, do not evaluate any VMs that are powered off.
# This variation of the command is most useful for environments where all VMs
# are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_tools
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_tools --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$'  --trust-cert  --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

check_vmware_vcpus Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_tools --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --exclude-rp "Desktops" --ignore-vm ",,TESTING-AC,RHEL7-TEST" --vcpus-warning 97 --vcpus-critical 100  --vcpus-max-allowed 160 --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • The resource pool named Desktops is excluded from evaluation.
    • this results in all other resource pools visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
    • this also results in all VMs outside of a Resource Pool visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
  • Multiple Virtual machines (vSphere inventory name, not OS hostname), are ignored, regardless of which Resource Pool they are part of.
    • RHEL7-TEST
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-vcpus.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs, do not evaluate any VMs that are powered off.
# This variation of the command is most useful for environments where all VMs
# are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_vcpus
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vcpus --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --vcpus-warning '$ARG4$' --vcpus-critical '$ARG5$' --vcpus-max-allowed '$ARG6$' --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

check_vmware_vhw Nagios plugin

This plugin supports four monitoring modes. Each is incompatible with the other, so an example is provided for each mode. See the overview section for further information.

Homogeneous version check

CLI invocation
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vhw --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --exclude-rp "Desktops" --ignore-vm ",,TESTING-AC,RHEL7-TEST" --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • This monitoring mode asserts that all hardware versions match.
  • The resource pool named Desktops is excluded from evaluation.
    • this results in all other resource pools visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
    • this also results in all VMs outside of a Resource Pool visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
  • Multiple Virtual machines (vSphere inventory name, not OS hostname), are ignored, regardless of which Resource Pool they are part of.
    • RHEL7-TEST
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)
Command definition
# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-virtual-hardware.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs, do not evaluate any VMs that are powered off.
# This variation of the command is most useful for environments where all VMs
# are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_vhw_homogeneous
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vhw --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Outdated-by or threshold range check

CLI invocation
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vhw --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --exclude-rp "Desktops" --ignore-vm ",,TESTING-AC,RHEL7-TEST" --outdated-by-warning 1 --outdated-by-critical 5 --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • Assuming that the latest hardware version is 15, this monitoring mode permits hardware versions as old as 14 without WARNING state and as old as 10 without CRITICAL state change.
  • The resource pool named Desktops is excluded from evaluation.
    • this results in all other resource pools visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
    • this also results in all VMs outside of a Resource Pool visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
  • Multiple Virtual machines (vSphere inventory name, not OS hostname), are ignored, regardless of which Resource Pool they are part of.
    • RHEL7-TEST
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)
Command definition
# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-virtual-hardware.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs, do not evaluate any VMs that are powered off.
# This variation of the command is most useful for environments where all VMs
# are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_vhw_thresholds
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vhw --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --outdated-by-warning '$ARG4$' --outdated-by-critical '$ARG5$' --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Minimum required version check

CLI invocation
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vhw --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --exclude-rp "Desktops" --ignore-vm ",,TESTING-AC,RHEL7-TEST" --minimum-version 15 --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • The minimum hardware version 15 is required, while newer versions are permitted, older versions will trigger a plugin state change.
  • The resource pool named Desktops is excluded from evaluation.
    • this results in all other resource pools visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
    • this also results in all VMs outside of a Resource Pool visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
  • Multiple Virtual machines (vSphere inventory name, not OS hostname), are ignored, regardless of which Resource Pool they are part of.
    • RHEL7-TEST
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)
Command definition
# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-virtual-hardware.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs, do not evaluate any VMs that are powered off.
# This variation of the command is most useful for environments where all VMs
# are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_vhw_minreq
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vhw --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --minimum-version '$ARG4$' --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Default is minimum required version check

CLI invocation
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vhw --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --exclude-rp "Desktops" --ignore-vm ",,TESTING-AC,RHEL7-TEST" --default-is-min-version --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • The default host or cluster hardware version is required
    • while newer versions are permitted, older versions will trigger a plugin state change.
  • Neither a host name nor a cluster name is provided
    • the plugin will attempt to use the default ComputeResource in order to determine the default hardware version
  • The resource pool named Desktops is excluded from evaluation.
    • this results in all other resource pools visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
    • this also results in all VMs outside of a Resource Pool visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
  • Multiple Virtual machines (vSphere inventory name, not OS hostname), are ignored, regardless of which Resource Pool they are part of.
    • RHEL7-TEST
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)
Command definition
# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-virtual-hardware.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs, do not evaluate any VMs that are powered off.
# This variation of the command is most useful for environments where all VMs
# are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_vhw_defreq
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vhw --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --cluster-name '$ARG4$' --default-is-minimum-version --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

check_vmware_hs2ds2vms Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vhw --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --exclude-rp "Desktops" --ignore-vm ",,TESTING-AC,RHEL7-TEST" --ca-name "Location" --ca-prefix-sep "-" --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • The resource pool named Desktops is excluded from evaluation.
    • this results in all other resource pools visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
    • this also results in all VMs outside of a Resource Pool visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
  • Multiple Virtual machines (vSphere inventory name, not OS hostname), are ignored, regardless of which Resource Pool they are part of.
    • RHEL7-TEST
  • The Custom Attribute named Location is used to dynamically build pairs of Hosts and Datastores. Any Host or Datastore missing that Custom Attribute is reported as an error condition unless the appropriate CLI flag is provided. See the Configuration options section for the flag name and further details.
  • The Custom Attribute prefix separator - is provided in order to "split" the value found for the Custom Attribute named Location into pairs. The second value is thrown away, leaving the first to be used as the Location value for comparison. VMs running on a host with one value have their datastores checked for the same value. If a mismatch is found, this is assumed to be a CRITICAL level event and reported as such.
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-host-datastore-vms-pairings.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs, do not evaluate any VMs that are powered off.
# Use the same Custom Attribute for hosts and datastores. Use the same Custom
# Attribute prefix separator for hosts and datastores.
# This variation of the command is most useful for environments where all VMs
# are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name   check_vmware_hs2ds2vms
    command_line   /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_hs2ds2vms --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --ca-name '$ARG4$' --ca-prefix-sep '$ARG5$' --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

check_vmware_datastore Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_datastore --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --ds-name "HUSVM-DC1-vol6" --ds-usage-warning 95 --ds-usage-critical 97 --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-datastores.cfg

# Look at specific datastore and explicitly provide custom WARNING and
# CRITICAL threshold values.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_datastore
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_tools --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --ds-usage-warning '$ARG4$' --ds-usage-critical '$ARG5$' --ds-name '$ARG6$' --trust-cert  --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

check_vmware_snapshots_age Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_snapshots_age --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --age-warning 1 --age-critical 2 --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • No Resource Pools are explicitly included or excluded
    • this results in all Resource Pools visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
    • this also results in all VMs outside of a Resource Pool visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-snapshots-age.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs, do not evaluate any VMs that are powered off.
# This variation of the command is most useful for environments where all VMs
# are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_snapshots_age
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_snapshots_age --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --age-warning '$ARG4$' --age-critical '$ARG5$' --trust-cert --log-level info

check_vmware_snapshots_count Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_snapshots_count --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --count-warning 4 --count-critical 25 --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • No Resource Pools are explicitly included or excluded
    • this results in all Resource Pools visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
    • this also results in all VMs outside of a Resource Pool visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-snapshots-count.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs, do not evaluate any VMs that are powered off.
# This variation of the command is most useful for environments where all VMs
# are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_snapshots_count
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_snapshots_count --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --count-warning '$ARG4$' --count-critical '$ARG5$' --trust-cert --log-level info

check_vmware_snapshots_size Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_snapshots_size --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --size-warning 20 --size-critical 40 --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • No Resource Pools are explicitly included or excluded
    • this results in all Resource Pools visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
    • this also results in all VMs outside of a Resource Pool visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-snapshots-size.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs, do not evaluate any VMs that are powered off.
# This variation of the command is most useful for environments where all VMs
# are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_snapshots_size
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_snapshots_size --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --size-warning '$ARG4$' --size-critical '$ARG5$' --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

check_vmware_rps_memory Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_rps_memory --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --exclude-rp "Desktops" --memory-use-warning 80 --memory-use-critical 95  --memory-max-allowed 320 --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • The resource pool named Desktops is excluded from evaluation.
    • this results in all other resource pools visible to the specified user account being used for evaluation
    • VMs outside of a Resource Pool (visible to the specified user account or not) do not contribute to memory usage calculations
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

NOTE: This is the inverse of the command-line example for this plugin; only specified Resource Pools are evaluated.

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-resource-pools.cfg

# This variation of the command does not allow exclusions
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_resource_pools_include_pools
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_rps_memory --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --memory-use-warning '$ARG4$' --memory-use-critical '$ARG5$' --memory-max-allowed '$ARG6$' --include-rp '$ARG7$' --trust-cert  --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

check_vmware_host_memory Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_host_memory --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --host-name "" --memory-usage-warning 80 --memory-usage-critical 95 --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • The host name is specified (via host-name flag) using the exact value shown in the vSphere inventory (e.g.,
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-host-memory.cfg

# Look at a specific host and explicitly provide custom WARNING and CRITICAL
# threshold values.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_host_memory
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_host_memory --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --memory-usage-warning '$ARG4$' --memory-usage-critical '$ARG5$' --host-name '$ARG6$' --trust-cert  --log-level info

check_vmware_host_cpu Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_host_cpu --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --host-name "" --cpu-usage-warning 80 --cpu-usage-critical 95 --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • The host name is specified (via host-name flag) using the exact value shown in the vSphere inventory (e.g.,
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-host-cpu.cfg

# Look at a specific host and explicitly provide custom WARNING and CRITICAL
# threshold values.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_host_cpu
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_host_cpu --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --cpu-usage-warning '$ARG4$' --cpu-usage-critical '$ARG5$' --host-name '$ARG6$' --trust-cert  --log-level info

check_vmware_vm_power_uptime Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vm_power_uptime --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server --uptime-warning 60 --uptime-critical 90 --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-vm-power-uptime.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs, do not evaluate any VMs that are powered off.
# This variation of the command is most useful for environments where all VMs
# are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_vm_power_uptime
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_vm_power_uptime --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --uptime-warning '$ARG4$' --uptime-critical '$ARG5$' --trust-cert  --log-level info

check_vmware_disk_consolidation Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_disk_consolidation --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server  --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-disk-consolidation.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs. This variation of the command is most useful for
# environments where all VMs are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_disk_consolidation
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_disk_consolidation --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$'  --trust-cert --log-level info

check_vmware_question Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_question --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server  --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-interactive-question.cfg

# Look at all pools, all VMs. This variation of the command is most useful for
# environments where all VMs are monitored equally.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_question
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_question --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$'  --trust-cert --log-level info

check_vmware_alarms Nagios plugin

CLI invocation

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_alarms --username SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME --password "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD" --server  --trust-cert --log-level info

See the configuration options section for all command-line settings supported by this plugin along with descriptions of each. See the contrib section for information regarding example command definitions and Nagios configuration files.

Of note:

  • Triggered alarms are evaluated for all detected datacenters
    • due to lack of specified datacenter name (or names)
  • Triggered alarms are not filtered based on associated managed object (aka, managed entity) type
    • due to lack of explicit exclusions or inclusions
  • Triggered alarms are not filtered based on associated managed object (aka, managed entity) name
    • due to lack of explicit exclusions or inclusions
  • Triggered alarms are not filtered based on associated managed object (aka, managed entity) resource pool
    • due to lack of explicit exclusions or inclusions
  • Triggered alarms that were previously acknowledged are ignored
  • Triggered alarms are not filtered based on defined Alarm name
    • due to lack of explicit exclusions or inclusions
  • Triggered alarms are not filtered based on defined Alarm description
    • due to lack of explicit exclusions or inclusions
  • Triggered alarms are not filtered based on Triggered Alarm status
    • due to lack of explicit exclusions or inclusions
  • Certificate warnings are ignored.
    • not best practice, but many vCenter instances use self-signed certs per various freely available guides
  • Logging is enabled at the info level.
    • this output is sent to stderr by default, which Nagios ignores
    • this output is only seen (at least as of Nagios v3.x) when invoking the plugin directly via CLI (often for troubleshooting)

Command definition

# /etc/nagios-plugins/config/vmware-alarms.cfg

# Look at triggered alarms across all detected datacenters, do not evaluate
# any triggered alarms which have been previously acknowledged.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_alarms
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_alarms --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --trust-cert --log-level info

# Look at triggered alarms within specified datacenters. Do not evaluate any
# triggered alarms which have been previously acknowledged.
define command{
    command_name    check_vmware_alarms_specific_dc
    command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_vmware_alarms --server '$HOSTNAME$' --domain '$ARG1$' --username '$ARG2$' --password '$ARG3$' --dc-name '$ARG4$' --trust-cert --log-level info


From the LICENSE file:

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2021 Adam Chalkley

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.




Go-based tooling to monitor VMware environments; NOT affiliated with or endorsed by VMware, Inc.







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  • Makefile 1.4%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%