- author: Bugs Bunny
- date: 2015/02/16
- Nette ~2.2.0
- Foundation ~5.4
- tinyMCE ~4.0
- force IE edge
- HTML 5 valid
- IE only CSS
- IE8- only CSS
- ...
Different types of Presenters
- Homepage
- bootstrap components example
- Editable
- whole page editable in each language using tinyMCE
- table 'pages' with columns 'presenter', 'lang' and 'contents'
- Users
- management of users
- table 'users'
- Events (example)
- displaying records from db for each language
- common privileges for all resources
- table 'events' with column 'lang'
- News (example)
- like Events, but with picture
- table 'news'
- Files (example)
- displaying records from db
- individual privileges for each resource
- tables 'files' and 'files_users'
- Forum (example)
- simple forum with posts and comments
- table 'forum'
- Photogallery
- basic photogallery with albums and photos
- tables 'albums' and 'photos'
- Langs (example)
- template is in corresponding language folder
- no dynamic data from db, only possible use of Translator
- Homepage
Multilingual support (Translator)
User management
- edit /db.sql (rename database name)
- edit /app/config/config.neon and config.local.neon (change database name)
- edit /.htaccess (set RewriteBase if needed)
- edit /app/router/RouterFactory.php (add/remove supported languages)
- edit /app/model/Authorizator.php (see *** EDIT HERE *** comments)
- edit /app/presenters/BugsBasePresenter.php (see *** EDIT HERE *** comments)
- edit /app/presenters/UsersPresenter.php (see *** EDIT HERE *** comments)
- use /app/model/UserManager.php to create new admin users (see *** USE THIS *** comment)
- fix MyString::truncate
- custom better form renderer compatible with Foundation
- fix set_locale (date formats etc.)
- change alert() calls for something async
- ...