ZigSnake is a framework for controlling ZigBee devices from Python scripts, with a particular emphasis on test scripts.
See http://bulogics.github.com/zigsnake-talk for introductory slides from a talk I gave at PhillyPUG on Nov 13, 2012.
A note on nomenclature: the name 'attribute' is used both to describe ZigBee attributes as part of the ZCL, and also attributes of a Python object. I will try to always use ZigBee attribute to refer to the former and Python attribute to refer to the latter.
Note: ZigSnake is in early phases of development and generally is improved and fixed as we test the ZigBee products we develop. There are some areas of the code that are in need of cleaning up and quite a few valid use cases that it doesn't handle (such as endpoints other than 1). Please get in touch if you're interested in contributing to make this more production-ready.
The zigbee module gives you the ZBController class, which is your gateway into sending and receiving ZigBee messages. Currently it connects to an Ember ISA3, and sends messages through the Ember Command Line Interface (CLI). To use it, simply flash an Ember development module with a firmware image supporting the CLI.
The zcl module defines the ZCL class, which can parse the XML files supplied by Ember to describe the clusters in the ZigBee Cluster Library. It is used to generate the ZCL Command and ZigBee Attribute objects that can be used as parameters to the send_zcl_message, expect_zcl_message, write_attribute, and read_attribute methods of the ZBController class.
After parsing the XML files, the ZCL object has all of the clusters and enumerated types as Python attributes. Each cluster then has all the commands and ZigBee attributes as Python attributes. The Commands are callable objects that take the parameters for that command. The enumerated types have as Python attributes all the possible values for that enumeration.
from zcl import ZCL
from zigbee import ZBController
from time import sleep
z = ZCL(['general.xml', 'ha.xml', 'ha12.xml', 'ota.xml'])
con = ZBController()
device_id = con.wait_for_join()
con.send_zcl_command( device_id, z.level_control.move_to_level(
desired_level, 0))
level = con.read_attribute(device_id, z.level_control.current_level)
print "Current level is %d" % level