- Generating rRNA amplicon sequencing data using BioGrinder
- Adding a start and end primer to the given target database
- Combining output files of BioGrinder amplicons sequencing data to one file containing forward amplicons and one file containing reverse amplicons
- Pull the main branch from github
- Install the needed dependencies
- Make sure a file contanining a 16S/18S database is present in the /data/database directory
- Make sure a file containing the primers is present the /data/primers directory
- run the BioGrinder.sh with the correct parameters(described bellow)
- Ouput directory will be created in the output folder
- Mandatory parameters:
- "-d (Database name)" Use this paraemter to give the name of the database that will be used.
- Mandatory.
- "-n (Name for the run)" Use this parameter to give a name to the pipeline run.
- Mandatory.
- Change default values:
- "-r (Amplicon length)" Use this parameter to change the read length.
- Default is 151.
- "-p (Primer file)" Use this parameter to change the name of the primer file that will be used.
- Default is RC-PCR-primers-changed.fasta.
- Optional parameters:
- "-x" Add this paramameter to add the first forward and last reverse primer to you target database.
- Optional.
- "-a (abundence file name)" This parameters enables to specify the relative abundance of the reference sequences manually in an input file.
- Optional.
- For development follow the following steps:
- Pull the main branch
- Make sure all the dependencies are installed
- For testing during development:
- Add a fasta file contanining a 16S/18S database in the /data/database directory
- Add a fasta file containing the primers in the /data/primers directory
- Run the BioGrinder.sh script with the correct parameters(described above)
- BioGrinder
- UNIX based system