self directed pygame project. Fly around and shoot things!
-(DONE)adding movement feature that lets the player blink a set distence towards the cursor
-(DONE)Limited number of charges that replenish over time
-(DONE)GUI element for blinking
-(DONE)Make the ship shoot
-(DONE)Shoot in the direction of the cursor
-(DONE)create art asset for firing
-fire animation for ship? (aseprite animation tutorial)
-Write collision detection code
-(DONE)Look into making an Actor class.
-(DONE)Seperate out code from the player class that will be common to all actors (players and enemies)
-(DONE)update player to work with pygame.math.Vector2()
-Create sprite object "terrain"
-is this a child of Actor?
-collision with player and bullets
-randomly generated?
-Make enemies
-create art assets
-spawn variable numbers of them
-simple movement ai
-player detection and attack ai