Assignment for Software Project Lab Course
- Dancsó Marcell
- Róna Balázs
- Bajnok Vencel
- Tóth András
- Pelczhoffer Tamás
Undertaken tasks, weekly progression, changes during design can be viewed in documentation.pdf (sadly only in Hungarian)
Navigate to \FulloschQtyusch
, Open a prompt and run Qtyusch.jar
with the following command, where is the name of the chosen file in the \FulloschQtyusch\maps
java -jar Qtyusch.jar maps/<mapName>
If you want to regenerate the jar
after a change navigate to \FulloschQtyusch\src
and run the following two commands:
javac -encoding UTF8 control/*.java model/*java model/agents/*java
model/codes/*java model/equipments/*java model/map/*.java model/strategy/*.java
jar cvfm0 ..\Qtyusch.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF *
Generates a suitable map for a custom game based on the given inputs.