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The Branch SDK Beta Project

Edward Smith edited this page Feb 28, 2017 · 11 revisions

Get priority updates and receive swag when you sign up and participate in the beta program!

We are starting an SDK beta test program at Branch

We would love to get new features to developers quicker, but we can't disrupt the majority of Branch developers that depend on the Branch SDK to just simply work.

New features and fixes inevitably break things. The Beta project is for developers who want features and fixes quicker, are aware that some things may break, and are generous enough with their time to do the extra testing and problem reporting needed to make a beta program successful.

If you use Branch and want to make it better, if you have features you're dying to see implemented, please join the Branch SDK beta program.

We are starting with the iOS SDK and will include the Android SDK in the program soon.

Getting the Branch Beta SDK

To use the Branch beta SDK, simply checkout the Github BranchMetrics/ios-branch-deep-linking 'beta' branch:

# If you don't already have the Branch SDK, clone it first:
git clone ssh://[email protected]/BranchMetrics/ios-branch-deep-linking.git
cd ios-branch-deep-linking

# Switch to the 'beta' git branch:
git checkout beta

If you use Cocoapods, in your Podfile, update your Branch pod line to look like this:

target "TestBed-Swift" do
  pod 'Branch', :git => '', :branch => 'beta'

For Carthage, update your Cartfile so that your Branch SDK line looks like:

# Carthage: Get the latest Branch Beta SDK.
github "BranchMetrics/ios-branch-deep-linking" "beta"

It's Your Choice

It's your choice to which SDK you use. You can switch between the beta branch and the production master at any time.

We want to move faster and better. We can do it, with your help.

Please send us your crashes, bugs, and gripes. The beta project is all about feedback.

Issue Reporting

Add your issue (and gripes!) here, at Github, and mention that your issue is with the beta version of the SDK.

Let's make better code, faster!
Edward Smith
Branch Metrics