Are you tired of updating confluence, after updating the readme in your project?
Or are you forced to write documentation in confluence, but want to write it in the readme-file in the project?
Lets automate that...
This is a project for deploying Markdown, aka your readme-file, to Confluence.
It can be done from your local machine with Make, shell-script or
from a pipeline in Gitlab.
This makes it possible to automaticly update confluence in your CI/CD-pipeline after you have updated documentation in your Readme, saving that stupid copy-pasting-step if your business needs you to update confluence.
TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx make confluence
- Copy-paste the confluence-step confluence in the Makefile
- Replace the variables:
- PATH_TO_README_IN_DOCKER (Edit if not the Path to the readme is at root-level and is called
- Run :)
TOKEN=XXXXX make confluence
The core is a commandline-interface named md2cf.
It can read Markdown, that is in the and convert it to "Cargo-format", which is the format that confluence supports.
The cargo-format is sent to confluence via its rest-api.
The benefit with running md2cf in a docker-container, is that no one needs to install any dependencies to run the Make-command, and no files are left after running the command.
Md2cf is possible to installl with pip.
To use this image in gitlab, copy-paste the contents of the .gitlab-ci.yml-file.
There are two variables
Log in to your confluence-page.
Go to the page you want to update in Confluence or create it.
To see the PageId, hold your mousepointer over "edit"-button.
The PageId will be shown in the URL.
It is also possible to right click on the button "Copy Link".
The number in the URL-parameter is the PageId.
This is an example: <------- pageId is here
PAGEID must be set in the Makefile in the confluence-step as --build-arg in the docker build-command.
Log into confluence
Press "Settings"
Press "Personal Access Token"
On the rights side, trykk på "create token"
Copy-paste your token and use it all places the thing is used.
F.eks. as a secret in gitlab, or as a commandline-parameter when running Make-command.
Necessary dependencies:
- python 3 (tested with 3.8.10)
- md2cf installed
md2cf --host "" --insecure --token "xxxxxYour-tokenxxxxxx" --space SOMESPACE --page-id "265977942" PATH/TO/
Necessary dependencies:
- Docker
docker run -f Dockerfile_with_pure_command . # remember to replace TOKEN-string i kommandoen
TOKEN=XXXXXX make confluence
This image is used from pipeline.
If changes are made to the dockerimage, then remember to upload it to dockerhub, so that it can be used in gitlab.
Set your own TAG.
TAG=1.0.0 make release
For self-signed certificates to be approved, you have to use the --insecure flag.
One possible fix is to add the self-signed image into the dockerimage.