Project 1: Operation Bagsome Group Name: The Wonder Pets
Janell Thams CPP email: [email protected] GitHub username: 4yuuu Role and contribution: Added union method to BagInterface, implemented union to ResizableArrayBag and ResizableArrayBagTest, implemented union to LinkedBag1 and LinkedBagTest, filled union part of the time complexities table, created Javadoc
Carol Balleza CPP email: [email protected] GitHub Username: cballeza Role and contribution: Added difference method to BagInterface, implemented difference to ResizableArrayBag, ResizableArrayBagTest, implemented difference, contains, node, removeEntry in LinkedBag1 and LinkedBagTest, filled difference part of time complexities table, and commented code regarding difference implementations
Bradley Gunawan CPP email: [email protected] GitHub Username: Bradgun Role and contribution: Added intersection method to BagInterface, implemented intersection ResizableArrayBag and ResizableArrayBagTest, implemented intersection to LinkedBag1 and LinkedBagTest, filled intersection part of the time complexities table, pieces clips together for the video, submitted project
Link to video:
Link to JavaDoc: file:///Users/janell/Documents/GitHub/CS-project/Project-1-Operation-Bagsome/doc/allclasses-index.html