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Add Tutorial for table combination
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BongHwi committed Dec 13, 2024
1 parent a6c0ac0 commit a757799
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Showing 2 changed files with 198 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Tutorials/PWGLF/Resonance/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,3 +44,8 @@ o2physics_add_dpl_workflow(resonances-step6
SOURCES resonances_step6.cxx
COMPONENT_NAME AnalysisTutorial)

SOURCES resonancesCombine.cxx
COMPONENT_NAME AnalysisTutorial)
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions Tutorials/PWGLF/Resonance/resonancesCombine.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
// See for details of the copyright holders.
// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
/// \file resonancesCombine.cxx
/// \brief Resonance combination tutorial
/// \author Bong-Hwi Lim <[email protected]>
/// \since 13/12/2024

#include <TLorentzVector.h>
#include <TPDGCode.h>

#include "CommonConstants/PhysicsConstants.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/Qvectors.h"
#include "Common/Core/EventPlaneHelper.h"
#include "Framework/AnalysisTask.h"
#include "Framework/ASoAHelpers.h"
#include "Framework/runDataProcessing.h"
#include "PWGLF/DataModel/LFResonanceTables.h"

using namespace o2;
using namespace o2::framework;
using namespace o2::framework::expressions;

// Extract STEP
// Combine Resonance tables into other O2 tables
struct ResonanceCombine {
HistogramRegistry histos{"histos", {}, OutputObjHandlingPolicy::AnalysisObject};

// Configurable for number of bins
Configurable<int> nBins{"nBins", 100, "N bins in all histos"};
// Configurable for min pT cut
Configurable<double> cMinPtcut{"cMinPtcut", 0.15, "Track minium pt cut"};
// Configurable for event plane
Configurable<int> cfgEvtPl{"cfgEvtPl", 40500, "Configuration of three subsystems for the event plane and its resolution, 10000*RefA + 100*RefB + S, where FT0C:0, FT0A:1, FT0M:2, FV0A:3, BPos:5, BNeg:6"};

// Track selection
// primary track condition
Configurable<bool> cfgPrimaryTrack{"cfgPrimaryTrack", true, "Primary track selection"};
Configurable<bool> cfgGlobalWoDCATrack{"cfgGlobalWoDCATrack", true, "Global track selection without DCA"};
Configurable<bool> cfgPVContributor{"cfgPVContributor", true, "PV contributor track selection"};
// DCA Selections
// DCAr to PV
Configurable<double> cMaxDCArToPVcut{"cMaxDCArToPVcut", 0.5, "Track DCAr cut to PV Maximum"};
// DCAz to PV
Configurable<double> cMaxDCAzToPVcut{"cMaxDCAzToPVcut", 2.0, "Track DCAz cut to PV Maximum"};
Configurable<double> cMinDCAzToPVcut{"cMinDCAzToPVcut", 0.0, "Track DCAz cut to PV Minimum"};

// PID selection
Configurable<float> nSigmaCutTPC{"nSigmaCutTPC", 3.0, "Value of the TPC Nsigma cut"};
Configurable<float> nSigmaCutTOF{"nSigmaCutTOF", 3.0, "Value of the TOF Nsigma cut"};

double massKa = o2::constants::physics::MassKPlus;

EventPlaneHelper helperEP;
int evtPlRefAId = static_cast<int>(cfgEvtPl / 10000);
int evtPlRefBId = static_cast<int>((cfgEvtPl - evtPlRefAId * 10000) / 100);
int evtPlDetId = cfgEvtPl - evtPlRefAId * 10000 - evtPlRefBId * 100;

void init(o2::framework::InitContext&)
histos.add("hVertexZ", "hVertexZ", HistType::kTH1F, {{nBins, -15., 15.}});
histos.add("hMultiplicityPercent", "Multiplicity Percentile", kTH1F, {{120, 0.0f, 120.0f}});
histos.add("hEvtPl", "Event Plane", kTH1F, {{100, -1.0f, 1.0f}});
histos.add("hEta", "Eta distribution", kTH1F, {{200, -1.0f, 1.0f}});
histos.add("hDcaxy", "Dcaxy distribution", kTH1F, {{200, -1.0f, 1.0f}});
histos.add("hDcaz", "Dcaz distribution", kTH1F, {{200, -1.0f, 1.0f}});
histos.add("hNsigmaKaonTPC", "NsigmaKaon TPC distribution", kTH1F, {{100, -10.0f, 10.0f}});
histos.add("hNsigmaKaonTOF", "NsigmaKaon TOF distribution", kTH1F, {{100, -10.0f, 10.0f}});
histos.add("hTiemResolutionTOF", "TOF time resolution", kTH1F, {{100, -10.0f, 10.0f}});
histos.add("h1PhiInvMassUnlikeSign", "Invariant mass of Phi meson Unlike Sign", kTH1F, {{300, 0.9, 1.2}});
histos.add("h1PhiInvMassLikeSignPP", "Invariant mass of Phi meson Like Sign positive", kTH1F, {{300, 0.9, 1.2}});
histos.add("h1PhiInvMassLikeSignMM", "Invariant mass of Phi meson Like Sign negative", kTH1F, {{300, 0.9, 1.2}});
histos.add("h3PhiInvMassUnlikeSign", "Invariant mass of Phi meson Unlike Sign", kTH3F, {{120, 0.0f, 120.0f}, {100, 0.0f, 10.0f}, {300, 0.9, 1.2}});
histos.add("h3PhiInvMassLikeSignPP", "Invariant mass of Phi meson Like Sign positive", kTH3F, {{120, 0.0f, 120.0f}, {100, 0.0f, 10.0f}, {300, 0.9, 1.2}});
histos.add("h3PhiInvMassLikeSignMM", "Invariant mass of Phi meson Like Sign negative", kTH3F, {{120, 0.0f, 120.0f}, {100, 0.0f, 10.0f}, {300, 0.9, 1.2}});

LOG(info) << "Size of the histograms in resonance tutorial with table combination:";

template <typename TrackType>
bool trackCut(const TrackType track)
if (std::abs( < cMinPtcut)
return false;
if (std::abs(track.dcaXY()) > cMaxDCArToPVcut)
return false;
if (std::abs(track.dcaZ()) > cMaxDCAzToPVcut)
return false;
if (cfgPrimaryTrack && !track.isPrimaryTrack())
return false;
if (cfgGlobalWoDCATrack && !track.isGlobalTrackWoDCA())
return false;
if (cfgPVContributor && !track.isPVContributor())
return false;
return true;

template <typename T>
bool selectionPID(const T& candidate)
bool tpcPass = std::abs(candidate.tpcNSigmaKa()) < nSigmaCutTPC;
bool tofPass = (candidate.hasTOF()) ? std::abs(candidate.tofNSigmaKa()) < nSigmaCutTOF : true;
if (tpcPass && tofPass) {
return true;
return false;

double rapidity, mass, pT, paircharge;
TLorentzVector daughter1, daughter2, mother;
template <bool IsMC, bool IsMix, typename CollisionType, typename TracksType>
void fillHistograms(const CollisionType& collision, const TracksType& dTracks1, const TracksType& dTracks2)
auto multiplicity = collision.template collision_as<aod::ResoCollisions>().cent();
for (auto const& track1 : dTracks1) {
auto track1Reso = track1.template track_as<aod::ResoTracks>();
auto track1FullPidExt = track1.template track_as<aod::Reso2TracksPIDExt>();
if (!trackCut(track1Reso) || !selectionPID(track1Reso)) {
histos.fill(HIST("hEta"), track1Reso.eta());
histos.fill(HIST("hDcaxy"), track1Reso.dcaXY());
histos.fill(HIST("hDcaz"), track1Reso.dcaZ());
histos.fill(HIST("hNsigmaKaonTPC"), track1Reso.tpcNSigmaKa());
if (track1Reso.hasTOF()) {
histos.fill(HIST("hNsigmaKaonTOF"), track1Reso.tofNSigmaKa());
histos.fill(HIST("hTiemResolutionTOF"), track1FullPidExt.trackTimeRes()); // TOF time resolution is not in the ResoTracks table (Important)
for (auto const& track2 : dTracks2) {
auto track2Reso = track2.template track_as<aod::ResoTracks>();
auto track2FullPidExt = track2.template track_as<aod::Reso2TracksPIDExt>();

if (!trackCut(track2Reso) || !selectionPID(track2Reso)) {
if (track2Reso.index() <= track1Reso.index()) {
daughter1.SetXYZM(track1Reso.px(),, track1Reso.pz(), massKa);
daughter2.SetXYZM(track2Reso.px(),, track2Reso.pz(), massKa);
mother = daughter1 + daughter2;
mass = mother.M();
pT = mother.Pt();
rapidity = mother.Rapidity();
paircharge = track1Reso.sign() * track2Reso.sign();

if (std::abs(rapidity) > 0.5)

if (paircharge < 0) {
histos.fill(HIST("h3PhiInvMassUnlikeSign"), multiplicity, pT, mass);
histos.fill(HIST("h1PhiInvMassUnlikeSign"), mass);
} else {
if (track1Reso.sign() > 0 && track2Reso.sign() > 0) {
histos.fill(HIST("h3PhiInvMassLikeSignPP"), multiplicity, pT, mass);
histos.fill(HIST("h1PhiInvMassLikeSignPP"), mass);
} else {
histos.fill(HIST("h3PhiInvMassLikeSignMM"), multiplicity, pT, mass);
histos.fill(HIST("h1PhiInvMassLikeSignMM"), mass);

void process(soa::Join<aod::ResoCollisions, aod::Qvectors>::iterator const& collision, soa::Join<aod::ResoTracks, aod::Reso2TracksPIDExt> const& resotracks)
histos.fill(HIST("hVertexZ"), collision.posZ());
// Both resoCollisions and Qvectors have the same cent column, so we have to use "_as" to access it
// Similarly, we can use "_as" to access the Qvectors table or other tables
histos.fill(HIST("hMultiplicityPercent"), collision.collision_as<aod::ResoCollisions>().cent());
// Event plane
auto collisionQvec = collision.template collision_as<aod::Qvectors>(); // Qvectors table is not in the ResoCollisions table (Important)
auto evtPl = -999.0;
if (collisionQvec.qvecAmp()[evtPlDetId] > 1e-8)
evtPl = helperEP.GetEventPlane(collisionQvec.qvecRe()[evtPlDetId * 4 + 3], collisionQvec.qvecIm()[evtPlDetId * 4 + 3], 2);
if (evtPl > -999.0)
histos.fill(HIST("hEvtPl"), evtPl);

fillHistograms<false, false>(collision, resotracks, resotracks);

WorkflowSpec defineDataProcessing(ConfigContext const& cfgc) { return WorkflowSpec{adaptAnalysisTask<ResonanceCombine>(cfgc)}; }

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