WARNING! This is a work in progress, and it is still experimental, use it at your own risk
This library allows the creation of system processes using the distributed-process Actor's library.
This library requires using cabal sandbox with the following sub-projects (mind the 'development' branch part):
In order to run tests, you'll also need network-transport-inmemory
There is a Makefile
that would facilitate running the test suite, just do make test
Currently you can read the documentation by doing cabal haddock
and accessing it through dist/doc folder
The API tries to replicate as much as it can from System.Process
, there are bits that change
specifically on the std_out
and std_err
. There is also a new exit_code
You may send ByteString
s to the process std_in
by using the writeStdin
An example to better explain how it works:
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Network.Transport.Chan (createTransport)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node (runProcess, newLocalNode, initRemoteTable)
import qualified Control.Distributed.Process as Process
import Control.Distributed.Process.SystemProcess as Proc
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Cloud Haskell boilerplate
transport <- createTransport
node <- newLocalNode transport initRemoteTable
runProcess node $ do
-- Actual example
-- Listener is going to receive stdout and exit code from the system process actor
listenerPid <- Process.spawnLocal $ do
forever $
Process.receiveWait [ Process.matchIf Proc.isExitCode (liftIO . print)
, Process.matchIf Proc.isStdOut (liftIO . print) ]
-- current actor is going to become the process actor
-- Process.send std_out and exit_code to listenerPid
-- There are different transports, check the haddock documentation
(Proc.proc "ls" ["-l", "-a"]) { Proc.std_out = Proc.sendToPid listenerPid
, Proc.exit_code = Proc.sendToPid listenerPid }
liftIO $ threadDelay 10000
Process.kill listenerPid "time to die..."