Bilkent University Database Design Course (CS281) Project
The objective of this project is to design a database to provide the below functionality as well as writing the code for the graphical user interface that lets the user to interact with it.
Log in as a student, list all courses, and filter by teacher and subject. Search for a subject by entering a text for the subject of the course. Register to a course. See the price of the course. Pay for the course. Participate in quizzes. List their previous quizzes grades. View the discount offers provided to them by managers.
Log in as a teacher, enter the course information for the courses they are going to teach. View the information of the students registered in coursers. Add a new quiz for the students to participate in. Provide grades for individual students after quizzes
Log in as a manager, view all the courses and their information (which teacher teaches what course and how many students he has in a class). Assign other managers as evaluators to sessions. Based on the evaluation, provide a bonus to the teacher. If the manager is an evaluator, add rating to sessions. Provide discount offers to students.
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