This is not meant for single-user, command-line usage. It's meant to be used in scripts - to provide a more easily programmable, user-friendly, readable API to jmeter. In Ruby.
This must be able to launch Jmeter, whether a single instance or many slaves, and dynamically support the possible -D and -G options which can change the behavior of the jmeter profile if set by the user. System-level constraints, like SSH keys, are probably implementation details
Examine github. Bug @Trevoke.
Example of usage (object names are not marked in stone):
jmeter = :plan => 'TestPlan.jmx', :threads => 1000, :duration => 300, :remote_servers => ['remote1', 'remote2']
jmeter.start # => possibly replaces the current process with the jmeter process - or daemonizes it. This process does not need to exist anymore.
The following options are passed as command-line options and must be stored as User-defined variables in jmeter, like such:
- duration (in seconds)
- target_host
- rampup
- delay