rviz plugin for /fix(sensor_msgs/NavSatFix) message visualization
- get Google Static Map API key
https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/static-maps/get-api-key? - paste API key to config/google_static_map_api_key.yaml like this
- fix
- type:sensor_msgs/NavSatFix
- gps sensor data
- None
- overlay_gps_display/google_static_map_api_key
- type:string
- Topic: topic name
- Zoom: Google Static Map API Zoom parameter
- Width: map image width
- Height: map image height
- Scale: Google Static Map API Scale parameter
- History Length: trajectory length
- Map Type: Google Static Map API Map Type parameter
- Alpha: Alpha value of map image
- Position X: upleft X position of image
- Position Y: upleft Y position of image
- Message Per Plot: number of messages per single plot
- Google Static Map API limitation (2017/11/08)
- normal API user (supported in this package)
- 25000 requests in 24 hours
- Maximum resolution 640 x 640
- Google Maps APIs Premium Plan user (not supported in this package)
- The ratio in accordance with the annual number of purchase
- 2048 x 2048
- normal API user (supported in this package)
this package is not support over 25000 access in 24 hours!!!!