The app is being automatically compiled with Github Actions, thanks to this project.
Then, the files are being send in SSH to the BecauseOfProg VPS, thanks to this action, and available here :
This React Native app use the BecauseOfProg API to fetch articles and some content
React Native Paper is used to build some components (GUI)
React Native Markdown Display is used to display markdown articles
React Navigation is used to switch between screens
- react-native 0.63.x
- Android Studio (or Android SDK)
npx npm run android
npx npm run start
yarn run android
yarn run start
- Cli
react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res"
Android Studio
- Build (top menu)
- Generate (Signed) Bundle/APK
- Choose Android App Bundle
- Cli
cd android && ./gradlew clean && ./gradlew assembleRelease
Android Studio
- Build (top menu)
- Generate (Signed) Bundle/APK
- Choose APK
You can add your own language, by editing ./src/components/utils/locales/
(<lang>.js) and ./src/components/utils/i18n.js
You can also add a round flag icon in ./assets/images/flags/
(a 64x64 png file, please!)
Finally, add the lang in the menu by editing ./src/components/screens/Settings.js
const langs = [
[require('../../../assets/images/flags/fr.png'), 'Français', 'fr-FR'],
[require('../../../assets/images/flags/en.png'), 'Anglais', 'en-GB'],
Then, make a pull request <3
- Maintainer: Noéwen (kernoeb)
- Special thanks to :
- Gildas GH (BecauseOfProg)
- Théo (exybore) (BecauseOfProg)
- Nicolas (Whaxion) (BecauseOfProg)
GNU GPL v3. See license file